Changing My Career & First Job During COVID

Name: Mark Adams

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No

What was on your manifestation list?: I decided to change careers at 40. I went to law school while working and was able to practice after completing all the requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. I needed to find my first job as a practicing lawyer while in lockdown, and no-one was hiring. I wanted a specific start, including working in the same field I had worked in for 25 years. 

It was just in the legal team, so I could bring value while continuing to learn. I called in a caring, outstanding group of professionals to give me a soft landing in a hard career. It happened!

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have been doing the work with a friend since November 2019, listening to podcasts and working with her. The most important workshops for me were Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow. The podcasts with Dr. Tara are amazing - I have undertaken a fair bit of psychology work in my life, and this work really relies upon Jungian principles - it's amazing. I now have a clear relationship with my Unblocked Shadow. 

I also cannot underestimate the value of understanding my Authentic Code, setting boundaries, and having a sense of self-worth. Especially as a gay man in his late 40's, I certainly struggled with that, but the more I find my self-worth, work with my shadow and rely on my Authentic Code, the more anxiety fades, the world works with me, and I manifest so easily and freely.

What expanders did you find?: So many. Firstly, my friend who has worked with me on this - she's a master manifester. I have found endless expanders and partial expanders on the journey. The more I open myself up to work, the easier I find partial expanders and expanders come into my life. I respect other people and their self-worth and how they manifest from a place of truth. I no longer experience envy; it's faded away.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I passed many tests, particularly while unemployed for three months and experiencing the Magic Dark. I was very close to getting a high-paying role with a great company. This would not have been working in law, which is what my goal was. I let it go, and I knew that taking the role was wrong and that I was reacting to the opportunity while in a lockdown and unemployed. I knew I couldn't grab for things that were wrong. It was a test I am glad to have passed as I manifested what I was after.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: The Magic Dark was one of my favorite things ever. For the first time in my life, I had a FU fund that was rapidly diminishing, and it was during a COVID lockdown where no one was employing. I did not experience one moment of anxiety, even though my money was going. No one was hiring, and a big test came through (which I passed, thankfully). 

When my manifestation came, it felt natural, right, and I was calm through the whole process. I now am three months into my first law job, and the environment and colleagues could not be more perfect - precisely what i called in.

How did your manifestation come through?: I simply reached out to contacts who passed my name along. It got to the right person who passed it to a college. I got a call on a Thursday afternoon, organized an interview on Friday, had the interview on Monday, and was offered the job on Tuesday. This was unheard of during the lockdown, and each person I spoke to was glad to meet me and welcomed me on board. I was treated as I had called it in, and it's still blowing my mind how wonderful this manifestation is.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Gay Australian man, raised Lutheran but atheist, Anglo/German heritage, 48 years old in Melbourne. Taurus Sun, Pisces Rising, Sag Moon - Manifesting Generator & 6/2 profile.


Shadow / Inner Child


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