A New Spiritual Community

Name: Celeste Horner

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Tropical holiday, spiritual community of more like-minded people, great clients, and google reviews plus a reiki session.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did all of the workshops in the Pathway. I discovered big blocks around money, self-worth, boundaries, huge shadow around self-worth, blocks around speech, and eye contact.

What expanders did you find?: I became my own expander as well as these expanders:

-my yoga teacher 

-my clients 

-Aaron abke 

-Almost 30 podcast

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I faced multiple tests around prices in my business and boundaries, calmly speaking my truth and respecting and trusting the experience as they arise. I had an interesting test that I passed with flying colors where I was invited to free beach yoga. When I got there, I was walking in. I felt a vibe that Something wasn't right. Usually, I would have been so excited and keen to connect I would have totally ignored it.

As I approached the space, no one greeted me, and there was someone there with their back to me, and he started doing this huge strange cough. I just turned on my heels and walked back to my car. As I got to my car, my phone read 5.55, my personal spirit connection number and a huge wave gushed over me knowing that I had done the right thing. Nothing invasive happened, but I knew I wasn't supposed to give this person my time or open myself to this person. I passed another test around money where a potential client wrestled me on the price of my services, and I calmly said no, and that's not how I do things and wished him all the best, and I truly meant it. I witnessed the exchange as clean and clear and pointing him towards where he needs to be, and that's nowhere near me. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I absolutely had a magic dark after this and a little period of "this is why you share nothing with anyone" story. Then I saw an advertisement at a local cafe for a woman's circle. It was not until a friend recommended the venue to me where it was being held that I decided to go. I had the conversation with myself first about ok if it's weird, I'll just leave. I reached out to the person running it, and I turned up and was blown away at the experience and purity and integrity. I am truly grateful I've gotten to experience it. I've met some beautiful like-minded people that fill me with so much hope.

How did your manifestation come through?: The tropical holiday came through in the form of COVID lowering the prices of accommodation in North Queensland, a tourism-based economy, so I was able to afford beautiful accommodation when the state reopened. I couldn't get it. I couldn't go to my holistic therapist, so I called a random card I had been keeping on my desk. I knew this was a therapeutic session but not sure what kind~ this beautiful woman read my cards, gave me some gentle guidance, and a huge reiki session.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Holiday 5 months, reiki two months, community ten months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Manifestations around other people were like lightning. I had to be careful when I did the Deep Imaginings such money and shadow.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: Cee_lice

Want to remain anonymous?: No




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