An Unexpected $100,000, A Horse, & Huge Changes

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-Regular workout program I will stick with

-Get into my authentic body size

-Paid off vehicle and camper trailer loan

-$1,500 extra cash flow

-Get back in the saddle and ride horses again

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: 

-Health and Body Deep Imagining - I realized that I was taking on the energies of others when I saw them in pain because I wanted to ease their burden. I was also putting everyone else first and had no energy to give myself the self-care I deserve.

-Prosperity & Grace and Deservingness - The Universe has alternate ways of providing financial abundance. I am programmed to believe that you need a paycheque from a company or clients. As a stay-at-home mom with no desire to use energy for an income stream, I felt very blocked and limited. So I have opened myself to being gifted other ways from the Universe.

-Supported- I have found these very powerful and made many shifts and connections while listening.

What expanders did you find?: Supported provided lots of people to relate to. Even though these people have their blocks, I could process overcoming them when the team discussed their recommendations.

I use myself as an expander a lot. I would remember this time my grandparents bought this horse I "manifest" that was totally unexpected.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: - Every time I feel triggered or something goes wrong, I look at why I was triggered, how I can be graceful, or dive into a DRE when I can. It's almost a game, and I will get excited when things I think tests happen.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I have been through ruts where I can't bring my energy into a positive space. When this happens, I really work hard with more gentle movement. I find breathwork, yin yoga, or Qi Gong to be effective in helping me step back into my worth.

How did your manifestation come through?: My husband decided to do a mental toughness challenge called 75 Strong, 75-day challenge. I decided to join him which involved a few other things, cutting alcohol, working out twice a day, and one of those workouts had to be outside, and doing some kind of diet (I cut gluten). I realized that my two glasses of wine while making dinner was a way for me to numb out and avoid facing the frustrations that can build up over the day. I haven't had a drink in nearly four months now and won't look back. I think it has also helped open my intuition. I love the two workouts a day, and they don't have to be rigorous. I think of it as intentionally moving your body twice a day. 

I have tapped into what makes me feel good, which I found changes with my hormone cycles. One day I might feel like HIIT or cycling, and another, it might be yoga and a walk. I created boundaries because I had to complete these tasks for my challenge. So my husband had to work with me and watch the kids while I did my outside walk. During this time it was -45 with the windchill in Canada, and it was dark by 6 pm. 

I have kept these boundaries around self-care. The funny thing is I craved these walks by myself, even in the cold. I learned how much I needed my solitude and the connection to nature for my own wellness and as part of my manifestation process. In these 75 days, I lost 25lbs, which wasn't the point of this challenge, and I have been doing 2+ intentional periods of movement a day. It really upsets my self-care game, and I feel more grounded.

I was unexpectedly given $100,000 from my parents. One of my grandparents passed away, and my mom received a portion of her inheritance. It really wasn't expected at all, and I accepted it because I wasn't mentally in a place of lack. This allowed me to pay off my vehicle and camper trailer, and now I have $1,500/month that would have gone to these expenses.

I followed a ping to get to know a neighbor who is an expander. She mentioned she had this horse that was too much for her, and she wanted to find the perfect home for him. I was worried he was going to be too high energy and crazy, but I said I would take a try to get him in shape for her to sell. Which really was perfect for me because I was wanting to get in the saddle but didn't think I wanted the commitment of horse ownership. It turns out he just clicked for me and is exactly what I look for in a horse, being a super picky horse person with lots of experience. 

He settled in at our place so well and even packed my 6yr old son around in a calm and loving way. My neighbor was so baffled and delighted; she was adamant that we keep him. She wanted a loving home, and it wasn't about the money for her. I still took my time deciding if this was the right thing for our family, but we released some other obligations going into COVID that allowed us more time at home.

I have also manifested lots of deals on clothing or even food that I have intended to buy. I have had a random stranger pay for our family of 6- dinner because they thought he had such a beautiful family. Friends or acquaintances have given me brand new clothes that they ordered for their kids but were too small.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Month - 1.5yr

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Daily, often a DRE and a Supported episode or podcast.

Want to remain anonymous?: Yes




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