A Wave Of Confidence & Authenticity

Name: Annie Howard

What was on your manifestation list?: 

1. A bridge job that felt in my worth, with kind people who valued my expertise. A brand with integrity that I believed in, and the independence to work freely both in time and lack of restriction. 

2. Meeting the person who would launch my writing career.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Shadow, and the magnetic self DI

What expanders did you find?: Mary Higgins Clark, Diablo Cody, Nicole Richie

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: My former manager sent me a Christmas message, a manager reached out to me and then flaked on three follow-ups. I applied to tons of bridge jobs, and none got back to me.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I fully committed to applying to school and starting a totally different career

How did your manifestation come through?: I coached with Atarah twice - the first time, he had me work through the magnetic self DI with tailored journal prompts. This really opened me up and unblocked me. Then I got a human design reading. I am a projector and was confused about how to take action with that; this also gave me a ton of clarity. I started to follow so many pings and follow my authentic code and my authority in human design. I had a ping to check a job board. 

The first job that came up seemed silly and fun, so I applied. I stepped into my CONFIDENCE and sent them an email through their website and told them how I was overly qualified and used to being paid much more, but because it was a transition, I was happy to take a slight pay cut. I explained that I was CONFIDENT we would create something magnificent together that would be beyond what either of us could imagine today. They booked an interview, called my references the next day, and hired me four days later.

For the second position, the manager got back to a cold submission from four months ago. She said she wanted to meet then did not reply to my weekly follow-ups. I let it go. Then she replied and booked a meeting for the next day. That night I had known that she was going to sign me. I went to the meeting confident and grounded, not feeling like I needed anything from her, unapologetic in my authenticity. She said she'd love to work with me, and I just signed my contract and sent it over.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: American-Irish, culturally Catholic




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