Landing A Dream Job & Expanding My Network

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: White, middle class, suburban Midwest

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I was seeking a Director of Marketing role in a startup that would expand me through managing a team and being responsible for a greater level of work, as well as reporting to the C-Suite and being on the leadership team. I also wanted a leader who had a clear growth path in mind for the role. Additionally, I wanted a significant raise to better align with my personal financial goals and what I think I bring to the table as an employee and team member. 

Eventually, I'd like to own my own company; I'm a strong individual contributor, and I see this job as a bridge to teach me the skills that I will need to manage a team, lead ongoing strategic planning, and report on high-level goals. It will also help me build a financial cushion for my life and my personal business.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I had already done all of the workshops prior to creating this manifestation. In the midst of it, I relied heavily on the tests and trigger DIs. I had started Unblocked Money again, but it wasn't feeling right. So instead, I started doing Unblocked Love, because Lacy and the coaches often say how money and love are connected. Additionally, I bounced in and out of the DIs in Unblocked Shadow during this time (I love shadow work! It's so powerful!). I used the Test and Trigger DIs when things came up, which was a lot. I started seeing A LOT of patterns emerge once I put myself in the headspace of seeing this situation as a relationship pattern vs. a financial portal.

What expanders did you find?: A lot of women in my network were up-leveling at the time-- former bosses and coworkers. It really helped seeing other people who were my peers step into a new space for themselves. And it made me realize I could do that, too. In the end, I ended up being my own expander as well when I realized my patterns of how opportunities have presented themselves to me in the past-- I've rarely had to seek out a job opportunity. The most expensive ones have come to me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I started actively interviewing last fall after, out of the blue, one of my mentors connected me to her mentor, who connected me to a bunch of people in her network, which was amazing! I started a few conversations, even one at a dream company. While that company's mission was a good fit, it was a bit larger than I was looking for and therefore, the role I was interviewing for (and frankly, would feel comfortable and successful in) was more of a lateral move for me. I went through the interview process but didn't get it, which was for the best. 

Another company that was the right size presented me with a very obvious connection between love and career, which drastically shifted how I now view tests and helped me understand patterning. The hiring manager told me upfront that the founders didn't understand the need for marketing as they scaled their business. Despite that, I initially got very excited about the potential for this role and could already envision all of the updates I would make to the website and campaigns I would run. I met the HR Director, and she and I hit it off really well. 

She thought my energy and experience would bring so much positivity to the company. But she reiterated that this role would have to do a lot of uphill influencing to prove how marketing was important (worthy?!). After leaving that conversation, I discovered that this was strikingly similar to my dating patterns. I have tended to go all-in on emotionally unavailable people and get so excited about the potential. I've also tended to want to be a "fixer." 

The friends and family members of the person I am dating were always supportive of the relationship, and so I would get a lot of messages from them along the lines of "they just don't know how much they need someone like you in their life" and "just wait, they'll appreciate how good you are for them in time." Once I saw the parallels, I stopped the interview process with that company.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Right after I stopped the interview process with that company (literally hours later), I was approached about a new role in the company I was already at. Within a couple of weeks, that role was confirmed, and two months later, I officially had a new job. I say this was the magic dark because this role wasn't necessarily exactly what I was looking for, but it included a raise and brought me to a team that I work really well on, which put me in a much better headspace to sit back and relax. I felt content, and the role piqued my interest, so I discontinued any further searching, thinking I would explore that role for a while.

How did your manifestation come through?: About a month and a half into my new role, a friend/former coworker pinged me on LinkedIn to let me know that a recruiter had reached out to her about a role and that she referred him to me. Thus began my interview process. It was ridiculous how good the fit was for me. The company was in an industry in which I had experienced, and the founders owned a second company in another industry in which I also had experience. The idea was that this role would grow into overseeing marketing for both companies. 

The whole thing just flowed. I didn't feel that I interviewed particularly well, but I showed up as myself and having the cushion of my current (now former) job really helped me relax into the process without worrying about the outcome. I just felt that if it was meant to be for me, it would come. And the recruiter and company really made me feel at ease during the whole thing. At one point, the CEO connected with me to not just ask a few follow-up questions but to see how I was doing because it had been a week since we had connected, and I still had one more team interview to go, and he wanted to make sure I was still interested. Additionally, they gave me the salary that I asked for with no questions asked and no negotiation. 

When I think about this in terms of relationship patterns, what a dream! I was wanted, the communication was clear and open, and I set expectations, and they were met. I also realized during this time that the most expensive job opportunities in my past had fallen into my lap vs. me actively seeking them out (usually connected by a friend or colleague). This was no different, and it's a helpful reminder for me as I think of other things I want to manifest for myself.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 6 months

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I started doing more shadow work right before and during the interview process. I have some revelations during that period, and I think that really tipped the scales.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I do the DIs 2-5x per week, depending upon what else I have going on. When I can't sit down to do a DI, I usually listen to old podcast episodes and Supported while doing other things.


Shadow / Love / Money


Dialing Down My List Led to Meeting My Partner


A 6 Figure Launch & Meeting A New Partner