Moving To My Ideal Home With Ease

Name: Charlotte McGhee

Where do you reside?: Charlotte, NC

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm from a small town outside of Tulsa, OK & grew up lower-middle-class.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: An investment property in the NC mountains to put on Airbnb- to get us closer to our ultimate goal of early retirement

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: This was my big manifestation for the 2021-22 Manifestation Challenge, so I followed it over the holidays. However, I'd been doing TBM for over 2 years at that point, so had done all of the workshops & DIs multiple times. The few months prior to the challenge, I was focusing on my blocks around needing to be busy & achieving equaling success/being loved.

What expanders did you find?: Expanders were the last big piece to the puzzle- I already had one successful Airbnb property in the same area, so I believed I could do it, but the market was so crazy- I needed expanders who had specifically gone under contract within the last few months. I posted in a female real estate investor group asking for expanders (not using that term, obviously) and received over 200 comments about the super wild ways these women had gone under contract during this time. Then, I posted the same question in the mighty networks group, asking who had found their dream house. I received a super expansive reply. I bookmarked both & went back to read through them quite a bit.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Since you asked about the Unblocked flower remedy- I took that in early September on a whim, maybe after hearing the podcast episode about it. What followed were insane tests- exactly like Lacy talks about with the waves crashing over & over again. We moved while I had Covid (and so no friends could help us), then I had an emergency appendectomy, then my stepdaughter had a serious issue occur, then we all got Covid AGAIN (we are all vaccinated), and then my husband's grandmother died. All of this happened within a two-month period. Through it all I kept taking the flower remedy and just asking to be cleared of what needed to go. I broke down multiple times but kept going. I believe that the common thread through all of the tests was the understanding that control is an illusion and to be more in flow. It was brutal.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I don't believe so.

How did your manifestation come through?: Somewhere, on a podcast or maybe a Supported, they were talking about taking aligned action & parsing out what that means for you. I'm an action-taker by nature, so I sat with that and heard, "Aligned action for you is surrender/inaction." This made total sense- I was absolutely dog-paddling, checking Redfin all the time for new houses (even though I was getting instant notifications), etc.

A few days later I got a ping to post in the FB group local to the area I wanted to buy in, not a real estate group, just the town group. I asked if anyone was thinking of selling anytime soon that I was interested in buying. I got a lot of sarcastic responses like, "Good luck, it's impossible!" "Just buy land." etc. After I posted, I let it go.

While in my (semi) surrender state, I got a ping to ask for expanders- other people who had gone under contract during this "crazy market." That's when I asked in the mighty networks group & in the FB real estate investors group.

The next day I started receiving messages from people who had seen the post in the local group asking if anyone was selling. One was from a realtor that was going to list a house next month- the house was already on Airbnb and was so central to where I wanted to be that guests could walk to the major sites from it. A week earlier, I had had a ping about getting a house on the street where it's located- because the location is so perfect.

I asked the realtor if we could see it before it would be listed- she said yes, and we saw it two days later. We made an offer- with no other competition because it hadn't been listed yet- and the seller accepted. At the asking price!!!

The tests came after this, oddly enough. Even though he accepted our offer, he couldn't sign until he had some work done on the front deck. It had just snowed a ton, and he didn't know when he could get a crew in. So, we waited a few days with a verbal acceptance, but nothing signed.

When anxiety started to creep up, I did my best to let it go and remember that even if this one fell through, something better would pop up.

In NC, it's the law that if realtors are involved the house must go on the MLS. So, with just a verbal acceptance, the house went on the market. The seller blocked off showings but still got sight-unseen cash offers over the asking price. Even though he'd make less money by continuing with us- he didn't take them.

We now have a signed contract, at the asking price, in the perfect location to make a great profit on Airbnb & get us closer to early retirement!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I started looking seriously about a month before the challenge started, so about two months.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: Since I became a TBM member in the fall of 2019, I've done the work almost daily.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I take the word "should" out of the equation. I only do the work when I feel called to (which for two years was almost daily- and now I'm doing it maybe 2-3 times per week). Also, I don't bother with which DI or workshop I should do. If I want to do one, I'll pop in & peruse and then do the one that feels the best.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @broadriver_retreats

Want to remain anonymous?: No

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: I came to this work a few months after deep-diving into childhood sexual abuse with a therapist for the first time. For years before that, I had tried the "new age manifestation" and felt such shame whenever I would think negative thoughts or when things wouldn't come through. It was such a vicious cycle. I don't think I would've been ready for this work had I not finally gone to a great therapist for what happened to me as a child, and honestly, that trauma made some parts of this work harder- like Inner Child. Even after therapy, when attempting Unblocked Inner Child, some questions came up which forced (allowed?) me to have difficult & necessary conversations with my parents. It is amazing to look back at the road that has brought me here, to all of the synchronicities & how diving the timing really was & is.




A Teaching Position That Lights Me Up


Passing A Huge Test & Meeting My $5k Goal