Immense Healing, An Unexpected Retreat, & Moving to Mexico

Name: isabella beham

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Brazilian American

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-Move to Mexico with my cat

-Healing chronic sinus infections & autoimmune disease

-5 figure months in my business

-A CRM for my very unique business

-Attend the Joe Dispenza retreat in Cancun

-A free astrology reading

-Selling the lease on my car

-My Dream apartment with a rooftop pool, ocean views & a hot tub

-Paying off 11k in CC debt in one month

-Winning something every month


What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: All of them more than 5x. Things got really juicy after I did the boundaries workshop, started working with Heather, and even more so after doing the Unblocked remedy.

What expanders did you find?: Lauren Geertsen, the author of the Invisible Corset, was the biggest for healing my relationship with my body & autoimmune disease. Obviously Heather. Kim Anami for travel & growing a business with ease & being ok with being disliked. Joe Dispenza. And lots of people in the community.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: An ex reaching out and having to tell him to stop talking to me. My biggest expander, a celebrity I have admired since high school who I regularly took through the DIs, offered me a job with terrible pay & terms and displayed poor boundaries. This was at a time where I was very ill and knew my body couldn't handle a stressful work situation, so I turned it down. It was a very expansive experience & felt like a wink from the Universe.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: On and off. I am currently in a magic dark for partnership.

How did your manifestation come through?: 

-Moving to Mexico with my cat during the pandemic

After a huge rock bottom + super traumatic test in the sphere of the relationship, I lost my entire life savings to the IRS while I was in the early stages of buying a beach condo in Florida. I realized this was rock bottom moving me out of the path I was on. I knew deep in my heart I had wanted to move to Mexico for two years but kept telling myself it was impractical. I had a session with Heather, did the Uplevel workshop, and found expanders in the Facebook group. I started living my life as if I was going to move to Mexico, even though I didn't believe it was really going to happen. I started learning Spanish, giving away and selling all my things, doing tons of research, etc... I just kept going through the steps of the move until it happened. 

I literally only told two people because I wasn't sure it was actually going to happen. I booked my ticket for August 27th to Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, only six weeks from my financial rock bottom. August 1st, I got a notification that all flights to Merida were canceled due to the pandemic situation, and there was no way I would be able to get there by plane. I called my concierge service, and they told me my only chance to get to Merida was if I flew into Cancun. There was only one flight available where I could bring my cat... August 7th. I planned and executed an entire international move in 6 days with my cat in tow. 

Each step unfolded effortlessly with the help of the Universe. I experienced almost no stress & everything went perfectly. When I got to Cancun, I ended up falling in love with the magic of the Riviera Maya and never made it to Merida. I made friends easily & have been enjoying the incredible beauty of living just a few blocks from the Caribbean for almost a year now.


After moving to Mexico, I was blessed to find incredible doctors who have been helping me get my health on track. It's been a long journey, with many, many mistakes & backtracks, but my health is entirely different than it was when I left the US & I have probably lost 15 pounds. I can't even believe I lived life in so much pain before. After the worst autoimmune flare-up of my life during the lockdown, I am now 95% pain-free from a chronic pain condition. Much of my autoimmune disease was caused by my chronically infected tonsils which I had removed here in Mexico. My surgeon was the kindest doctor I have ever met & taken great care of me. 

My insurance luckily covered the surgery. My relationship with my body is also completely different as well. As someone with a history of disordered eating and a lot of baggage around appearance from my family & cultural background, I realized I was treating my body like my enemy that I wanted to shrink & silent. Instead, I found I could liberate her & have a partnership with her. That she was my companion through this life and all she had been trying to do through my symptoms was be seen by me. I no longer look at my body with disgust but with love and appreciation.

-Attending a Joe Dispenza Retreat

This had always been a huge dream of mine, but I never imagined I could afford something like this, and I had never taken a week off of work before. I took the leap and booked it. One week with Joe Dispenza on the beach in Cancun and the nicest resort I have ever visited. Watching the sunrise on the beach, then meditating for 8 hours, eating incredible vegan meals, then I ended each day eating fresh mangos in my private hot tub overlooking the jungle. My heart opened in ways that it never had before, and I trusted that the Universe would deliver the money that I spent on the retreat back to me.

-Selling the lease on my car

A few months later, I decided it was time to let go of my car in the US, which was hard because I manifested my dream car. I kept procrastinating on doing the paperwork and shaming myself for being lazy. Well, it turns out I wasn't lazy at all, but following my intuition, because when I finally pulled the trigger to sell, it was the middle of a used car shortage in the US. Instead of losing money on my lease, the company that bought it from me paid me $3000 more than I owed on the car, meaning I got a check in the mail for the exact amount I had spent on the Joe Dispenza retreat. A few weeks later, I also got a check from my motor finance company for over $1800 for a "credit on my account." I never thought I would be the person to receive inexplicable checks in the mail, but here I am!

-5 figure months in my business & the perfect CRM

When I started doing this work, I was broke, stressed out, adrenal fatigued matchmaker. I was so, so much in a poverty mindset. In fact, the year before I started TBM, I had made 24k. The year I started TBM, I doubled that. But I decided I couldn't sustain working as a matchmaker anymore. Working with clients was too tough on my adrenals & I was starting to get grossed out by the coaching industry, which seemed very MLM.

After many tests & a fabulous expander, I was guided by the Universe to start working as a contractor for matchmaking businesses doing recruitment for them, so instead of working with clients, I help the matchmakers find matches to go on dates with their clients. I manifested an incredible job doing this in 2019 through this work & was able to rest while growing my income. But in 2020 & even more so in 2021, my work has totally taken off.

During a session with Heather, she helped me realize that I needed to cut one of my exes off, who was texting me a lot. I was afraid to do that because I was afraid of him lashing out. I took that through the boundaries workshop & texted him, telling him we can't speak anymore. The next day I got a call from some execs in a company I work for who wanted to talk to me about what I do. They introduced me to another matchmaker who basically hired me on the spot. Heather also helped me liberate my inner "bad girl." 

I had a lot of shadow from my Catholic school days around being a "bad girl." Instead of feeling shame around this, I realized she is actually the most important part of me. I came to this planet to shake things up, not to be a good little girl & shut the F up. I decided to give her a promotion from "bad girl" to "rebel princess" (inspired by Princess Leia) and free her to speak her mind and shake things up however she wants. After that, things started to really flow. Things got extra juicy when I added in the Unblocked Remedy as well.

I also decided it was time to take myself more seriously as an entrepreneur, something I had been resisting, and surrender to the direction the Universe was pushing me in. I almost instantly found a CRM to better run my business, which inspired me to revamp an old website I had from my dating coaching days and use it for my recruitment business. Since I have had 5 figure months & have started turning away potential clients. I am picky about who I work with & have done ZERO advertising. My website is also ranking on the first page of Google for my keyword (I know virtually nothing about SEO, but I did it myself). 

This allowed me to pay off 11k in credit card debt in one month, and I will be 100% debt-free within three months. There are moments of stress & triggers which I take through the DIs daily. I'm not perfect and have made many mistakes, but growing this business has been incredibly easy in a way I never thought possible when I struggled with matchmaking and dating coaching.

-My Dream Apartment

While I was at Joe Dispenza, one of the main things I wanted to manifest was a new apartment. Being there helped me distill down what I wanted into the phrase "Jungle Princess." I wanted someplace luxurious, decadent, where I could feel safe, cook amazing meals, and eat mangos in the hot tub underneath palm trees. The test was my realtor telling me I would never find what I was looking for and trying to pressure me to take an apartment with cockroaches and mold on the walls. I said no, fired her, and found my own leads on Facebook. 

I found my dream apartment (unit 111) with a huge kitchen, floor to ceiling windows, marble floors, a rooftop pool with ocean views, lots of jungle green space, a gym, a business center, multiple hot tubs, a doorman & great security, super quiet, super stylish design for less than $1200 USD a month. I never in a million years thought I would live in a place this gorgeous or that makes me feel so safe, which has allowed my adrenals to rest & reset.

-A free astrology reading

I wanted to read but didn't want to pay for it. One day I was working in a coffee shop, and a girl came up and asked if she could sit with me because there was nowhere else to sit. I said, of course. We started chatting a bit, then she said, "Your energy is so intense. What's your sign?" I told her, and she was so intrigued she asked if she could read my chart & gave me a free reading right then and there.

-Winning something every month

Something else on my list was that I wanted to win or be given something every month. To date, I've won: a handful of gift cards, porcelain from Tiffany's, superfood powders, a free bikini, and so much more.

-Friends who see me for who I am

I went my entire life feeling like a perpetual black sheep. I settled for friendships with people who couldn't see me & with who I honestly didn't have much in common. Through this work, I lost every single friendship I had when I started. How could those relationships stay when they were based around my shadow and low self-worth? In the past year, I have surrendered to who I truly am and started making friends (with ease) who see me and share my values for the first time in my life.

-Healing immense trauma

I have a history of immense sexual trauma and disordered eating. My mother has NPD, which, of course, led me to only dating abusive narcissistic men. This work has been the number #1 tool I have used to heal all that. There's a lot to say on the topic, but in a DI, I saw my inner child drowning under the weight of my own trauma as well as the trauma she was carrying for my family. Almost every night, I do the emotional clearing or the Free DI to let go of all the baggage she has been carrying. I no longer experience bouts of depression, and I don't feel the heaviness I used to feel every morning when I wake up. I am generally light and happy! I've learned to identify my emotions and which emotions I am picking up from other people.

I've manifested so much through this work, these are just the highlights, but most importantly, I have 10000% shifted my relationship with myself, the Universe, my family, and God. I walk through the world differently & carry myself differently. I no longer hate my body. I no longer feel burdened by my trauma or other people's baggage. My relationship with money has changed completely, and I no longer feel anxiety checking my credit card statement. I go through life confident that the Universe is taking care of me and that we are in partnership creating a beautiful reality together.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: It usually takes me anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Daily

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Yes, I do the work daily combined with Joe Dispenza's work. My process is in the morning. I will do the magnetic self DI or the Prosperity DI if I feel called. Otherwise, most of my work is at night. Before I do the DI, I write a list of any of the triggers or weird memories I had come up through the day and journal about them for up to an hour.

 When I feel ready, I do a DI. If I still feel like there is some heaviness there to cleanse, I do the Free DI or the Emotional clearing and let my inner child run free. I then watch my Mind Movie (Joe Dispenza visualization tool). If I'm not ready to fall asleep yet, I'll do an hour-long Joe Dispenza meditation. I think watching a kaleidoscope video online, which Dr. Joe says, helps you get into the Theta state more easily when you meditate.

Another practice I've developed is giving my shadow a promotion. For example, my shadow word is "Lazy." I visualize that version of myself and what she is trying to do for me. Instead of holding me back with laziness, she really wants to help me realize when it is time to rest, protect me from overworking, and remind me to have fun. Instead of calling her Lazy, I do the Subconscious Reintegration DI or the Shadow DI and promote her to "Director of Rest and Relaxation."




Leaving A Toxic Job, A Large Light-Filled Apartment, & Unexpected Partnership!


Healing Inner Trauma & Changes I Never Expected