Starting Fresh & Revitalizing My Career

Name: Emma Considine

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: 2 American parents, no siblings. Half Russian jewish, half Irish catholic descent. I was born + raised in NYC. Posing as upper-middle class.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: This has been a journey (and continues to be) that probably started when my parents separated when I was seven years old. I went to an NYC private school and fit in fairly well until they separated. 2 professional parents, a beautiful home, a country house. Suddenly, money was very tight from the divorce, my parents were both battling depression, I was an only child, and the home I lived in (especially with my dad) had rats, roaches, the bathtub was even falling through the ceiling. 

My mom lived in a tiny dark apartment where the landlord called me fat. Then, as if by prophecy, I gained a ton of weight, started getting bullied by my wealthier classmates. I think I fell into a 20-year rut. I made some leaps and bounds -- I made the honor roll, went to an elite liberal arts college, studied abroad, had my first job, but I never had a boyfriend, hated my job, lived at home. Quit my job. I babysat for 2 years. It was not good.

I had a health scare at age 22 and found 'The Secret' while recovering from surgery. But it, of course, was not enough to pull me out of this rut. At age 25, I finally moved out of my mom's and got a job in Beauty PR on Madison Avenue as a copywriter that I did not despise. Life started to get a little better. I got promoted to agency Copy Director. Still, my relationships with my friends and boss were based on zero boundaries, and I still had never had a relationship - even had a slightly emotionally abusive situationship. 

At age 27, I lost a lot of weight which gave me some confidence finally, and I decided I needed to move to California to start over and jumped off of a cliff -- FINALLY! I moved to Venice, made great friends, and discovered TBM about six months later. Since then, it's been incredible. I have created a career as a freelance writer and make six figures. I work in industries I care about -- psychology, regenerative farming, book publishing. 

I EVEN manifested working with Dr. Swart!! That was bonkers. She is just the loveliest. I have traveled around the world, often all expenses paid for. I fell in love with an amazing guy who was also a giant red flag for long-term happiness in retrospect, and it did not work out, but we had a beautiful 3-year relationship. Love seems to be the one area of my life where I am still unblocking. I think my parent's separation + the bullying affected me most in this area.

Now I am at a crossroads. I have found myself in DC (I moved for my relationship, my ex is a diplomat), unsure where to turn next or why I'm here. But my business is thriving, I have the nicest luxury apartment I've ever had for the least amount of money, and I have constant opportunities to travel and meet new people. I have faith with this work, I'll find my person and path.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Everything. TBM isn't some compartmentalized aspect of my life -- I see everything through the lens of it. I make sure to do a DRE 3-4x a week, even while going through a workshop. For example, I'm in Unblocked Boundaries now, and for a few days, there are no DREs. I make sure to listen to the audio recordings, journal, and then do a separate DRE on the side. I re-listen to supported, follow on IG, and catch the podcast every week. It's just an integral part of my daily life. I also write into Supported a lot! My questions have been answered twice. They're so helpful!! I am interested in coaching. I just can't really choose which amazing person yet :)

I also use other modalities to help enhance the power of the work. I've found going into deep meditations and focusing on a few affirmations (based on my authentic code) or concentrating on my TBM list while in this state helps. Visualizing how it "feels" to experience my TBM list through short 5- to 10-minute meditations helps too. I also do sound baths, reiki, the whole 9! I see them as the garnishes in a spiritual lifestyle. TBM is the rock-solid foundation.

What expanders did you find?: Mostly from IG! For work, living in LA in a beach bungalow in Venice full of Aries freelance creatives definitely helped. These 25-year-olds were charging like $75/hour when they started their business, and it worked. I followed suit.

For love and family (what I'm calling in), I look for people who were in the 'wrong' relationship or didn't have a ton of love experience, then took a leap of faith and met the right one. I definitely look to Lacy, a few friends who had never had relationships and now have found their wonderful person, Salwa, some entrepreneurs on IG like Jessie De Lowe + Amanda Chantal Bacon who seem crazy in love but didn't meet their partner, say in college and had gone through a major heartbreak.

For manifesting travel and new experiences, myself! I've always been crazy good at this, even in my 20-year rut. I just look back on my own past to build trust.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I am majorly tested in my boundaries via female friendships and at work. It has been a years-long struggle. Tests don't as much come through for love (that's just crickets) or money (flows rather well), for whatever reason.

For example, I will tell one of my clients that I am taking a personal day or have a medical appointment, and she will still call and ask for things. I've learned not to pick up the phone and just reply the next day. This took many years to learn. I once literally stopped having sex (sorry, TMI) with my partner to pick up the phone for her. I've come a long way.

Most recently, I have a few friends who are very into going out + drinking tons. I have really pulled back on alcohol intake. I am often tested to not foot the bill, leave early if I want to, deal with their judgment without feeling guilty. One of these friends is now saying she wants to move to DC and into my building. I know this is a test, and trying to navigate it gracefully. TBD :)

I don't really see tests as being linear. It's not like one comes through, and you pass it or not in my perspective. They come through in different ways all the time, overlapping with slightly different dynamics, and I pass some, and not others 100% based on where I'm at, and this still works and helps. Another one is always around the corner, so I try my best not to take them very seriously or be hard on myself unless it's something like my partner saying he's not sure he wants to marry me (then I GTFO).

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Like tests, I don't totally track 'magic darks.' I've never experienced anything coming through at all. Sometimes I'll have a magic dark in love (perhaps now), but not in work and finances, so I don't view it as life magic dark. Things are still ebbing and flowing. Again, it seems less linear to me and a little more beautifully messy, but.... to not get too esoteric....essentially -- yes! 

I *think* i'm in one in one now because I've been healing some DEEP wounds from my relationship ending, and can't seem to call in anyone viable in-person, via app dates, etc. even though I am putting myself out there, have never really felt more confident or authentic. I don't know If It's a magic dark, or I'm being told that I can't rush my healing. Either way!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Nothing has taken longer than 6-9 months! Including material items (designer bag, diamond earrings) and bigger things (calling in $10,000 a month for work), new clients in spiritual space, etc.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 3-4x a week! For two years.

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: Hope this helps someone!! I feel so fortunate to have found the work. I went through a god-awful rock bottom a few months ago when my relationship ended (that I moved across the country for. woof), but I am so thankful I had this work. And like Lacy said -- everything is not as it seems. It may very well be one of the best things that ever happened to me. Onwards!




Maintaining Full Alignment With My Authenticity


Balancing Tests While Finding My New Job