Discovering What Serves Me & Meeting A New Partner

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Name: Tia Nation

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-Trauma emergency job (nursing)

-Beautiful rental house close to the city 

-Emotionally available partner 

-Reliable friends 

-A huge trip to South America delivered me home just as COVID was beginning.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Daily Reprogramming Exercise, Full Moon once a month, Uplevel, Unblocked Money, and Unblocked Love. Pretty much all of them! 

A friend suggested this work to me in 2018 when I was coming out of a major rock bottom. Since then, the work has been ongoing, and I initially had very low self-worth, people-pleasing, and dog-paddling behaviors, to the point where I didn't actually know what my hobbies were and had to take time out from my life to rediscover my interests. I was chronically single and attracting emotionally unavailable men and friends who couldn't see me. I went through a year where I was so low that I actually thought that I didn't exist and must have died and not realized because people would trip over me in the street or often almost sit on me if I was out. 

My invisibility stemmed from a childhood of feeling like my parents didn't see me, and my perfectionist tendencies manifested into extreme over-achiever from the age of 12, where I felt like I had to be perfect at sport, school, appearance, eating habits to be worthy of attention. My genetic trauma also kept me in a lack mindset where I felt like I would always struggle in life where I would never feel loved by my friends and family or have the things I want. Unfortunately, I rejected my feminine side as a teenager, as I came from a traditional conservative family where women were submissive, quiet, and took on house roles without a sense of self or personal income. I felt like I couldn't be feminine because that would mean I would have to follow traditional female roles and compromise who I was. Another block was my emotional, dramatic side, which no one in my family could accept. Therefore I carried a lot of Shadow around my emotions and sadness.

What expanders did you find?: My expanders were always women who were super creative with unique styles of art, dress, appearance, and even the way they arranged their houses, as despite depriving myself of things I really wanted due to my Shadow of not feeling like I deserved nice things, I have always loved beautifully made things. The women I looked up to the most were Amanda Chantal Bacon, Rachelle Robinett, Cassi Namoda, Molly Steele, who were all so unique in their businesses. By following some of these expanders, I realized my inherent desire to be a herbalist because I already was one! My magnetic parents and relationship expanders were Rich Roll and Julie Piatt, and they had so many podcasts of their conversations, so it was very easy to visualize their relationship. 

The other relationship expander was Amanda Chantal Bacon and her husband, Gregory Rogove. After going through Reparent multiple times with a very strong, feminine mother figure, I realized that I needed to go through it again with my magnetic father at the forefront, and used Gregory Rogove and Mark Groves as my emotionally available fathers that could see my whole, worthy self.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: One of my biggest tests and expanders was a man I met in Mexico City on the 4th day of an 8-month backpacking trip. I had only sporadically dated "cool" men that were not very smart or talkative. This guy was very smart, talkative, and passionate about everything he did. He was from Canada, and we traveled for five weeks together and then had to go our separate ways. He really showed me what I actually desired in a partner and how I wanted to be treated. 

I continued to swing between no dates and attracting emotionally unavailable tests after that. Some of my major tests were actually setting boundaries with my parents and friends. I realized that the reflection was lying in emotionally unavailable friends that I had to finally let go of! This is when the magic finally started to happen.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes! It was for a couple of months after the last guy that I dated, and I realized that I needed to be completely available to myself, which meant removing unreliable, unavailable friends from my life. It also finally clicked that I had everything else that I wanted. I had my dream nursing job, a beautiful rental house that was walking distance from work, reliable friends, beautiful relationships with my family, and all the material things that I wanted! 

I finally shifted my lack mindset to abundance by shifting my perspective. I went back through Unblocked Inner Child to reinforce divine masculine father figure in my life, and then through Unblocked Shadow to really own the dark, dramatic, sad parts of myself, to see them as a superpower. I also used the trigger DI and magnetic self DI to reinforce a queen archetype of self.

How did your manifestation come through?: It came through on a dating app, and I was talking to him before I took a two-week break from the app and then gave him my number when I felt ready to get back out and date. I wasn't sure about him at first, and then I realized it was because he was actually emotionally available, and I wasn't making an instant trauma bond like with the others before him. There was no ego dance, and we could be upfront about what we wanted out of dating and relationships.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Omg, like 3-4 years. It took me so long to learn how worthy I was and that I have been worthy of love all along.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Every day or every other day.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Contemporary Australian culture with strong Catholic, English heritage.

Want to remain anonymous?: No


A Huge Manifestation After 18 Months


A Great Opportunity For My Family & A New Home