Finding Love In The Pandemic & Halfing My Rent


Name: Dani Monahan

Where do you reside?: Los Angeles

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Mixed, white father, Mexican mother, I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic community, then moved to Los Angeles for college.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I've manifested everything I have in my life currently. My current job morphed into the perfect bridge career and hit everything on my list, working remotely, making closer to 90k, work/life balance. I manifested the perfect partner. He was everything on my list and so much more than I could imagine. I manifested a new living situation. 

I was begging the universe for a "break.” I hear stories of people in LA who live with an aunt or their parents still or an uncle or have super cheap rent. I just needed someone to cut me some slack, so I could actually save for my "fuck you fund," and it happened (with my new partner too). I've even manifested my hairless cat, a leather jacket, a jean jacket, (this was when I was trying to strengthen my trust muscle) and free invisalign (but keep that on the DL!)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops? I started off by listening to the podcasts. I got a little annoyed when Lacy kept referring back to previous podcasts (because I NEEDED to know what was said), so I decided to just start from the beginning. I learned the basics this way. I did my human design and my astrology birth chart. I should also say that I'm a Gemini sun, Leo Rising and Aries Moon. Also, a 6/2 Manifestor. I was listening to 1 podcast a day and doing DREs in my head on the way to work, or when I'd get triggered (i used to commute almost 2 hours each way to work M-F) I should say I am a Specific Maniferstor, so everything has come really easy to me, but this was after I hit my rock bottom. 

I did a reiki session with Lara Elliot after I listened to that podcast, LIFE CHANGING FOR ME. I called my mom afterward, telling her how it was better than a year of therapy. Then I started using flower remedies from Alexis Smart. I have ADHD and anxiety, so I started with safety and sound. I booked a reading with Dani Beinstein about six months before my Saturn return. I took one of Mark Groves's classes at the beginning of this year. I took Deborah Hanekamp's Skincare Secrets course in May. Last month I booked my first human design one on one through Jenna Zoe's website with Nikki Jae. I actually was not a pathway member when I manifested everything I have right now. 

I just listened to the podcasts, and when something called to me, I saved up and booked the class, the reading, the healing session, the flower remedy, etc. I am now changing course on my manifesting. I was a little blocked because I think my Authentic Code has changed, and thus what I'm manifesting is now completely different from what I was working towards. Since what I am manifesting now is a HUGE thing, I've started to dive into the pathway. I did Clarity first; then I did Authentic Code and Clearing Space in How to Manifest.

What expanders did you find?: My expanders are a little different than they were two years ago when I started my self-healing journey. They have changed a few times over the years. When I was first healing and manifesting it was Lacy, my friend and founder of Chasin Unicorns, Samantha Strom (she is actually the person who showed me the Expanded podcast first!) and other entrepreneurs, like Nikki Reed - sustainable jewelry, I actually created my own wire wrapped crystals business, using wire found in old technology, long before I listened to the Nikki Reed episode and a few other "creators." Chloe Garcia Ponce was another expander for me. I realized that is exactly how I want to heal, using similar modalities as her. My expanders today are still Lacy and my friend Samantha, Sahara Rose, JK Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, and a few others living energetically and writers, as I am trying to finish and publish my first novel.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: For partnership, I had my list. This guy was everything on it. I was honest with him and told him I need to be with someone committed to only me. After just getting out of a very bad seven-year relationship where I had been cheated on, I needed that full honesty. He agreed but after 3 weeks of trying, we both realized we were not in a place in either of our lives to commit like that. I think this was my first test. I stood my ground and set a boundary. He respected it, but we both stopped being our authentic selves as a result, so we set new boundaries. 

There was also another guy who had a lot of things on my list, but he was filthy. I went to his house, and I was like, oh no, but we had an amazing date. I felt like a princess, and it may have been the best date I had ever been on at that point in my life. But again, I set a boundary. I knew I wasn't going to settle for someone who couldn't clean up after themselves (super clean and organized was on my list).

Back to the original guy, we kept hanging out and took things extra slow. I was hanging out with him and basically living with him during the pandemic because my actual roommates had very different values than me when it came to "COVID." We painted his hallway, did an overhaul of his entire front yard, and planted 18 new plants in the front. We redid his smaller backyard. We painted the doors to his house. We did a puzzle, we cooked paella and other amazing dishes together (but the paella was for sure the coolest thing we made). He consistently showed up as everything on my list, and we both just gave in love and made it official almost six months to the day of our meeting.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I'm in a magic dark right now! As I mentioned, my authentic code changed from when I started my healing journey. I had to sit with this because manifesting had come so easily, and nothing was really coming from my crystal selling business. I kept getting downloads that there was something I was ready to release, something no longer serving me, and it was hard to admit it was my crystals. Remember, this is not my main income source. It was my side hustle designed to get me to the next point in my life of having more time to write. 

Well, my actual job completely changed and morphed into exactly what I had wished for, for about eight years before I knew anything about manifesting. I even gave up on this job being what I wanted, which is why I looked for an alternate path, the crystal business. So I knew I was in my own magic dark (or maybe I'm in a rut). I hopped on the pathway looking for some extra guidance, I did Clarity, and authentic code, and Clarity was really the one that made it blatantly obvious what I needed to do. I'm still in it, but I know I had to change trajectories.

I never felt a magic dark before, not with calling in my partner, not with manifesting my new home, so I'm still figuring it out.

How did your manifestation come through?: It felt like the universe had magically placed it upon me. IDK they just happened! My partner and I woke up and stopped being scared. He asked me to move in, and he has a decent living situation, where my rent was basically cut in half.

For my hairless cat, I saw some ads on craigslist for a Sphynx, $500, and I was like, okay, I have that much to spend on the cat (I'm allergic to cats, and there's a long story with giving up on my dog and I'm just not in a place to have a dog again). I told my friend who already had a Sphynx about this cheap ad, and she told me to be careful. They could have found out the cat is sick; these cats have heart conditions that a blood test can detect. So, needless to say, I was like, okay, I am willing to put $500 down now. I planned to look into a trusted breeder (again, I hate that I had to use a breeder, but she was meant for me, I know it). 

I had been following this breeder for about a year. I saw she had a new litter, so I inquired. She had one girl kitten left, a tabby, it was $1700 total, she came fixed and with shots, and it was a $500 deposit. I mean, 1 left and a tabby which is what I wanted. She has cute stripes down her tummy and legs. I put the deposit down, and then I think the stimulus came in, and she was mine.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I made a mental list for most of my original manifestations. As I said, I am a specific manifestor, but I was doing the other work too. I had to do the other work for things to come through. The cat I manifested in less than six months. My leather jacket manifested in a week. My partner took four months to find him after asking for him and then six months after that to make it official. I had been manifesting working remotely and getting a manager position for about five years (only 1.5 years of doing the work). It's a bridge job, not my dream career, though.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I have noticed the more dedicated I am, the faster they come through. I was doing DREs every time I got triggered. Just work it out in my head.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Honestly, listening to the podcasts, Lacy says, "and by pressing play, you've already started the process of manifesting it" I felt that each time she said it. I couldn't do the DIs or the pathway because I wasn't in a place financially to do it (I know it's less than $1 a day, but you know how it is sometimes). I don't know if it's because of human design, but I felt like I was working towards it just doing that. I had never paid for the pathway, and I just did a DRE every time I was triggered. That's when I really felt things start shifting.

My tip is anytime something isn't working, be sure to stand in your worth, that's not always going to do the trick, but at the beginning, that was what I had to keep reminding myself of.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @breedinunicorns and @d.moneyxx


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