Passing A Huge Test & Meeting My $5k Goal

Name: Kaley McGoey

Where do you reside?: Juneau Alaska

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up middle class, military, evangelical, and homeschooled. I am white-facing but heavily identify with my Jewish ancestry as well.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

- My manifestation list was Aligned work with clients that lit me up.

- $5000.00 for the month of January.

- Aligned relationships/friendships

- Aligned partner

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have been working through the Unblocked Inner Child after doing Unblocked Shadow. I just finished the 5-13 DI, and it blew my mind wide open. I never realized just how much transition I had gone through in that period of development that created so many of my scarcity blocks.

What expanders did you find?: I have a few that I found in the pathway group, the podcast, and Instagram. Atarah, as a fellow reflector and queer person, was a very expansive one for me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Since beginning the program, I have been processing being sober from weed and alcohol. Weed was the main one for me as it has been a beautiful partner at times for my healing but has become a major crutch and dependency. I have been replacing it with Gua Sha and lots of self-love on the evenings when I would usually partake and pass lots of tests with people smoking around me. Also, friendships, I have always been very social. As a people pleaser, I felt bad saying no, even when my energy was not in it. I have been saying no, a lot. And explaining why with love. It's been isolating, but I'm self-validating now instead of requiring anyone else to do that for me.

The biggest test of all came last week. My mother and I have worked together on and off for about ten years doing her photography business. In 2016 she moved away, and I started my own photography business. I struggled through most of it with low self-worth and a scarcity mindset. I'm a single mother to twins who were 1 when I began my business at 25yo. For the past year my mother has been hiring me to work as a contracted photographer as she moved back to my town. I had lost more than 70% of my revenue due to covid and our local cruise industry closing down. (I specialized in glacier elopements with tourists) I was also cyberbullied by cancel culture, ended a serious relationship, lost friends, and generally fought depression until I found TBM in November.

All this to say, last week, my mother dangled the biggest test of my life in front of me. She is offering to hand me her business after working together for two more years. Our dynamic is generally lovely, but she tends to passive aggression and tries to make me conform to her style and systems, which feels very misaligned for me and keeps me small. She gave me a week to decide and sweetened the pot by offering her PayPal credit to get the Human Design Certification courses I am planning on doing. It was soooo tempting. I spoke with a projector friend also in the pathway, and I concluded that it would be more magnetic for me to say no. I am building through this work to value my work and begin to invest in it with my higher self-worth.

So I did it with so much love and gratitude. I told her no. I watched her experience her pain. I didn't take it on. I thanked her and shared my process with TBM. It ended with so much love and brought us even closer to safety with one another.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: My magic dark actually happened before the test came through. I was in a limbo state of not knowing what I wanted. It lasted 3-4 weeks and was brutal. I just never stopped believing that it would all come together and that this work was needed in my life. That I was, in fact, getting closer and closer with each tiny test.

How did your manifestation come through?: The morning after (I kid you not), I had a potential client call for a wedding. I had worked with a friend of theirs years ago for their wedding. She called me and told me she wanted to book me, and it couldn't be anyone else that I was the exact energy they wanted at their wedding. They booked my largest package!! Which was well over my $5000.00 month that I was manifesting for January! And I made a post with my authenticity on Instagram and had a flood of support and love flowing my way. It's created a reignited passion for why I love what I do!

I am now three posts in after months of inactivity and I couldn't feel more aligned, loved, and supported.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: For work, it took about a month and some change. For the $5000.00 It took only 12 days.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I have been doing them at least three times a week and sometimes days when I am feeling myself in a rut.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Oh my gosh! It's been such a profound shift. As someone who is more of a peripheral and audio learner, I often repeat the lessons that came up to me to my closest growth-oriented friendships. I share with them my thought process and receive feedback that I can really digest. Tests have now become my favorite goalposts for successful manifestations. I am making aligned choices clearer and clearer based on the work I have done in the DI's.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @thetiniestwolfpack @feraphotography

Want to remain anonymous?: No

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: Just a sincere gratitude moment for all of you at TBM. It's truly changed my life in the most profound ways, and I have been doing it for less than two months. The clarity is truly a game-changer.


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