Maintaining Full Alignment With My Authenticity

Name: Danni Cuffe

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: NZ European / Irish - brought up in New Zealand

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

First Home purchase

Bridge Job

Dream Job

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with the basics - How to Manifest, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child, then went onto Unblocked Money, Unblocked Love, Rut, Rock Bottom, and Uplevel. I had a tonne of blocks around abundance, having it all or being "braggy," asking for what I want in life and aiming high. I also had/have a lot of blocks around love and am slowly working through each of these, which is probably why I have had so much success in money recently!

What expanders did you find? All of my friends of a similar age had already bought houses, which was super expansive, and I had a couple of friends who lost their jobs due to Covid that were now living in alignment and working in their dream jobs. I also drew inspiration from some of my favorite spiritual teachers such as Lacy, Jenna Zoe, Almost 30 girls, and many others online who are living and sharing their spiritual knowledge to the world while making a living.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I had a tonne of tests, lots of which I didn't pass, which is funny looking back as there really isn't any "failing" as such. I lost my job in 2020 at a point where I thought I was really thriving and making really good money managing a team. I then took a bridge job which I now see was probably more of a test, but I learned a lot and had some really beautiful synchronicities through that job. I left after six months to what I really thought was a true bridge as it aligned with all 4 of my authentic code and basically fit my full list, but after a few months realized this was also potentially a test, and I had ignored a few red flags during the interview process. I also had a tonne of love tests come up during this time!

How did your manifestation come through?: After what I thought was my dream bridge job manifested, I spent a couple of months in the role and did enjoy it but knew there was more. I was committed to it being a bridge, so this didn't worry me too much until I was literally called out of the blue (I'm a projector - how perfect) and offered my literal dream job. I had interviewed for this company a year prior, and they have a healing arts business. My dream was to really be living in full alignment with my spirituality and change the world in some way which I really feel this will help me do. 

I am now in full alignment with all 4 of my authentic codes and so excited to see where this journey takes me! Before my dream job came through, I also manifested my first home purchase! This came through after being given a very good chunk of money to support my deposit which was a little too small after the house prices soared in NZ recently. Prices were on average up to 100,000 from the previous year, and suddenly I was pushed out of the market. I had put that dream on hold for a bit and surrendered fully, and then my Dad came through and offered me the deposit top-up. 

Houses were still terrible in my price range, and my list was pretty extravagant for a first home (but dream big, right?). I wanted a brand new kitchen and bathroom, white walls, lots of light, an outdoor area, wood accents in the house, and close to nature. After viewing a few homes that were nothing close to my list, I fully surrendered and gave up essentially. I wanted to wait till the market calmed down and knew deep within that it wasn't the right time. A month or so later, the perfect home came up - it's brand new, backs on to a reserve of big trees next to my outdoor area and so much light. It even has white walls and wood floors in the kitchen.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I would say the dream job took about a year after getting clear of what I wanted, but I called in two bridge jobs in the meantime. The house was fairly quick and only took about six months, but I had done a year of this work prior, so I think that definitely helped to speed things up!

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I do the work as often as possible but on average probably three times a week. Some weeks are more and some less, but I do notice big changes when I'm consistent.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I love to do DI's in the bath and religiously listen to the podcasts each week - usually during a beach or nature walk! I have also listened to all of the supported episodes, which really helped initially, and I have started to repeat the workshops where needed.

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: This work has actually changed my life - I could write a million testimonials with all of the magical manifestations and HUGE life shifts that have happened for me! I am constantly in awe of how much has changed in the last 18 months since starting the work - thank you sooooo much!!


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Balancing Tests While Finding My New Job