Walking Away From Tests & Finding An Open Minded Partner

Name: Danica

Where do you reside?: Los Angeles

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Caucasian & Iranian

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Calling in a partner. I went through a divorce in 2014 and was pretty much single aside from a few 2-3 month situationships here and there until 2020.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblock Inner Child, Unblock Shadow

What expanders did you find?: 

Through IG: Mark Groves @createthelove and Kylie McBeath. I love how Mark & Kyle do the work together and I wanted the same in my partnership.

@kristinazias and her husband, Steve. I related to her so much in looks/age/body type. She is so magnetic and happy and fully supported by her man. She's honest about the work required in their relationship and shares how available, committed, and loving he is.

I have two friends who are happily married in supportive, fun, and deeply intimate relationships in real life. I've spent years asking questions and getting insight into their healthy relationships.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: As soon as I wrote down my list and set the intention, I started attracting a lot of suitors. I dated one (Z) for a few months, but he was long-distance and had alcohol dependency issues. It was easy for me to move on, which was new for me. I would usually get too attached and feel like that person might be my last chance at love. Staying in faith and diving back into the dating pool was easier because I kept my manifestation in mind and read the testimonial library religiously.

After Z, there was M. M was lovely in many, many ways. He was the closest to my list that I'd ever attracted thus far. I was having a good time getting to know him, but deep down, I knew it wasn't right, so I walked away and felt OK about it knowing that my manifestation was coming.

How did your manifestation come through?: I was slowly disconnecting from M (the last test) when A came in. We connected on Hinge, and it just flowed. He had just left for NY for the holidays, so we didn't meet in person for six weeks. We spent that time getting to know each other through FT dates and text. I was a little apprehensive about connecting too deeply before meeting him in real life, but he felt so different to me. I was absolutely thrilled by him but also very comfortable. Normally I'd be excited and insecure or comfortable and uninterested. 

He seemed to check everything off on my list but one thing I was unsure of was whether or not he was interested in having a conscious partnership. He wasn't somebody who had ever done much "work," which was something that was very important to me. I kept an open mind but stayed committed to sticking to my list. If he wasn't somebody who was open-minded to expansion and working together, I knew I had to keep looking. As it turns out, he's fully committed to it. It's hard and challenging at times to go within and identify triggers and get to the root of things, but he is here for it. We now do the work together. Our partnership is EXACTLY what I was trying to call in when I was looking to Mark and Kylie as expanders. 

I am honestly still shocked when I think back on the process and how exact it is. If you follow the steps, it happens for you. You see the tests and feel the pings almost instantly. I had never been with an available man before A. I had done a lot of work prior to TBM (therapy, books, etc) but following the process sped it all up. A is the most supportive and loving man that I've ever been with. He cherishes our relationship and time together. 

We have the MOST fun together. I never feel like I'm too much for him like I had felt with boyfriends in the past. I still do a little work with abandonment triggers from childhood that come up from time to time, but A has given me the space to heal so much. He knows that being secure and reliable allows me to ground. We are still a little dumbfounded to be living such happy lives with each other. His mom always tells him, "I told you there was somebody just for you out there." Everybody sees it and feels it, and I am so grateful.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 2 months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 2-3 x a week

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Find a time that works for you and be consistent. Make it cozy and comfortable for yourself.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @danicabates

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: Expanders are everything! Listening to podcast episodes of other community members who followed the process and reading the testimonial library gave me the energy and faith to keep going and digging into the workshops that aren't always easy. Staying excited about the manifestation that I KNEW was coming helped me push through.


Shadow / Inner Child


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