Noticing Old Patterns While Manifesting A New Car

Name: Leilani Carrasco

Where do you reside?: Abilene, Texas

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm of Hispanic heritage and grew up along the New Mexico/Texas-Texas/Juarez, Mexico border. Since most of my town lived under the poverty level, my school was classified as Title 1. I received services such as free lunch, free Hepatitis C vaccinations, and free dental work. I'm the middle child of 5 kids in a family where money was always tight and where I felt guilty receiving gifts, needing to go to the doctor, asking for clothes/supplies, etc. My grandmother had a huge impact on me growing up, but as a Depression survivor, she had a strong lack mentality that I adopted. I come from a long line of survivors but had next to no exposure to wealth, abundance and people who were thriving.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A 2017 Subaru Forester in green with less than 60K miles on it for no more than $20k. I wanted a used model in the year of my rebirth, the year that holds so much meaning to me: 2017.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: So. Many. Blocks.

1.) Fear of Harm. That was owning a newer, nicer vehicle would make me a target for a disaster like theft, accident, hail storm.

2.) Self-Doubt. That I didn't really know what I wanted--that what I wanted was probably wrong.

3.) Spending Is Not Safe. If I buy a car, then I'm going to get sick or hurt and won't have money for the hospital bills.

4.) Confusion Around Settling. I'm not blessed or magnetic if the car for me costs more than 20k.

5.) Overall unworthiness, lack of confidence, feeling out of my league around large purchases.

TRUST in Unblocked Child, Clarity, Deservingness, and Abundance, Trigger, Shadow Integration

What expanders did you find?: My boyfriend Tim expanded me in the areas of what to expect at a dealership, what to say, look for, search apps to use. (I've never had a car payment and have always purchased from a private owner.) He encouraged me to see the shopping process not as a burden but as a game.

My friend Christine who is in her worth when it comes to bargaining and finding good deals. She oozes confidence and savvy.

Pathway member Alicia Andry. Her car testimony on The Motivation is what catapulted me to see to believe.

My friend Tammie who recently purchased her most magnetic home. Despite it being a seller's market right now and paying more than she had planned, she has stayed in trust and grace. Since it's a rough market for cars and homes right now, I was grateful for an expander who paid more than planned.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: 

1. I was tempted to purchase the first car I test drove in late October. It was a Subaru Forester for $20k, green, and had 62k miles on it, but it was 2015. I had never visited a dealership before and felt so anxious and unprepared. Thankfully, I walked away. Upon the second review of the Carfax, I saw that the car had been stolen at one point.

2. I wanted a Subaru, but whenever anyone would ask me if I'd be interested in other makes, I'd begin doubting myself. In the end, I decided to stick to my guns and look only for Subarus.

3. I had the money to purchase the car outright and did not want to finance it. But the money I had left in savings didn't look like enough to me, and I didn't want to be irresponsible and run myself dry. So I looked into financing only to feel anxious and frustrated during the whole process of waiting to hear back from the bank. I was finally told I was not approved.

4. Finally! I found a 2017 green Subaru with 48k miles on it in a little town called Snyder, only an hour away. It was $23k, but I went ahead, and test drove it, hoping I could talk down the price. When the lowest price they offered still wasn't $20k, I left. Over the next few days, I found other Subarus on Autotrader that were in cities 3+ hrs away, were the wrong color/miles/condition, or were at dealerships that I discovered after inquiring further had posted low prices but tacked on thousands in fees. Then I recalled the dealership I had visited earlier that week. They were honest about the final price from the get-go. My whole experience there felt positive, solid, trustworthy. So I decided to stop communicating with the three other dealerships I'd reached out to and actually canceled an appointment I had with one that was a grueling 4 hrs away.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, albeit a short one. I decided late Friday afternoon that the Subaru I test drove in Snyder was the car for me, so I called the dealership and began purchasing over email and phone. I also reached out to a local bank that offered low-interest auto loans. However, the weekend hit, and there was radio silence from the bank and dealership until Tuesday afternoon. I felt overwhelming anxiety and like I was in the dark over the whole matter. I wondered if the process wasn't going smoothly because this was the wrong choice. Then the bank finally responded with a denial of loan because they have stricter guidelines with self-employed applicants. Since I had already signed the buyer's agreement, I either had to find a cosigner or pay a fee for backing out of the sale. I felt so lost and incapable of figuring out what to do on my own.

How did your manifestation come through?: Feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I asked for a sign that everything would line up. Then I got in my vehicle to drive to work and noticed the odometer, which read: 234,567. Immediately after hearing that I was not approved for a loan, I got still, took several deep breaths, and did the Clarity DI. There I received the confirmation from my guides and what sounded like a stadium full of cheering fans to pay for the vehicle in full and trust that I would be okay. 

The minute the DI was over, I knew what I had to do, that I was not irresponsible, that I had more than enough. Cutting that check for $24k brought a relief I never knew would EVER be possible for me. ME! A year ago, the woman couldn't bring herself to buy her favorite bread because it cost $3.50. The next day, the dealership delivered my Subie to me, and I handed over the check. It feels so good to have paid for it all at once and to be the owner of exactly what I wanted!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I wrote "a newer car--2017 Subaru" on my list in late May of 2021 but began my search in earnest on October 28th. I found my Subaru on November 8th and purchased it on November 17th.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Daily, if not twice daily, that last three weeks.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Yes! In the days after test driving my Subaru and walking away from it, I began to feel inundated with self-doubt. So I visited the Manifestation Testimony page and was suddenly inspired to fill in all the blanks on this testimony form as though my Subaru manifestation had already come through. It was so much fun and filled me with hope. It was an expansive moment because even though most of my answers were "pretend," they helped me clarify my desires and bolster my confidence in what I wanted. The exercise showed me how good it felt to honor my heart and not settle for anything less.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @wilddesertwoman

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: The way I made this process my own was I filled out this testimony form before my manifestation came through as a way to bring clarity, bolster my confidence and see to believe.


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