My Intuition Led Me To Uplevel

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Name: Natalie Vansier

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: MANIFESTED

-Full-time self-employment income working from home: self-sustaining entrepreneur by 2021 / people pay me for my ideas/advice (consulting) / helping people (esp. women) live as their highest selves / aligned with my highest truth and integrity

-Sobriety & sobriety expanders

-Develop my mediumship abilities and be paid for channeling Spirit Guides counsel

-Clothing that is sustainable, affordable / upcycled but looks like new (including winter boots, sweaters, etc.)

-new laptop

-Free consult with Dr. Kate Tomas (luxury witch)

-First micro-manifestation: rosehip oil

-ring light & tripod

-paperwork to travel with my dog as ESA


-fulfilling acting roles (unsure how much I want this)

-literary agent for screenwriting

-baby with my boyfriend (but our talks have evolved on the subject somewhat)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: 

-Unblocked Money

-Authentic Code

-Unblocked Love

-Unblocked Shadow

-Unblocked Full Moon

-Unblocked Inner Child

What expanders did you find?: 

-Dr. Kate Tomas

-Dara Dubinet


-Amy Schumer (publicly outspoken and transparent)

-Russel Brand

-A venture capitalist specializing in ecological advancement (name omitted)

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: 

-I distanced myself from the family business and stopped allowing myself to take money from my partner or parents and haven't needed to since.

-I started charging everyone that wanted a Tarot reading, even when they were friends. I started at $25 and now charge $96 (in less than a year).

-Increasing my prices despite some family members and my partner thinking the rates were too high. Once I stood in my worth at higher numbers, not one person asked me to lower the price, and I attracted higher-income clients.

-Not jumping at work opportunities dangled in front of me "just for the money" if it didn't align with my chosen career directions, instead reinvesting that energy into my new business and getting rewarded with consistently new clients coming in...

-Not compromising on my sobriety or veganism under social pressure to conform.

My biggest test was when an older woman who didn't have much money asked to exchange for a Tarot reading - she does energy work that doesn't interest me and actually repels me. Because it was a woman I had mentored for free on quitting weed, I felt a special bond and wanted to help her. But my Taurus North Node felt as though it was wrong to work for free or as a trade for a service I did not want. I told her it was important for me not to do it despite my care for her and explained to her it was part of my evolution as a soulful entrepreneur that needed to charge for my work. The same thing happened when a friend from childhood called for a reading and had paid $25 for a reading in the early days. 

I was tempted to offer a discount, but instead, I asked her to book online at full price. The next week, I got even more work for my company.

I began a mentorship with an ecological venture capitalist, and our first session was great, except I felt a flirtatious energy there. I didn't continue, and a week later or so, I started my company, and it was immediately successful in its slow but consistent growth. I learned what I needed from him but trusted my inner voice not to allow muddied boundaries between us.

I still have confusion re: my talent agent asking me to do stuff to develop my acting career or audition for projects that don't interest me, but I am conflicted as I sometimes enjoy it after the fact. Whether I want acting to stay in my life is still an area of inner conflict for me as I was successful in doing this as a child. It's hard to let go of but hasn't panned out in the last few years. I still enjoy it somewhat as a self-expression... TBC.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: When starting TBM, I was coming out of 2-3 years of entrepreneurship completely broke. Only occasional work for my family. I had tried several business and career ventures working from home that seemed promising but didn't lead anywhere or almost did and fell through. I was working so hard on myself. I meditated and did TBM every morning (along with a huge morning routine). One morning, I added "Thy will be done" to my morning ritual, essentially giving up and asking the Universe for guidance. 

On the third day of doing this, as I wrote my daily morning pages, the words "I am going to be sober today" came out. I laughed. "Yeah, right," I thought. I had smoked weed daily for 17 years and chronically in the last year. I googled sober expanders and ended up posting sobriety quotes from Brad Pitt on my Instagram stories. An account quickly shared it I didn't recognize - a recently sober celebrity chef I knew had sent it to them. 

The account was a sobriety group, and that night I went to a meeting (something that never had occurred to me to do). I havent smoked weed since. A week later, I quit alcohol and cigarettes (etc.) too, and I have been sober for over a year now. I traveled to Costa Rica a week after quitting weed and found a magical sobriety community there as well. Upon returning to Montreal 7 months later, worried I would lose my sober friendships, I became extremely close with my next-door neighbor, a longtime sober, successful female entrepreneur, and this has brought a whole other world of manifestations (too much to go into here). This was the beginning of the end of my Rock Bottom. Things started to blossom slowly from here.

How did your manifestation come through?: I was working with Spirit Guides, and one day as I left the house to walk my dog, I felt spirit pulling me down a street I didn't normally take. I realized it was one of the only blocks I didn't include on my daily routes, despite having tried every other possible configuration (or so I thought). I saw a woman smoking outside in the distance, and my intuition found this odd - it didn't look like the body language of someone outside their house, and this was a fully residential street. I crossed the street and when I approached it was a magic shop. 

A week later, I scrounged together the $25 I needed to buy a Tarot deck—[A lot happened in between where I got an inkling of my mediumship gifts]. A few months later, I was in Costa Rica, discussing my Tarot readings with one of my new sober friends there, and she asked for a reading. I did something that was radically terrifying for me - I told her it would cost "$25" despite every bone in my body wanting to give it to her for free. She posted about it on her Instagram after as she loved it. 

I shared the post and "came out" as a spiritual intuitive on my social media. This was so hard as I used to work in the contemporary art world and felt I would appear flakey to this snobby, intellectual community (I also felt insecure historically that my parents were new-age healers - another story). The requests for readings started flooding in, some from established contemporary artists. I continued to share the testimonials. One of my clients suggested I start a "channel" for my spiritual work and teachings, as she felt it would find a following. 

I listened to the Ping and created a new handle for this - then a company, website, etc. I have now fulfilled my dream of working full time, from home, doing work meaningful for my soul, helping people, using all my talents, and enjoying every second. I offer several services which follow a unique trajectory under the umbrella of spiritual consulting - I have referred many clients to TBM. My work's response has been nothing short of outstanding, and all my work comes from word of mouth from really happy clients.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: Personal: @lavansier 

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was raised in Montreal by two divorced parents who were both healers in the alternative health/therapeutic realms. Only child. I was a successful child actress.


A New House, $70k, & Comfort In Stressful Situations


Reinforcing Shadow Work So I Could Uplevel My Career