LGBT+ Conference & A Remote Consulting Position


Name: Parker Middleton

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I was calling in a better job where I was paid well and respected.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I used How to Manifest & Unblocked Inner Child. I found blocks around deservingness, body image, and "earning" love from parents.

What expanders did you find?: Looked on Instagram for successful gay men who were *also* in committed relationships, such as @taylorphillips, @2_dallas_dads, & @bartyrose. Bonus points if they had children.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The quintessential "90% there" test! After two years of not-so-good jobs, I got a great summer internship offer at a "Big 4" Firm and was paid the highest ever wage I had ever received. Work was remote. The team was great... but the work? Not exactly what I had hoped for. 

At the end of my internship and with a full-time job offer, I asked to switch departments instead. They said "no" and that I would have to go through the recruiting cycle all over again -- or I could just accept their offer. So... Even after getting better money, a better work environment, AND the ability to work remotely, was I going to honor what I truly wanted??

AKA the almost manifestation AKA a cliff!!

My gut knew the answer that I was afraid to admit. Look for something else. It felt scary because I was worried about what my parents would say (hellooooo people-pleaser tendencies to continue working through in "Inner Child," lol). But I did it anyway. I jumped off of the cliff in hopes that I would find something great, AND I took the actionable steps to put myself in the best opportunities to find great opportunities. *This last part is so important*. This decision was made in early August 2020.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I experienced a magic dark that lasted between early August 2020 and late November 2020. I applied to 24 positions that I felt *truly* good about. I received only a few callbacks. Hardly any companies even updated their online job applications, so it was like yelling into a void sometimes.

How did your manifestation come through?: I attended a virtual LGBT+ MBA/Masters Job Conference called ROMBA or "Reaching out MBA." I met some great people, attended some great talks, and sent out my resume to several opportunities that I felt good about.

So 3.5 months after my internship had ended and six weeks after the ROMBA conference had ended -- it came through. A fully remote consulting position from a fantastic, global company with a great work environment that DOUBLED what I was making in my internship. I was seriously flabbergasted and am so so grateful.

Oh! And to top it off -- I met this company *through* an LGBT+ conference, which immediately makes coming out at work a non-issue. Score!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @parkermidd

We'd love to include your photo to help further expand others in the community. If you feel called to and comfortable, please include a dropbox or google drive link to your image here.:

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: White Cis-Male, Grew up in the South in Catholic & Baptist households (divorced parents), Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising, Non-Specific Manifesting Generator


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