Free Rent For A Year!


Name: Melanie Laguerre

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Less financial overhead costs so that I could step into a new career and save money to align back into my worth.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with How To Manifest and moved into Unblocked Inner Child. I worked through the Trigger DI's daily and listened to every Podcast episode. I wrote down in my notes on my phone all the triggers I was having.

One surrounding my old nanny job that I jumped ship from 2 years ago. I had this pattern that kept showing up around not being paid on time with my nanny jobs. I worked for a very wealthy family in Malibu, yet I would wait and always feel bad to ask to be paid. I did, however, confront my fear and ask my employer to pay me very kindly time and time again and she would eventually pay me. 

After several times of speaking up for myself, her shadow finally went off on me. I decided to quit the job even though I had absolutely no fuck you fund to support myself. This caused my worth to feel extremely low, and I started to feel anger and resentment building up. Two years later, I found TBM & when I took this through the DI, it was obvious. My very first job at 17 years old working at a Dental Office for my best friend's sister was the exact same situation!

In this scenario, I called her 3x to find out about receiving payment, and she called me back, infuriated that I called her so many times during her important meeting. I took this all in the DI and reimagined myself sticking up for myself instead of shrinking and having my mom handle it. I then took my short temper I was experiencing into the DI's because when it came to my dogs, they kept messing up things that were in the house while I was gone, and that one was really triggering me. I realized that was connected to my mom being controlling about how tidy the house would be before she got home from work. 

She would lash out at me in anger if chores were not done. I received a major healing with this one. I actually had a dream where my mom was going to reprimand me with a wooden spoon (old school parenting), and I grabbed it and told her, no more, you are not allowed to hurt my body. In the dream, she started crying, and I could see all the pain she carried from her past in her womb. 

That was truly profound for me. I practice dream journaling as well, so this definitely helped. My mom has also been deceased since 2011, so even though she's not with me physically, I was able to get a healing with her in my subconscious mind. It brings tears to my eyes but joy to my heart. This work is truly special!

What expanders did you find?: My full expander was Jas The Moon Mother on Instagram, and I had some fragment expanders from Danielle DuBoise, the CEO of Sakara, and Millana Snow, CEO of Wellness Official on Instagram. My in real life expanders around home and family life was a kind, affluent family I worked for in Benedict Canyon, LA. They were giving and loving towards my family and me & they also worked hard to get where they are today. They held intimate family dinners often with their cousins, grandparents, etc. & they would have private chefs to make the meals. I was envious and new I actually really wanted the same thing for myself and my family. I am a Cancer Moon, and family is everything to me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: My biggest test, I believe, was my car being totaled in an accident. My boyfriend was driving the car and luckily nobody was hurt! It caused a lot to shift in my world, but I knew that all the change happening was bringing in something big, so I chose to say, "I see you, Universe!"

How did your manifestation come through?: The day after my car was totaled & things were all unraveling, a manifestation came through! Last year in May, I applied to receive LA rental assistance due to COVID-19, and just two weeks ago, I got an email saying that I won the lottery and My boyfriend & I would not have to pay rent until December 2021. That would be a $24,000.00 savings total!

I honestly had forgotten that I sent out that application. It wasn't on my mind at all. I knew that the big test with my car was the Universe opening up something big, and this what it! So thankful.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @MelaniemLaguerre

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Gemini Sun/ Cancer Moon/ Pisces Rising- Mom was Black with Irish heritage -dad was from Haiti, and I was born in Nassau County- Long Island, NY


Rediscovering My Abilities & A New Car


Changing My Career & First Job During COVID