Running Into The Fire & Finding A Partner

Name: Gwendolyn Cummings

Where do you reside?: Washington, DC

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry; I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

- Very specific partner list (down to career, height, hometown, etc.)

- Six-figure salary at a mission-driven organization

- Studio apartment for under $1400/month with white walls, hardwood floors, and lots of natural light

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: How to Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, unblocked Money, Unblocked Love, Unblocked Boundaries

If you did work with a coach or a few, who did you work with, in what capacity (Q/A service or Session(s)) and how did that contribute to your manifestation process?: I worked with Amanda Blair, which really elevated my manifestation process, especially in calling in a partner. Amanda was able to identify gaps and patterns that I was not noticing and provided actionable steps to get me closer to my manifestation. I highly recommend working with her (or another coach) to speed up your manifestation process.

What expanders did you find?: Love: I made a concerted effort to connect with friends whose relationships I admired. I was also expanded by couples on TikTok who were supportive and loving partners. I especially liked Jo Johnson's (@jojohnsonoverby) relationship and watched her videos often.

Career: I started being more open about my desired salary and found I had more expanders making the amount I wanted than I thought. In professional settings, I looked out for young women in powerful roles and people successful in the non-profit space who hadn't gone to grad school. If I met someone I was impressed by, I looked at their LinkedIn to see if their background aligned with mine.

Apartment: my biggest expander was my brother, who got an apartment that met my qualifications about a month before I did.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Love: TONS of tests, especially with emotionally unavailable men or guys that seemed great, but I didn't have a romantic connection with. It took a full year to pass all of the tests I needed to, which was frustrating at the time but makes so much sense in hindsight. Once I was able to quickly identify when things weren't right, my manifestation came through.

Career: I actually didn't pass one test and took a job that was inauthentic to me but paid what I wanted. It was a great lesson to run into the fire/getting burned because I was unwilling to accept a job that wasn't right moving forward. But it was no fun at the time.

Apartment: I found an apartment with a lot of what I wanted, but it felt intuitively off. I turned it down and saw my current apartment the next day.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I experienced a magic dark in dating and went without a partner for ten months. That was difficult because I was so eager to be in partnership, but (especially working with Amanda), I got to an amazing place where I didn't even feel I needed someone in my life. I was actually deleting Hinge when I noticed my boyfriend's profile. I sent him a message saying that I was deleting the app, but he had stood out to me, so here was my number. I never thought I'd hear from him, but I did, and he is everything on my list. But I truly believe I had to get to the point where I didn't feel I needed anyone to be ready to bring him in.

How did your manifestation come through?: Love: my partner and I met through Hinge, and I knew after the first date that he was something special. I was so used to identifying tests that I had my guard up for the first month, but finally, I could surrender and accept this amazing person in my life fully. I knew Lacy had gone through the same, so she was my expander in that regard. He often says, "thank you for manifesting me," which is so sweet.

Career: I was preparing to jump off a cliff and leave my current job if I didn't get something soon. One morning, I got a ping to look at my current company's job board right as I had woken up. I did so, saw my current role, and applied that day. It all moved quickly after that.

Apartment: just through searching After passing a test, my apartment popped up - I had been searching for weeks but never seen it, which is so bizarre.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Love: a little over a year Career: about nine months Apartment: about one month (right after the first Manifestation Challenge)

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I used the DIs and workshops at least 5x/week

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: Prioritize this work!! Even if my day were really busy, I would listen to a DI while grocery shopping or put one on in the background while I got ready. When I fully dropped in, I saw the best results, but something is better than nothing. I also listen to Supported and Expanded regularly, which encourages me to do the work even more.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @gwendolynstorey

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: A cute note that I like to tell people to highlight how amazing this work actually is: Amanda had told me to "date myself," when we were working together. Two of the things I did for that were making myself a coffee and enjoying it in bed, and buying myself flowers. Now my boyfriend brings me coffee in bed every morning and buys me flowers every Sunday. I never told him that that was part of my manifestation process, so it's just a special, kismet thing that those are ways he shows his love.


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