An Expansive Community Plus New Work Opportunities

Name: Carlisle Hodges

Where do you reside?: Nashville Tennessee

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. Ancestral lineage is Scottish, Irish, Danish, English. I had a comfortable and privileged childhood. I was very influenced by societal pressures as a female in the south. The trauma started at age 12.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: To teach yoga at a studio that feels aligned with me. For my business/work to be able to support me financially. To level up my experience of Nashville - i.e., aligned people, experiences, food, etc..

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: My TBM pathway membership ran out a few days before my birthday in November. I decided to take that as a sign and take a breather. Right after Christmas, I decided to spin the wheel and get back in the game. I landed on the same cost of $18 a month that I had been paying (that felt like a mini manifestation). I started with Next Level and got hit with a test/trigger within two days. The big-block was control, and the negative thoughts outweighed the positive.

What expanders did you find?: I was able to use myself as an expander for these manifestations. I've had the yoga gig of my dreams in the past. I have had fluidity and abundance with my work in the past. I have been focusing on embodying the magnetism within the DIs. Showing myself, it's possible because I have already had it.

I have been on Alexis's remedies since April of 2021, I started with Unblocked, and it rocked my world in the best way. The essences have changed my life. Alexis is one of my expanders. I make vibrational apothecary products.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Two days after getting back in the game, I had the rug ripped out from beneath me in potential partnership- I would say I passed, I didn't cling, I allowed it to dissolve. I imagined it like it was just a dream, and I successfully let go of someone I liked within a few days. I had to have a hard conversation with my father about money - both of those things happened back to back- I practiced courageous honesty, and it has since shifted our dynamic in a really positive way. I made a decision to cancel a trip to Mexico for a friend's wedding. 

I genuinely wanted to go, but I knew my nervous system could not handle any travel drama, and it was when all the flights were getting canceled due to covid. - which was absolutely passing a test because I got my yoga gig two days later. I wouldn't have been grounded or present enough if I was trying to get to Mexico that weekend.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: The magic dark came before I got back into TBM. I had to quit my part-time job because of a toxic situation. After that it was all magic dark, then I got sick with covid and couldn't go home for Christmas. The magic dark ended when I met someone on a dating app that was almost everything on the list, and the rest unfolded from that place. Two days of TBM and universe yanked that guy out of my path LOL.

How did your manifestation come through?: This yoga studio has been around Nashville for almost 17 years. I never practiced at the old location, but they just downsized and moved to my neighborhood. I love the teachers on the schedule, and I was just so excited to go practice there. After the first class I took, I knew I wanted to teach there. My intention was to show up, practice, be in the community and let it unfold. Two days later, I went in to take a class from a fellow teacher I have taught with before at another studio. When the owner walked in, we were introduced, and by the end of the conversation, we were talking about getting me on the schedule. I subbed for a class the next night.

I am awaiting four wholesale orders for my products, including the yoga studio. I feel all the manifestations are bearing fruit through this portal. My business, one on one work, and yoga just broke through a glass ceiling. This manifestation was absolutely effortless. Full body, yes. No doubts. So easy, I almost didn't believe it was happening. We just solidified my classes today.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I have had an "aligned yoga gig" on my list for over a year. This was truly a timing thing. The universe was planning to meet me halfway all along. I just had to trust. I have resisted Nashville because of not having a yoga community that really resonates. I have been tempted to leave because of it. As soon as I had an internal shift and a willingness to lean into Nashville for a little bit longer, this is what showed up.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I've been focused on Boundaries and Next Level the most in the past six months- at least one DI and journaling every day. I always work with Unblocked Full Moon. When I signed back up, I jumped right into Next Level, and this manifestation came two weeks later.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: When I am truly in a grounded groove. I like to do a DI in the morning while doing restorative yoga on a bolster. I find it helpful to integrate while being so in the body. I love listening to DIs while taking a bath. Especially if I am working through something really uncomfortable. I make the water extra hot to help release whatever is rising up. I definitely have a process for expanding and creating magnetism. When it is time for a shift, I find a project in the house to declutter, re-decorate, or rearrange an area that needs attention. I go to yoga, and that expands my body, mind, and soul. 

I lay low and let my energy recharge. I am all about the action step list. I listen to DI before I go to sleep almost every night. The expanded podcast has been my Friday ritual for three years. I usually listen to it while I am crafting products or doing organizational tasks for my business. It leaves me feeling grounded and inspired. The Amanda Bacon episode lit a fire in me. Also, I will note- I was really inspired by one of the TBM coaches' new authentic code post on IG. I can't find it now, but it prompted me to make a new code, and I felt instant magnetism once I did that, and I have found a way to embody it every day.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @wild_intuitives

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I have some pretty wild TBM stories. One of my first dating tests in 2019 was a guy who had a random history with my girlfriend in LA that introduced me to TBM. We laugh about that often. I had an emergency appendectomy not long after that relationship. This summer I was on a broken plane - my grandfather and uncle died in a plane crash when I was 12- this was literally me in the face of my biggest fear, trigger and shadow. Both of those intense situations happened on days when I was supposed to leave Nantucket Island. There's a lot more to those stories.




Passing A Huge Test & Meeting My $5k Goal


A New House & Maintaining Trust Through Tests