Finding Expanders Helped Me Publish My First Book

Name: Lina Fievet

Where do you reside?: United Kingdom

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: French/ Japanese, born in Japan, raised in France

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

If you'd like to submit a video or audio-only testimonial, please include the dropbox or google drive link below:

What was on your manifestation list?:

- Finding a publisher to publish my first cookbook

- Finding an online job that can be done remotely, related to my passion (health and wellness)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did all the workshops, but the most helpful was healing the inner child.

What expanders did you find?: I tried to find every expander that I could who 1) published a cookbook in the food and wellness (also bought the cookbooks that were the closed to what I wanted to publish so that I become more expanded) and 2) connected to people in the area of herbal medicine, nutrition, wellness, yoga... through social media, facebook group, and making a list of all the companies/ businesses/ NGO/ School where people were doing work that I admired. I found business CEOs, researchers, volunteers, farmers, yoga teachers, authors, chefs etc. as my exponents.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I had some few job offers or job suggestions while I was looking for the job of my dreams, and usually I would apply to everything and anything, but this time I did not take the time to apply if it was not what I wanted. Also, the interesting thing was that I don't feel I have been tested in regards to career (although this is what I was looking for), but I was constantly tested by other triggers including relationships, body image and finances. For example, I felt that sometimes with my partners we were going through difficult times, and some events triggered/ bothered me. I saw it as a test and saw how I could go deeper. I was also constantly challenged by my body image issues. I saw different events as a test, and tried to do the things that scared me (eating out, eating a dessert, eating a food that I would be scared of, accepting an invitation to go eat somewhere...). Lastly, I feel like I was tested a lot on money. I had unexpected bills to pay, I lost money, or sometimes I decided to treat myself (which I did not allow before, even if I had the money to).

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I think I experienced a magic dark period for about 2-3 months, where I did every possible thing that I could (reprogramming DI everyday, taking actions steps, being expanded) etc. It was very hard because I felt that I was in a dark hole, and I did not know if it was a magic dark or not. I did the RUT and started to fully live my authentic code.

How did your manifestation come through?: I was in a RUT/ dark hole for about 2-3 months, until I did the RUT program. I mapped the 4 authentic codes, and tried to live it as much as I could during my daily life. Also, I took 2 weeks off from my work, which I was very scared/ reluctant to do because I felt I was not deserving of it/ it was not the right time. But my intuition told me to take 2 weeks off from my full time job, and during these 2 weeks, I only did everything that I loved (going to see my family back home, cooking, reading, learning about what I am passionate about). During these 2 weeks, I connected with many expanders and I immersed even deeper in my area of interests (health and wellness, yoga, herbal medicine). I started to go out, spend money (without guilt) on eating out (travel/ adventure/ discovery is one of my authentic codes so spending money on restaurants is something I enjoy a lot). I started to learn more in the area of my passion, watching many videos from herbalists. I also started to learn about money and investing, reading books on financials and started to educate myself on investment (which is something that I always avoid to do). I said no to anything that did not resonate with me, and set boundaries with people and different situations. During these two weeks, I also applied to several companies that I really saw myself working there. One night, I had an intuition to write to a Yoga&Ayurveda school and asked them if I could help with anything. Luckily, they were looking for someone who could teach and write about Yoga and Ayurveda, and they looked at my instagram/ blog and were happy that I joined their team. It was a dream coming true, as they are based in Bali (which is one of my favorite places), and because I could do this job remotely from anywhere I wanted! It was really exactly what I was looking for.

As for my book, I contacted several english publishing houses which were not successful. At that time, I had a strong voice coming to my heart that was saying "write to french publisher house". I was very reluctant to write to french companies because I was always insecure about my french grammar and spelling. I did many DI to see where this fear was coming from, and I saw that it was coming from my childhood where I was shamed for having very low grades in French. After that I healed with the DI, I wrote to several french publishing houses. Few days later, I got an offer from one of the biggest publishing houses in France and in Europe, and now officially will publish my first book this october!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 7-8 months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Everyday. I noticed a big shift when I started to find expanders.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @lina_fievet

We’d love to include your photo to help further expand others in the community. If you feel called to and comfortable, please include a dropbox or google drive link to your image here. Please also make sure to change the viewing settings for your photo to public or else we will not be able to upload it.:

Want to remain anonymous?: No

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that: My own meditation practice was very important to me, because this is where I could "hear" my intuition and inner voices, to guide me to the next steps. Thank you for everything and your support!

Are you submitting this testimonial for: Both


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