Balancing Tests While Finding My New Job

Name: Marcela Pérez

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was born in Colombia to a hard-working mother and an alcoholic father who abandoned me and died of gout. I grew up very poor but went to public uni and have managed to work and study in England, Pennsylvania, NY, Mexico, and Argentina. 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?:

-A bridge job where my vision is heard, I can be creative, flexible hours and office situations and a higher salary.

-A partner

-Consulting clients

-Furniture for my flat

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: 

-How to Manifest

-Unblocked Inner Child twice - at the beginning and then when I went back home and HAD to reprogram my family's desire for mediocrity and jealousy.

-Unblocked love - still manifesting a partner - but I feel it coming. The most powerful thing I discovered was a pattern of letting myself be used to being seen.

-Unblocked money

-Unblocked shadow- twice and with many words

-Unblocked boundaries - this workshop really triggered my manifestation. I didn't even want to do it because I've got strong boundaries generally, but I discovered how fear of losing my job and going back to zero in Colombia made me allow behaviors and mistreatment from my bosses.

What expanders did you find?: I wanted to manifest my dream job long-term, although I tried manifesting a bridge job to start. I have very accomplished and successful friends who were switching jobs and getting promotions in what they love. I studied economics and have always worked in business building startups for others, but I wanted to work in media, and I had a job in a big editorial field for a while. I wanted to feel like I did there (so I guess that memory was an expander too).

Then since things were not happening, I decided to listen to podcasts of my main exponents in creativity: Greta Gerwig, Jane Austen, and the one who really does what I want: Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror creator) who writes, directs, and produces. In a podcast, he mentioned he started by doing small radio gigs, which launched him. I've been working with a podcasting startup that I was consulting for, and I decided to start a podcast with them in exchange for an hour of consulting per week. Now they have hired me as their CGO… Dream job!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: 

I was tested in dating, although they were fairly easy to pass. The hardest one was an English guy (my weakness) who wanted to commit RIGHT away, but I realized he was still in love with his ex, so I let him go.

Job tests were harder because I was desperate to leave the unhappy job, so every opportunity seemed like a perfect bridge job. I sent a question in one of those, and Amanda replied with a great tip about feeling deserving at work. 

Then, I got really far in the recruiting process at Amazon, and I was convinced it was perfect because it was so much money, and I could maybe move to video. I didn't listen to my body (I'm a generator), and a week before, my dog was in an accident, and THEN I had a migraine for a week, including the day of 5 interviews. I obviously didn't get it, and I had to face the fact that I couldn't let myself fall into desperation in a company that I genuinely hate (I know all about the mistreatments of the workers and want to ignore them).

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: After the Amazon interview, I was shattered, fell into depression, and fell into a rut. So I did the rut workshop and started moving my energy. I asked God to please give me what I needed to gain the strength to continue. Then I manifested an (I'm not specific) trip home to Colombia from Mexico for 100USD. 

My roommate worked for an airline and was going home for a week and could take someone. I traveled with my dog as an emotional support animal (another manifestation), AND we went in first class. Being home for a week, being fed and loved by mum really gave me the strength AND some shadow words to work through to honestly feel deserving.

How did your manifestation come through?: So I was moving my energy, living every word of my authentic code at least once a day (I heard Atarah talk about that), mostly being CREATIVE at least once a day since my job was only for the left side of my brain. I opened portals to do consulting for startups, started creating content for it, and cooked cool recipes. As I mentioned, by following a tip from one of my expanders. I also offered to consult a podcasting startup that I had worked with before in exchange for starting my podcast. 

We had two sessions, and I advised them to hire a marketing manager and a salesperson. In the third session they made me the offer to manage all of that by becoming Chief Growth Officer (expansion is in my authentic code as well), a better salary, stock in the company, commissions, working from wherever (I do like going to the office sometimes) AND creative freedom. I manifested a job that matches the left and right side of my brain, which I could never define, in media (new media) and AWESOME people who listen to me and say every day how much they want to learn from me.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 7 months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Almost daily

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I'm a self-starter and have done lots of auto education (taught myself English alone in my room translating songs), so I know I'm good at learning alone, and this work is easy for me. But others are better by doing it in groups, sharing, writing, so my tip is to use the tools you have used to learn other stuff and put them into this work. Some people learn by hearing themselves, others by writing. Take it as if you were in school, you could choose how to learn and do that. Because doing the work, does work, but school can be hard.

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: Still manifesting that partner, but I know it's coming. I Will update you with that soon.


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