Financial Freedom & The Relationship I Always Wanted

Name: Aimee Neumann

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I started with small things (the perfect black dance pants and shirt, a new iPad for under a certain price, a vacation for under a certain price). As soon as I started doing the work regularly, all of those things came to fruition. I never put really large items on my list, but generally was always trying to call in a higher salary and more financial abundance.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with How to Manifest, then worked through Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Money, and Unblocked Love. I have since worked through Unblocked Inner child and Unblocked shadow again and now primarily do the Deep Imagining several times a week. I have learned so much about myself by doing this process. My main blocks were around my unworthiness stemming from never hearing "I love you" from my parents when growing up. 

There were also a lot of safety and security issues stemming from my childhood. I realized that growing up, I always heard my dad talk about people with Money as being different from "us," and he would always talk about them in a negative way. This led me to hold significant judgment towards people with Money, even though that was something I desperately wanted. I realized I had a significant victim mentality, attention-seeking behaviors, and significant lack mentality. I was severely codependent and would forgo my own self-worth in order to avoid conflict or uncomfortable situations.

What expanders did you find?: I started to see several women in influential roles and entrepreneurs surrounding me and using them as expanders.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Most of my tests would come in the form of Money (things breaking or needing to be repaired at a high cost, lots of unexpected expenses popping up). I also faced numerous tests in my relationship. Shortly after starting the work, we had an argument. I remember realizing that my first instinct was to really stay small in the situation and be a martyr to create less emotional conflict for my partner. When I recognized that this was me being in a low self-worth state, it was a huge lightbulb moment for me! That was really the moment when everything started to change.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: My magic dark came during the first several months of Covid. I stopped doing the work regularly, was acting out of fear and lack, and not taking good care of myself. At the end of July 2020, I recommitted to doing the work on a regular basis, and truly magical things started to happen.

How did your manifestation come through?: When I recommitted to the work, I believe the Universe was listening. It sent me a random meeting with a woman who did a distance Reiki session on me, and it was an unbelievable spiritual experience. She told me Reiki was something I was destined to do, and I have felt that way for years but never expressed that to her. Working hard on my shadow at the time kept bringing to light the fact that I had been unfaithful to my partner a few years earlier but had never admitted that to him. I felt I was getting clear signals from the Universe that I couldn't move forward with my healing journey until I came clean, so I did. 

It was difficult, but the next day a large item I had been trying to sell on Facebook Marketplace (and getting very lowball offers) sold for the exact price I was hoping for. My partner and I are still together, and while it's been difficult and has involved a lot of counseling, I finally feel I have more of the relationship I have always wanted with him. I have learned to set clear boundaries and let go of what other people think of me. I stood up to my boss in a respectful manner, had no fear of the outcome, and ended up receiving an unexpected and very large raise because of it! I have now manifested a new job that I believe my soul has desired for years, with an even higher income and in a field that is perfectly in alignment for me. I finally have the financial freedom that I have desired for years.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I started the work in the Fall of 2019. I did it regularly for a few months but fell out of it for a while because of Covid. I recommitted at the end of July and have been doing it at least 3-4x/week since then. Since September, I have been feeling more magnetic, and the magnetism has been growing just in the past 2-3 months.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 3-4x/week

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @aimnichole4

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I am a white woman raised in a small midwestern town

Want to remain anonymous?: No


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