Upleveling Rapidly After An Expansive Realization

Name: Renee Miller

Where do you reside?: Brooklyn NY

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-My dream job as a self-employed artist

- Self-worth and confidence to share my work and charge what I deserve to be paid for my artwork

- An abundance of like-minded and aligned clientele for my business

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Uplevel: Rock Bottom, Tests, and Triggers DI

What expanders did you find?In the same week as the realization I mention below, a girl I went to college with working in the same field as my dream job shared on social media about how she and her partner own their own business despite having two young children. They decided to forgo health insurance in the open market, which can be hundreds of dollars a month for not great coverage. Instead, they asked their doctors what discount cash payment options they have for medications and procedures. She also left the corporate world to be an artist and specifically said, "You don't have to stay in the corporate job just for health insurance." This really expanded me because it felt so specific to me and also educated me about other payment options if you don't have health insurance.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I realized I was being tested on whether I will stay in my secure corporate job just for the safety of the health insurance my job offered. I was being tested with high medical bills and how I would react, also with tests from my art clients around my boundaries and Self-worth related to my side-hustle as an artist at the time.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.:

How did your manifestation come through?: This took a while for me because I was so afraid to leave the security of my corporate job to pursue my dream career as an artist. After going through Uplevel: Rock Bottom and the Triggers DI in the Daily Practice and then talking through it via voice note like Heather Whitaker explains how she does, I realized that I had a deep fear around not having health insurance from my job. I realized the universe was pushing me out of this corporate nest when my job's insurance policy changed, and I ended up choosing a plan with a low monthly cost but a high deductible. I thought I was at rock bottom after having over $1200 worth of bills from a routine doctor's visit. 

The month after, I had another $180 bill for a 10-minute consultation. After talking it through, I finally pieced together the lesson that the universe was trying to give me; that just because you are working in a corporate setting doesn't mean that you are necessarily going to have "good" health insurance. I know everyone's situation is different, but I felt like I really had this deep-rooted fear from my parents that you need to have a "real" job in order to be successful and have health coverage, etc. After realizing this lesson, I received a refund for a purchase I had made, which was the exact amount of this last medical bill. I also found the expander I mentioned who left her corporate job and is now a successful artist with her own business, house, and family.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 1 year

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 3-4 times a week

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Once I started talking through the DI's and listening back to them the way that Heather Whitaker explains that she does, I found I was really able to integrate this lesson and piece together all the breadcrumbs that the universe was giving me: how this was actually a test and a lesson and a manifestation of the refund for the exact amount of what the bill was, and that the girl who's social media post I came across was a super-specific expander for me. Since incorporating this practice into my daily routine, I feel like I have been upleveling rapidly and really integrating my authentic Self more than ever before.


Daily Practice / Uplevel


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