A Move to Nashville, A New Car, & New Projects

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: 1st generation American, but my whole family is from Chile, South America, and raised in a very Chilean household

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

-A new full-time job in a new city that was outside of graphic design, with an amazing boss I got along with.

-Move to Nashville by the new year (I got a ping about this that I will explain later)

-A beautiful spacious 1 bedroom apartment with a lot of natural light.

-A new 2022 car I could lease.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did Unblocked Inner Child, How to Manifest, rut, Unlocked Shadow, Unblocked Love, and would do the Unblocked Full Moon every month.

I uncovered I had a lot of inner child to work through that brought me a lot of anxious attachment that showed up in my relationships. That I had a lot of trouble trusting myself, I was constantly doubting myself and never trusted that I knew what I was doing or if I was doing it right. I also had a lot of shadow work to do around my old job, and never felt good enough or confident enough within myself and my work.

What expanders did you find?: I found a lot of expanders which were my friends who had moved away to new cities, and a lot of bloggers on Instagram

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I faced A LOT of tests! Before I started out with TBM I was in a job that I absolutely hated. I was treated terribly, I wasn't learning or growing, everyone was much older than me, and my boss had zero respect for me and totally took advantage of me. I was desperately looking for other jobs to leave and get out, but nothing was coming through, and I was too scared to quit and be left with no job. I was so incredibly miserable, and then the pandemic hit and made everything 10x worse, and I ended up getting laid off and fell into a total rut. My sister ended up telling me about TBM. I had been doing other manifestation work for months that never brought me anything, so I decided to try it, and then the real manifestation and tests began!

First, they showed up with a bunch of job recruiters reaching out to me with jobs that were in graphic design, low paying, full-time and part-time. After that, I got a lot of tests in dating too.I passed all the tests for the job. It was always scary because I was currently unemployed and wanted to find something, but I kept listening to all of the podcasts and reading the motivation. I knew these were tests, that the universe was seeing if I would go back into my low self-worth behavior I had been in before and would settle. I knew something better was coming, all these opportunities kept coming one after the other for about two weeks. After that, it was super quiet, and I really focused on only applying to jobs that inspired me, and I got a ping to only look at jobs in Nashville. 

This is when I started keeping a list of everything that kept coming up for me, pings, tests, triggers all in a journal written with the dates they were happening on and I really got to notice what were tests and what my patterning was which was super helpful in helping me continue to pass the tests. Once I started looking in Nashville, I found a couple of great opportunities that I was super excited about. Right after applying to them, this guy I saw who treated me horribly, a total player who was just using me, texted me asking me what I was doing that night. I ignored him, then the next day, I got an email to set up an interview for the company that I had just applied to. I ended up making it to the final round, but they decided to go with someone else who had more experience and was already in the Nashville area. 

Rather than letting myself get upset, I used this as an expander. I had been able to make this far a job outside of graphic design in Nashville. I can do it again. A few days later, I found the job that I manifested. Everything about the job description felt so aligned. I applied that day and heard back the next day to set up the next interview; a few days later, I got another call to schedule the next round and get assigned the project. This was the first interview project I actually enjoyed, felt fully confident in, and had so much fun working on. I handed it in, and a few days later heard back from the first company in Nashville. 

They found another position at the company they wanted to give me, but it offered significantly less than I had asked for, and I knew I wouldn't be able to live independently. I said no and later that night got another test from the same guy. The universe definitely knew he was my weak spot, but I knew I couldn't settle for that and that it was just a test, so I ignored his booty call. After that, things went quiet. I hadn't heard from the company I interviewed with for about a week. I did the deservingness and abundance DI every day, sometimes twice a day! Finally, I got the final round interview, where I had to meet with all the co-founders. The interview could not have gone better. It felt so aligned, I was so happy and confident the entire time, and later that same day, I got a call from one of them and was offered the job!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: for about a week, I made sure I did my daily DIs and kept journaling.

How did your manifestation come through?: When I was fully confident with myself and trusting of myself and really was just showing up as my full most authentic self in my interviews. I passed all the tests that I once would have settled for and got the job! I flew down to Nashville to look for apartments. I knew I wanted something spacious with a lot of natural light and big windows and have it be a one-bedroom apartment. In a brand new building, I found the perfect apartment with a doorman (unheard of in Nashville) that had just been finished getting built, and the apartment I looked at was the last one left. It also happened to be the very last building I looked at after two days, feeling very defeated because I hated everything and felt like I was never going to find anything, and as I was walking with my mom we just stumbled across the building. It was still under construction, and we just walked in, and it felt perfect. I applied that night and got accepted!

Once I moved down here, I needed a car, I didn't quite know what I wanted, but I knew I wanted something small, either gray or black but it still gave me the feeling of being high up like I would be in an SUV. I had a tight budget and dealt with a lot of awful car salesmen. The third dealership we went to was a mini cooper dealership. I test drove the car and instantly felt like this was the perfect fit. The car salesman was incredibly nice, not like the typical salesman whatsoever. He told me there was one last mini cooper in gray, 2022, to be leased coming in on Thursday (12/30/21). I was there Tuesday, 12/28/21, and they had to get rid of it by the end of the year. 

When I told him about my budget, he said he would see what he could do, he came back and offered me a monthly payment that was $14 higher than what I could afford, and he said that was the lowest they could go. I gave him my number and asked him if anything changed to please call me. I left feeling nervous, my dad was leaving the next day, and I needed to get a car before he left. When I woke up the following morning, I hadn't heard from him. I went to another dealership, the worst experience of all. After we left, my dad told me to call the mini cooper dealer. I said no, let's wait. I have a feeling he's going to call soon; I just felt like it was going to come to me, it was something I can't explain, but I just knew that that was the car that was meant for me and the universe would bring it to me. 

Ten minutes later, I kid you not, I get a text message from the mini cooper dealer with a picture of a gray 2022 mini cooper; someone had backed out of buying it and said he could do the exact deal I had asked for. I texted him back right away and went to the dealership, and now I have the car! And, all my manifestations came through before 2022, exactly what I had manifested, to start the new year in my new city :) I will say though, the biggest manifestations that came through are my high self-worth and truly trusting myself, and believing in myself and for that, I am incredibly grateful and happy. I can not wait to see what I manifest in 2022 with this work in my life in Nashville!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 5 months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: daily

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I made it a priority to do every day. I am very good at putting things into my routine and sticking to them, but if my days got crazy, I would always, always do one before bed, and the most helpful was keeping a daily log journal of all my pings, tests, triggers, and signs that came to me. It helped me stay motivated and really learn what my tests and patterns were like.

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I am just forever grateful for finding this and doing the work and everything you have created for this incredible community.


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