A Great Investment & An Unexpected Bonus

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?:

Pay off credit card debt.

Maintain significant savings amount

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: All of them!!! I’ve finished each one, re-done Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Money several times now. I am using the DREs to supplement. I have been diving deep and intensely since July, when I began the pathway. I’ve filled two journals, playing DIs and DREs at least 3x daily. Every morning I start my day with at least 1 DI, lying in a meditative state. Later in the day, I play them in the background or on headphones while I cook, while I do laundry, while I walk the dog, and at my desk while I work. And while I drive the car, which is probably a liability to share with the public.

What expanders did you find?: Hundreds. I have several expanders that encompass my general desires who are acquaintances in life, characters on TV, influencers on Instagram. I’ve also been able to identify and acknowledge the expanding qualities of the people in my daily life!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Many, many, many tests. Most significantly, turmoil at work. I am a manager, and the staff I work with has had daily drama, pointing fingers, big technical mistakes, with lots of shadow being projected onto one another. I truly don’t believe I could have seen through this without the background from TBM. For about a month, I’ve been having hard conversations, setting boundaries, recognizing when the staff’s projections fit within my role to address and when to professionally mirror back to them to address on their own, releasing my control.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Possibly. I’ve been living paycheck to paycheck for a long time now while making every effort to pay off my debt. When all of this began, I started seeing small reimbursements trickle in, such as adjustments on my insurance policies, duplicates of online orders, unexpected reimbursements for meals, services, and products. I knew something was on its way.

How did your manifestation come through?: About a week prior, my bank account overdrafted. This is not a common occurrence for me. I had two more bills to pay, and I looked into every resource I had to see what money I could come up with. I deposited cash points from my credit card and a return on a recent investment to my bank account. It paid for my bills and left about $4 behind. Within a few days following, I received an incredibly unexpected 5 DIGIT BONUS. It’s been about a week since that came through, and I’m still passing tests, still showing up, making myself proud, and following my intuition. The best is yet to come.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Nonspecific Generator, Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising


Inner Child / Money / Shadow


A New Career, Partnership, & A Free Thanksgiving Airbnb


Unbelievable Magnetism After Acknowledging My Process