Changing & Evolving My Life

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Name: Alison Stringer

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: My list has changed & evolved over the last few years! It's constantly being updated.

Leave my career as a teacher ✅

Work for my mentor/coach ✅

Start my own business ✅

iPhone ✅

Teach at retreats & chef✅

Apartment in town (Darwin) ✅

Rent out the house✅

Belt that fits me and my shape✅

Shorts for running✅

New friends ✅

I had a ping to write an 'ideal job' description that's different from the 'idea' of what I think I want. Within hours I had emailed a company and been asked to interview. I'm now in the process of training for a position. I'm in the process of creating a new list as my focus is evolving & changing to want I Authentically want. I am 41, married 19years & have two teenage sons, 18 & 16.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked full moon, Unblocked shadow, authentic code, Uplevel - next level, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Inner Child, nearly all the DI's depending on what I need. They are my go-to!

Unblocked money was huge! I didn't realize how blocked I was. I was told growing up to never depend on a man. But it never let me really enjoy being a stay at home mum or wife. That thinking made me feel guilty. Now I'm so happy for the 'team' we are. We all bring different things to our life, not everything has to be money.

Inner child is the latest workshop I've completed. It has unblocked soooo much! My need to be heard & seen. To exist! I've been available to reprogram so much of this. My heart is so much lighter. I love the DI's as I can do them when something pops up then move on.

What expanders did you find?: 

My expanders change as I do. I have many fragment expanders as I couldn't find many long-term married with teenage kids, kinda women. At times I am my own expander. At the moment, it's Rich Roll & Julie Piatt. Older and aging beautifully. Older children. Long term marriage. Businesses & being adaptive as life changes.

I am always looking for people with substance, not just a hood marketing strategy. I used to watch Eat, pray, love, and think, why don't they make movies about women who stay married & find themselves?

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Standing up to bosses & friends when my boundaries are crossed. I semi passed one, but it still was a bit messy. I left it too late to maintain my boundary as I was nice. When I did stand up and call them out on their behavior, they had already set the scene/story of me being the bad guy, lol. I'm getting better at recognizing when to put boundaries in place with clients & friendships early on now :) so great!!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yess, each time before I level up, I go into one. Years ago, these times scared me; now I get excited as I know whatever's next is so exciting!!! I'm at the end of one at the moment. I'm actively waiting and making sure I'm ready by regularly doing the work.

How did your manifestation come through?: I left teaching and had bridge jobs. These included relief teaching, which I then saw was not good for me. I worked for my mentor/coach but soon realized that it was all smoke & mirrors. It didn't align with me and really fucked with my self-worth. I did finally put boundaries in place and let the job. I started my own business but just the other week had a massive ping to change out of this.

My belt & shorts came through! So grateful for the little things!! I reached out to a company that fit my job list. I got an interview the next day. Now I'm training for a position and looking forward to getting selected! Our apartment!!! Oh wow!! This came in bigger & better than I even dreamed!!! Water views, 3bedroom, pet friendly, close to the city, in our price range. And we rented out our house!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @_alsplace

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Australian. Irish/Scottish grandparents. Raised in a dysfunctional house. Parents & older brothers all crazy. I no longer have contact.


An Unexpected Partner


The Universe Wouldn’t Let Me Give Up On Manifestation!