A Forest Home, A Partner, & Feeling At Home

Name: Mel Reil

Where do you reside?: Long Eddy, NY

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up in a middle class family in Connecticut, with a lot of rules and expectations and not much love. I've struggled a lot with C-PTSD from physical and emotional abuse from childhood.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-A new cabin that is winterized has a heating system, full of light, a bathtub, and is close to the main road and the little town nearby for under $600. I live in a highly desirable area of Upstate New York, which is basically unheard of..my last place was $1000 a month, and people thought that was a steal.

-A bridge job where I would meet members of the community and make at least $25 an hour. At a restaurant, I wanted to be able to eat off the menu, which is difficult for me because I'm intolerant to soy, including oils.

-A new money portal, I wanted to effortlessly manifest $10k to have as a buffer because I was so close to running out of my savings.

-I made a list of 27 things I wanted in a partner and how I wanted to feel when I was with them!

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Shadow

What expanders did you find?: I was definitely expanded by Lacy, which is why I chose such a low price for my cabin. Youtuber Hannah Lee Duggan for the cabin as well. Melissa Wood is a huge expander for me in general. Seeing how true she is to herself and how far she has gone in life is so inspiring to me. Some of my friends and acquaintances were fragment expanders for relationships or careers. For the money, I had heard past process episodes where Pathway members had manifested large sums of money.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I had a big test in a cabin that I saw that was $650 a month, but it was in another town that is further away from my friends than I wanted. It was also situated right on top of a rental cabin that fishermen used and didn't have a bathtub! It seemed like the only option because of the price. I had a few tests with dating, people seeming like they were checking all the boxes but then being really pushy or really flakey. I actually came up with my favorite online dating sign-off during this time, "well, this is my stop! It's been great getting to know you, but I don't see this going any further.." I also had a retail store job offer that would only pay $20 an hour and was 45 min drive away.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: The whole months of August and the beginning of September felt like a magic dark. I was hoping to find a place for September, but it didn't happen. I was just wwaaaaiting, but still feeling inspired to work on my blog and art projects. Really felt like I was trusting the universe and that the nature around me was supporting me during that time.

How did your manifestation come through?: SO! I got really inspired one day to report a college professor for sexual harassment that happened 10 yrs ago. Literally, every time I took a step forward in the process, the next manifestation came through. September-October was like a whirlwind of manifestations for me! It felt like when I advocate for myself and am seen, that's when the universe provides for me. The day after my first call reporting what happened with my college professor, I opened my bank account because I was worried I didn't have enough money for my cat's medication in my account. OMG, I could not even scroll through all the deposits?!?! I was shaking, in shock. WHAT?! There was an extra $13,000 in my account!!!!! 

All of the pandemic unemployment I didn't know I was owed was deposited into my account. I had just signed up a month before in August because I didn't realize I could qualify for it and had been so grateful for the few hundred bucks a week. I had no idea I'd be getting all the back pay!! A new friend I made a few weeks prior texted me about my new cabin the next week. I talked my landlord down to only $500 a month with internet and electricity included, and on the same property is the main house, which is only used a few weeks a year, that has a sauna, huge jacuzzi tub, and washer dryer! I had to clean out the cabin which was quite a bit of work, but luckily I ended up having my newly manifested partner to help!

Onto the partner, we met on Tinder! He only had three photos, and nothing written in his profile, which I usually think is very lame, and swipe left. But there was an energy to this one photo that really caught my eye. Our chatting was so fluid, and when we got out of our cars on our first date, it was just so obvious. As I was walking over to him, I felt my heart flutter, and I remember saying to myself, "Now this could work!" He is totally my person. We've been together three months now, and I didn't even know I could like someone as much as I like him. He is 22/27 things from my list, and the rest are things I need time to tell, but I'm pretty sure he's going to ace it.

All my friends who've met him adore him too! Then my same friend who told me about the cabin texted me a tip that the cute wine bar/wine shop in town was hiring, and I went in and was hired on the spot! Now that it's colder and we don't have as many people, my boss randomly gave me a raise, so I'm still taking home at least $25 an hour. I also now know all the local shop owners, and everywhere I go, I know someone. This past March, I moved to the area knowing no one, so this has made me feel so much more at home.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: My initial list was in early August, but I rewrote a list in September, which is right before everything started happening.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I wasn't doing a specific workshop, but I do the DI's and journal every day.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: My dog usually wakes me up to go potty around 6:30 AM, and then I go back to bed to do a DI with my AirPods, and my blue box sleep mask. Then I get up, make my morning turmeric/cacao/other spices latte and sit on the couch and journal. I do this every day, and on the few occasions that I don't go back to bed to do a DI or have couch journalling time, my dog gets very upset! He's a big TBM advocate.

I also listen to the podcast and am currently doing my first manifestation challenge.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:@miel.reil

Want to remain anonymous?: No

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I really think that reading the books and learning more about the people mentioned in the podcast was a huge help for me. So far, I've read A New Earth by Eckart Tolle, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, The $100 Startup, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, and In the Flo. Each one has expanded me so much! I also have been blessed to be surrounded by nature during this time. Meditating by the creek and showing the forest love and appreciation and feeling one with her has been so healing and supportive for me. I really think it helped bring these manifestations so quickly. Oh, and also psilocybin on the full moon each month :)


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