A New Position & Unexpected Opportunities

Name: Razan Saleh

Where do you reside?: Mansfield, TX

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Palestinian, born in Jordan, raised both in Jordan and Texas. I am a Muslim born and raised, and I am fluent in Arabic, having gone to school in Jordan until the age of 13. I also speak some Spanish.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: A new, aligned career within my field of study (Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Radiology). I initially put this new career on my "Big Manifestation" list during the December 2021 Manifestation Challenge. It included a flexible work schedule (some remote work), specific pay range, the opportunity for travel, growth within the field, and the chance to get a Ph.D. or Doctorate in the future.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I initially started with the Manifestation Challenge workshops (How to Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child, and Unblocked Shadow). After, I started doing the Daily Practice weekly, about 2-3 times/week. The DIs I rotated through included: Tests, Magnetic Self, Expanders, Trigger, Emotional Clearing, Authentic Self, Reinforcing Authentic Code, Reinforcing Deservingness & Abundance, and Prosperity, and Body Image.

I also started doing Unblocked Full Moon 2x before the manifestation came through.

What expanders did you find?: Some of my expanders through this process have been women I know who are currently working in careers they love with similar types of pay ranges, the flexibility of schedules, and work-life balance.

I've also been following a few different IG accounts that, although they aren't expanders in my particular career path, are expanders in my quest for soul connection and finding my true purpose. These include @galadarling, @nazaninmandi, @jamievaron, and @flywithhaifa (a fellow Palestinian with amazing content for self-love and discovering our inner selves).

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: My biggest tests have all centered around my current job as a professor. I have dealt with incessant discrimination, disrespect, and condescension by my leadership team. Some tests, like having my office space taken from me to be given to a Caucasian faculty four years my junior in experience, was a test I both passed and failed because I stepped into my worth to fight for my space and yet I allowed it to impact my self-worth by feeling very down. This was just one of many tests at the institution. Others included being talked down to many times by superiors, having opportunities I qualified for given to those less qualified, etc.

Outside of work, I faced many financial tests: unexpected bills, extra expenses (both chosen and forced), and a divorce that has limited the financial means of both myself and my ex due to divorce proceedings. Throughout the financial tests, I stayed in my worth and kept trusting the Universe. At the time this was happening, I was already in the process of applying for new jobs, and I knew that something would come through that matched my list. Listening to Expanded episodes and Supported volumes really helped me stay focused on exercising my trust muscle and not feeling frantic or anxious about money.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Right before I received the offer, I hadn't heard from the company in over a month. I was told the CEO would need to interview me prior to an offer being given, and then I was left waiting for his schedule to clear. At one point, I honestly believed they had given up on me, so I decided to focus more on Deservingness and Authentic Code DIs, making sure I journaled every evening and did the DI the following morning. The more focused I was on DIs and self-growth, the less I focused on waiting for the call.

During this time, I had moments of hopelessness regarding my current job. I felt stuck, unhappy, and very unsure of my future. My job is a great job, but I had outgrown it and was feeling very unappreciated, so not having anything coming in regarding a new job sometimes felt very frustrating. In those moments, I tried to remind myself that a) I had a well-paying job that I was very good at and that I could continue to do well, and b) this wasn't the only job prospect, and if it didn't come through I had the ability to look for another. These types of thought patterns really helped me through the magic dark and allowed me to stay in my worth and keep trusting the Universe to pull through.

How did your manifestation come through?: After a month of waiting on a call, I finally received word that the CEO was available to interview me. I was able to meet him the next day, and our conversation went over very well. He seemed impressed with my resume and excited to have me onboard, and the next day I received a call from HR offering me the role. Not only was the role bigger than what I originally applied for, but the pay range was EXACTLY what was on my manifestation list! In fact, everything on my list was included, from travel, to flexibility of schedule, to future grad school opportunities with Oxford University (freakin' amazing!!).

A test actually happened during this step, which had to do with leaving my current job to start with the new company. I am under contract at the college I work for, and I told the new company I would not want to break the contract. We had to go back and forth about this, as the hiring manager really wanted me to start immediately, but I stood my ground, stating it was part of my work ethic to follow through on commitments. Internally, I also knew that this opportunity had to be exactly right for me to take it and if it wasn't, then it wasn't the position for me. Surprisingly, they decided to wait for my contract out, which I honestly wasn't expecting. Not only did I get the job I manifested, but it came through on my terms, allowing me to stick with my authentic code of integrity.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: I crafted my list on December 7th, 2021, and the job offer came through on May 6th, 2022. Almost exactly 5 months.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I started increasing my DIs from 1-3x per week to 2-4x per week in the two months preceding the manifestation coming through. Some weeks I would do a DI almost every day. I also started using the Binaural Beats to fall asleep.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I have started using DIs as part of my daily schedule (as much as possible). During my evenings, I journal through the prompts of whichever DI matches the triggers/tests/circumstances I faced or felt during the day. Then, I wake up and go through the DI before I get out of bed. I heard this tip during an Expanded episode with Lacy and Jess, and it honestly had made a huge difference in my ability to stick with the DIs. I'm able to stay away from the DIs better in the AM, and journaling the night before and sleeping on my thoughts helps me access my inner thoughts easier in the AM.

I use the DIs like a self-regulated therapy session. It isn't a replacement, of course, but it helps me organize my thoughts better so that, when I do see my therapist, I'm not all over the place. I also take my DI journal with me to therapy, which helps me really pinpoint feelings, thoughts, and triggers as we talk.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @baybee_curl

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: Although I am not BIPOC, I am Arab-American, an often forgotten but consistently discriminated-against community in the US.

Women (and men) in my demographic face discrimination and racism geared toward both our cultural and religious backgrounds, especially because of the lack of understating of our culture and Hollywood's erroneous depiction of our people.


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