Defying Odds & An Unlikely Time for Love


Name: Carly Hicks

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Soulfully aligned partnership

Pregnancy and birth

Soulfully aligned business

To become debt-free and gain financial freedom.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I used Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child, and Unblocked Money

What expanders did you find?: With the soulfully aligned partnership, I used my mum's friends and their partners. Because I didn't have a stable dad growing up, I needed to expand the belief that relationships do last, and there are beautiful, heartfelt dads out there. I spent time talking to my mum's friend's husband, and from that, I was expanded to receive my partner, who was a single dad. For fertility, once again, it was Expanders that I would meet in coffee shops and just randomly chatting about our stories and journeys. 

I would follow certain celebrities like Jamie King and Chrissy Teigan, who struggled with their own fertility and birthed two children. I used my own mother, who was an expander for me as she had me when she was 35 as I felt time was against me, and close friends were expansive in sharing how long their journey was to falling pregnant

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Yes, I met four men before my now partner who got shinier and shinier, but with each man, I met it allowed me to open my heart wider, and I created and fine-tuned my list, which was a year before meeting my partner. When I met my partner, there were a few things on my list that almost swayed me like he was younger than me, he already had a child, he was a drinker, and still in the party scene. There was something about him my heart told me to keep open, and we have been together for two years now and have upleveled together through fertility issues, unexpected pregnancy, job loss, money blocks, and childhood wounds. Each test has brought us closer together and more magnetic as a couple

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I experienced a magic dark just before I fell pregnant. I was unemployed and struggling to find work. I had two shiny carrots come in with job offers, but I just missed out, which spiraled me down into a magic dark. At the same time, I was seeing a holistic doctor testing my hormones who told me I was infertile as my progesterone was too low. 

From May to July 2019, I was in a magic dark and rock bottom, but something told me I was on the cusp of receiving and to keep following pings. I ended up seeing a fertility specialist who told me that my doctor was actually testing my hormones at the wrong time, and in the one month, I fell pregnant. So from being in a magic dark in June and being told I was infertile to July falling pregnant unexpectedly and finding out in August.

How did your manifestation come through?: My first manifestation of my partnership came through unexpectedly but honestly like a movie! I had offered to volunteer a week before Christmas in 2018, and I almost didn't go because I wasn't feeling 100%. I knew that giving from a place of joy was what I needed at the time. I made my way to the last house to deliver the hamper, and it was a steep driveway. It was raining, so I decided to drive up it. I delivered it and went to leave, but I misjudged the driveway and ran into the back of a tree. 

The girl that I delivered the hamper to called so many people to come help me, but it was one of her sister's friends that came to help me out. It took him and his friends 3 hours to get me out, and then I left. Five minutes later, the guy that she called found me on Facebook, and we began chatting, and that night we went on a date and have been inseparable for two years. He has been my biggest expander in every aspect of life, and we have become a magnetic family since I had my daughter.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @theawakenedhearts

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Was born in Australia to an Australian mum and English father


Shadow / Inner Child / Money


Taking My Time Back & A Transformative Session


Following Signs And Patterns In My Life