End of Year Abundance - A Partner + Friends

Name: Erin Alexander

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-Revenue from my new Tarot & Astrology practice

-Jewelry from an artist friend I admire

-Mentorship/Coaching support

-Support & recognition for my work

-Truly feeling seen & heard authentically

-A few luxury clothing items

-Coaching course certification for myself

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Refresh Roadmap followed by Manifestation Challenge, then Uplevel. One of my biggest blocks was fear of success and fear of stepping into my most magnetic self. I realized I am the biggest thing holding me back. I also still had to reinforce deservingness to step out of lack mentality and into my worth. I also discovered that my strong need to be seen and recognized (and all of the ways I've blocked that by being afraid to show up as my true authentic self) was the key to my most magnetic self.

I have a unique ability to truly see others for who they are and love them for it- I'm very open and accepting. When I began to understand how much I needed others to show up for me the way I was showing up for them, I also began to appreciate what a gift that is which I have to offer.

Once that support started to show up for me, I literally was like: THIS is what I have been doing for other people??? This feels GREAT; I am amazing!!! Also- keep that love and support flowing. I deserve it.

What expanders did you find?: A friend who had just completed a NeuroEmotional Coaching course and showed up to support me through coaching sessions with her. Then I manifested enrollment in the same program to get certified myself! A friend who is an artist/jeweler who is SO in her worth treats herself like a queen while being super loving to others, shows up and speaks out super authentically, and supports herself through her craft. I manifested a custom piece of jewelry from her!

Sheila Youngblood of Rancho Pillow (who I've met before) I admire her unique style, her beautiful and rich aesthetic, and her generosity of spirit (she has a lot of beautiful things and gives them away spontaneously)

A friend who is an amazingly intuitive and gifted Tarot reader and Astrologer who supports herself solely from her craft and is so loving and supportive. And many more! Recently in a DI, I called forward my expanders to show me how I already embody what they have and like 20 people showed up, each with different gifts.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: A lot of small tests around people coming back into my life who were not good for me. It was easy to say "no thank you," Including an ex I had not heard from for 13 years! Tests around trusting the timing of the Universe and waiting for the right opportunity rather than settling. I also faced tests around putting myself out there through IG posts on my new Tarot page, trusting my knowledge, and sharing it. There were also tests around trusting that I have something unique to share.

My two biggest tests: I reached out to my sister, who cut me off four years ago, to see if she was ready to talk. I'd been hoping for some healing and connection there, but it was clear she was not open to treating me with the respect I deserve, so I let it go. I can tell I've done a lot of unblocking here because I was able to see things clearly and make a decision to let the relationship go confidently without feeling triggered.

The other test was a manifestation coming through! 

I'd been wanting to invest in NeuroEmotional Coaching training after seeing how much it helped me (and how perfectly it complimented the TBM work I was doing, everything started to click), but the course was way out of my price range. I decided to contact them anyway and talk about it. They offered me a spot, but I didn't think I could afford it. I said no. They emailed again. A little more money came through, but I still wasn't comfortable. This went back and forth several times, with them offering compromises and me saying no. I finally wrote out exactly what I needed to make it work, not believing there was any way they would go for it. They accepted!!!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes. I've been doing TBM work for a couple of years now. Most of 2020 was a magic dark for me! Manifestations would get close but then fall through. Sometimes, I'd get something that was close but not exactly right for me. I spent most of last year getting very focused, doing all of the work every day. I had a coaching session with Atarah in August that was huge and started to shift momentum for me a little. 

Then I manifested the additional coaching support I needed, and smaller things started coming through. Finally, after I finished the Manifestation challenge, it was like a huge portal just opened up and so much abundance flooded in.

How did your manifestation come through?: Almost every one of my manifestations came through friends, my partner, his family. Every single one of them involved me showing up authentically to either offer or ask for support. When I was able to communicate my needs and wants clearly, they were all met with love and appreciation. Even the folks who teach the Coaching course I wanted to take (after one phone call) recognized I had a lot to offer their program as well as all they had to offer for my growth.

BTW, my Authentic Code is: Travel (exploring & learning about other people & cultures), Connection (communication and being seen), Expansion (growing, learning, challenges), Beauty (inspiration, creativity, appreciation of aesthetics, and luxury).

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @erin.e.alexander

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Caucasian, grew up in a lower-class, very conservative family in the rural south (and I am a tattooed total out there freak!)


Uplevel / Roadmaps


A Wave Of Confidence & Authenticity


A Two-For-One Manifestation