Refusing To Accept Lower Than My Worth

Name: Daniela Marti

Where do you reside?: A Coruna, Spain

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was born to a Spanish family in Venezuela and moved to the US when I was three weeks old—lived between those two very different and polarizing realities while still being very Spanish and feeling like I didn't really belong anywhere. For college, I moved to the country where my family's story began, and it's been such a blessing to feel at home somehow but still recognize that I am my home and that my roots don't have to be defined by where I have lived.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

- A thriving brand design studio that worked with women in the wellness and spirituality sector

- A trip back to the US (after seven years living abroad)

- Feeling excited about waking up in the morning

- Cultivating friendships with people expanded me and made me feel seen and appreciated

- An anxiety-free life

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Boundaries, Unblocked Money, How to Manifest.

During the DIs, I realized how small and how unworthy I had been feeling my whole life and how I was already my highest golden self that I saw during the DIs. I just had to actively choose to be her. I also discovered that my life was my greatest art piece and that it was in my hands to make it the best possible. I regained my power, my happiness. I left the job that I hated, moved away from a hurting relationship, and only validated my "I'm not enough" ego story I had learned in childhood.

Doing this work has saved my life and changed my life completely.

What expanders did you find? I found a community of other brand designers thriving, which expanded me into leaving my 9-5 and pursuing this full time, a friend with a healthy and loving relationship. Through my clients, I have also met expanders who live their truth, are open with their own spiritual practices, and are committed to living their most beautiful life.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: My biggest test was finally leaving and saying goodbye to a relationship that kept me with low self-worth. After I cut communications with him, my current life unraveled. I left my corporate job with clients waiting for me, found a design community, friends, expanders, earned three times what I was earning, and incorporated my second month as a business owner.

The next tests have been very related to boundaries and saying no. Whenever a manifestation is not coming through, I know that I need to put a boundary or say no to something that does not light me up or is in my authentic code. This has included saying no to certain clients and then suddenly getting an inquiry for a dream client project.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.I just experienced a magic dark period where I got no inquiries for the month of June after a few steady months in my business. And that was very triggering but also so educational because I had mistakenly put my self-worth and identity into my success as a business owner. So I re-did Unblocked Money and found that my money story was all wrong and really focused on figuring out the foundations of my business and how to make it sustainable for me and not the other way around.

How did your manifestation come through?: I had to say no to a client that wasn't willing to pay for my current pricing. My account balance was very low, and I was very tempted to say yes, but I felt in my heart that I had to say no. That I had to focus on the bigger picture. And then, the following day, I got two inquiries from aligned projects willing to pay full price upfront.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I started manifesting before I even joined the Pathway by listening to the podcast alone. I manifested an exit plan from my corporate job (or rather the person who would tell me how to do it), I have been manifesting growth very consistently.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 3 times a week minimum, ideally from Monday to Friday I follow DI's or one of the Workshops.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: My biggest recommendation is to commit to a flow, whatever flow feels right to you but actually following through—and also, holding on to your highest self. The vision of me with long hair, and golden aura, and peaceful expression (my highest self) has made me make the best decisions for myself and has helped me stay in my worth even in hardship.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: / @heytheredani


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