6 Figure Pay, A Move to New York, & My Dream Partner

Name: Lori Jane

Where do you reside?: Vancouver, Canada - soon-to-be NYC!

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Middle class, Canadian.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: - New affordable modern condo in my dream neighborhood with in-suite washer & dryer

- Going from less than $60K/year to over $100K in 1 year

- Dream relationship with my ideal partner - cannot explain this type of love

- 25-pound weight loss and a new mindset around health and fitness

- Feeling in control around alcohol & food

- A promotion and the only Manager in my department at work

- $10K lump sum gift

- More travel and visits with family & friends

- Successful Visa application & move to NYC (this was added later on as I followed my pings down my divine path)!

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest, Unblocked Love, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Shadow, and Unblocked Inner Child. Now I do the Daily Practice 1 - 2x per day and follow the journal prompts.

Major blocks I discovered:

- Major block around money, that it was extremely hard to come by, takes work and sacrifice takes a long time to get to a career where you have excess income. That you should hold on to your money, not spend. That buying things you wanted was frivolous.

- Blocks around love that I was not worthy of communicating my needs, that I was unattractive, that my feelings were not important, and speaking my truth and voicing my opinions would make me unlovable.

- Not a subconscious block, but I also discovered how much I was using food and alcohol to numb myself rather than looking inwards. Realizing that I was using food to numb my uncomfortable feelings was the biggest discovery and important factor in my 25+ pound weight loss.

What expanders did you find?: I found many different expanders as I was calling in a fairly hefty list! I tried to have 2-3 for each manifestation I was calling in, but here are some of the top/reoccurring ones:

For money:

- My best friend Taylor is magnetic with money. She is the kind of girl who works from home on her own entrepreneurial feats and calls in large sums of money in unexpected ways. She is the goal for financial freedom!

For weight loss:

- My sister, my friend Cassie, a friend of mine, Karly and then also myself! The most important one here, I think, was when I got myself to my goal weight, and then my subconscious fear of not being able to keep the weight off made me call some of the weight back in. It was then me using myself as an expander, knowing that I had gotten to this weight a few months ago, and remembering the feeling of happiness and confidence that it brought that allowed me to get back down to that goal weight.

For career:

- Krista & Lindsey from Almost 30, Rayna & Ashley from GGE, and Lacy & Jessica! I have been obsessed with all three podcasts and then became a Pathway Member in October of 2020. I pretty much strictly consume your 3's content and truly attest this wild year of manifestations to all of you. I think that the expansion I've been given from all 3 of your brands is the reason I have now called in an amazing career opportunity, quadrupling my salary, being fully sponsored as a Canadian to move to New York City... which in turn I believe is leading me to the biggest manifestation I'm calling in - my book deal.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Again, calling in such a big list = many tests! I've tried to point out some of the biggest ones below:

- Right before calling in my dream relationship, in January of 2021 - I found out that my partner (we were not exclusive at that time) had taken another girl on a date after we had been seeing each other a bit more regularly than the year prior. I stood in my self-worth, told him how disappointed I was in his behavior, told him I thought he was a great person, and wished him the best but that we could no longer see each other. I think the universe was testing my worth to see if I would fall back into old behaviors of either excusing the behavior (as we were not together technically) or lashing out because I was hurt. I obviously passed this test because he came back with an amazing apology, ready for full commitment, and we have the most amazing dream relationship now. 

I'm extremely close with his family. We travel together regularly, we have the most open communication, tell each other we're the love of each other's life, and are now preparing for our transition into long distance as we know our relationship is the one. He is the kind of partner that girls dream about, calls me multiple times a day, tells me I'm the love of his life, always complimenting me, surprise gifts, so funny and charming, loved by everyone, physically EXACTLY my type.

- Many tests in relation to my new career in New York, including negative feedback from family. Border restrictions during Visa application. Long and drawn-out process. Counteroffer from current employer. I passed all of these! A lot of it was having patience and trusting that the universe had my back, and if it was meant to be, it was going to be. I was being tested on whether I would give up on finding an accessible land border that was processing Visa applications, getting the time off of work, and ensuring I had all of the documentation ready. 

I ended up finding out there was a border 1.5 hours from my house that could process my Visa application at 2:00 pm on my only day off. I followed the ping and got into my car immediately and ended up having a wonderful experience with my application and getting it approved on the first try.

- Many tests related to money, including committing to higher rent and buying certain things (overcoming fear of lack), paying the tab unexpectedly at large dinners, spending commission before the cheque has actually been deposited, things breaking. I've learned to tell myself that money is an energy that flows, and when I get stressed and feel lack, I close off the flow of money. I've had two experiences now where I spent my commission cheques on trips before actually receiving the cheques. The timelines just kept ending up that way with my boyfriend's schedule. Both times I faced my lack mentality where my ego would feed me all of the reasons why I for some reason would not receive that commission cheque and that I didn't deserve to spend money on this trip before I had it in hand, and even then I should save it. 

I've reprogrammed myself to know that I DESERVE these trips, and I deserve to spend money on the things that are authentic to me and provide me with joy and others with joy. In both instances, I've received the cheques in full to cover the trips in full and then some! Most recently, I took my boyfriend on a surprise trip to Venice Beach for his birthday last week. I am now realizing, after some reflection, that all of Lacy & Krista's talk of Venice must've subconsciously embedded the desire to go there on a trip!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, a few different magic darks! Most recently, while waiting to hear about this job offer. Long story short, a recruitment agency reached out to me in September out of absolutely nowhere, asking if I wanted to hear more about a role within my industry & field in New York. The title was way above my current title, and it was in Brooklyn, New York, so I agreed to take the call, really not expecting much or expecting it to go anywhere. After a successful first call, learning more about the role and the pay (4x more than what I was making when I started TBM in 2020), I was really excited about the opportunity and started trying to call it in. 

I ended up speaking with 4-5 different people within the organization before they gave me the offer. From there, it was determining whether or not I was going to be eligible for a Visa as I am Canadian. The entire experience took 2+ months from first interview to successful Visa application and the last month was an extremely dark period with not much information coming through on whether or not this was going to move forward and it was a very uncomfortable and undesirable period at my old job making the desire for this manifestation even stronger. Part of the reason I think it was stuck was that I didn't own the manifestation when talking to my family. I had been avoiding talking to them about it and how I was feeling about my career and current job to avoid the negative feedback. 

I finally cracked last week and told my parents how unhappy I was and how I could see this opportunity in Brooklyn taking me where I wanted to go in life, etc., and they actually received it really well. From then, the paperwork from the lawyers came through, my ping about the borders came through, and ultimately I had a successful Visa application! The last piece of this puzzle was that I really wanted to spend the holidays here with my boyfriend (dream partner I manifested), as well as ensuring I was able to work at my current role until my next commission payout (to cover the LA trip) and so I jumped off the cliff and asked my new boss who immediately replied with a no problem, see you after the holidays!

How did your manifestation come through?: All of them followed a similar pattern... I love that I can understand my patterns! I would start calling the manifestation in, be extremely hopeful & confident while things start moving in the right direction, face a few tests, face a magic dark, face a rock bottom, big manifestation comes through!

For the boyfriend: I started calling him in as my actual BF after a year of on and off/casual, we started spending more and more time together, rock bottom of him with the other girl, I get faced with a few tests, rock bottom, magic dark and then the manifestation comes through, and he is now the perfect partner and my absolute soulmate. I did the Unblocked Love workshop back in December 2020 and called him in as an official bf in February 2021.

I've had three career changes. Each one has fallen into my lap (I have not gone out and applied for any)! When I started the pathway, I had just been laid off (due to COVID) from a sales job that I loved where I absolutely adored everyone I worked with, but I made under $60K a year. From then, I dove into the work, especially Unblocked Money, and did a lot of reprogramming on deservingness, lack, etc., and ended up calling in a new job (through an ex-colleague) in sales with a $20K higher base salary and the opportunity to earn a lot of commission. I did that for 6+ months and was expanding myself on how much money I could make and how successful I could really be in sales, but I hit a breaking point with the cutthroat mentality and high-stress environment and became fed up. 

I then got a call from my old boss at the job I loved, asking me what it would take for me to come back to my old job. She offered me a title bump to management and a pay raise of $25K from what I had been previously making ($5K higher than the other job). I did this job for 6 months, learned a lot and expanded myself on how much money I can be making, how much responsibility I can handle, how skilled and valuable I am as an employee and then again hit a bit of a breaking point feeling stagnant at my current role and upset about some other things within the organization. I then got the recruitment call (again out of nowhere!) for another title bump within my industry in NEW YORK (I'm Canadian, so this is huge) with another $30K pay bump... I went from under $60K to over $110K + in just over one year!

In that year, I also manifested my DREAM apartment in my exact neighborhood with the in-suite washer dryer. I manifested more travel and time with family and friends, including a trip across the Rockies with my perfect boyfriend, a family trip to Vancouver Island where I got to introduce my partner to my Grandmother, parents, aunts, and uncles, who all absolutely adored him. We took a trip to California for his birthday.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Some things were fairly quick. I called in my dream apartment in 2-months, or so. My boyfriend was about 4-5, and same with my weight loss. Going from less than $60K/year salary to $100+K a year salary was the largest manifestation I've called in, and that took just over one year (in steps)!

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I've been using the DI's at least 1x but usually 2x per day since I started over a year ago. I definitely had some major breakthroughs when going most heavily into the work and doing more journaling through the workshops and the DI prompts. My love came through shortly after doing Unblocked Love, so I recommend that one to all of my girlfriends along with How to Manifest to get them hooked!

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Do it in a way that makes you feel good, and that is enjoyable for you. Don't put any serious restrictions on it. I tend to do my first DI after my morning workout/shower before getting ready for work. I like to listen to the Expanded podcast or the Supported classes on my runs or while having my morning coffee, and then I try to do some journaling/DI prompts in the evening, but I'm not rigid! If I have more time on a morning off, I may dabble in some journaling as well or a mid-day DI if I have the time! If I miss a morning DI because I'm running late or if I miss an evening session because I'm sleeping over with my boyfriends etc. I won't beat myself up :)

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @ljaybru

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I cannot explain how much gratitude I have for this work and how magnetic and magical of an effect it has had on my life! As I mentioned, TBM, Almost 30, and Girls Gotta Eat have truly changed my life in the most amazing way. I can see my divine path now and have so much trust and faith in myself and the universe/source/god. I would love to be an expander for others as the people in my life already cannot understand how all of these magical things keep happening to me, but I am so thankful to all of you for your part in it! Now that I'm going to be a New Yorker (STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT) I am so excited to actually be able to connect with you all in person for any events that are coming our way!


Walking Away From Tests & Finding An Open Minded Partner


Manifesting A House In My First Week of The Pathway