A Home Gym Upgrade

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Hello Lacy and the TBM crew! I just wanted to share my little but significant manifestation with you! After ending a very meaningful and serious two-year relationship in October 2020 because I was doing the TBM work, I realized that he wasn't ticking all of them while he was many many things on my list. I felt deep down if I had stayed, I would have been settling. I am about to be 38, and I really want to have a family, so this wasn't an easy decision, but I am putting my faith in this process. In the aftermath of our breakup, I realized that the one thing that would most impact my ability to be an older parent and stay joyful and happy would be to improve my overall fitness. I am also doing the Bean Protocol, so anything I do needs to be gentle and relatively low impact. 

I used to use a Power Plate at the gym pre-Covid and have wanted one for ages. When my roommate moved out in November, I decided to make my spare room dedicated to me and the things I want to do. It's now a gym/walk-in wardrobe. A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about what I wanted there, and I thought I really want a power plate. I looked on eBay, and there were some for £800, still a little bit pricey for me to feel comfortable. 

I restarted the manifest process, and I thought about what I wanted. I am a non-specific manifestor, so I don't always need to write things down for things to come. Last Monday, I had a ping to check eBay for the Power Plate, and low and behold, there was a fresh listing of a Power Plate my5 for £420. They normally retail for £3,500!!!! The ad said one owner barely used it, and so I messaged the seller immediately. 

She messaged back to say yes, and I could come and see it first. I was first to message; I said if I was happy, I would pay the asking price, so she removed the buy it now. I went and saw it last Thursday at her house in a van with a friend, and I bought it on the spot. It's now in my gym, and I am using it twice a day. I am so happy. The process works.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest is what helped me most here. Think small, think really think about small things that add up to greater things - power plate = health = being a strong older parent. I'm going to set my sights on something else soon. Thank you, TBM and Lacy.

How did your manifestation come through?: It came through via a ping to check eBay!

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: White British


How to Manifest


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