Halfling Our Mortgage & Unexpected Extra Income!

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Name: Chelsea Thompson

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

• New rental home on waterfront property, with two bedrooms, 2-car garage, fireplace, indoor sauna, great lighting, good-sized yard

• A client portfolio that is aligned with my interests/values/skills

• A priority client that is small but well established and growing in the environmental or sustainable travel sector that is ready to pay me at the top of the industry-standard rate

• Extra projects to fund incidental expenses

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've used Unblocked Money and Uplevel several times; my go-to DIs are Prosperity, Envy/Jealousy, Emotional Clearing, and Deservingness/Abundance. Using them, I've uncovered blocks related to my role in family or partnership, low self-worth for deserving the career and lifestyle I want, etc.

What expanders did you find?: Just over the last year, I have found some great expanders in my local business community who have also become great friends and clients! All are women who have built their own widespread brand while living in this remote area, and they've shown me how to think and plan boldly around my goals. They've also believed in me even when I struggled to believe in myself.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: It's been a wild six months since I started the Pathway work—huge career uplevel, new rental home manifestation, health, and body improvements—but this is a mini-manifestation story:

The other day I was low-key bugging because there is so much stuff to buy for our new home—shelves, curtains, etc. Even with the big increase in our income since last January, spending a lot of money all at once on "happy" stuff always makes me nervous. I'm pretty level headed when it's an emergency expense for something negative (healthcare, car repair, etc.), but spending on fun stuff, even when it's necessities (yes, even groceries), can really stress me out. I had a passing thought of "man, I wish a new short-term project would come through to buffer some of these costs,"...but then realized I don't have the bandwidth for that at all right now.

My next thought was "well, the universe knows when the best time is to bring that in—I won't stress about it. It can find another way of sending more money if I really need it right now."

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.:

How did your manifestation come through?: Later in the evening, I went to pay our mortgage online and discovered it was...reduced by half?! I was staring at it, thinking it had to be a mistake. (Our little local bank makes a lot of admin mistakes. ) Then I remembered that we'd been paying extra for the past couple of years to make up for the hike in property taxes that took place when we bought our place. (Another bank mistake that they didn't alert us to the rise in taxes and instead just doubled our monthly payment. Ugh, that was a bad day.)

We'd actually been talking about how we should check-in and ask how close we were to pay off those back taxes. But then the whole whirlwind of moving distracted us. Anyway, now we've worked with several hundred dollars more per month! Along with that "extra" income, it feels pretty fucking great to have the universe reward the trust of a passing thought so quickly and effectively. 🖤

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: For the really big ones I've experienced since last October, it took about 6-8 weeks from making my list to manifestation coming through.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: About three times per week

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @thechelseagrin

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Ex-evangelical Christian raised in Southern California, oldest of 6, middle-class moving steadily toward upper-middle class, white as white can be,


Money / Uplevel


Financial Abundance & Getting Into Columbia


An Unexpected $100,000, A Horse, & Huge Changes