Releasing Limiting Beliefs & A Move To The U.S.

Name: Liz Chen

Where do you reside?: London, UK

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Asian (Chinese) Australian

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

An American Green Card / move to the US

Doubling my salary / Money to support my move to the US

A property under my name

An aligned partner who was currently in London but opened to moving to the US

A group of new female friends

Healing my toxic relationship with my mother

Healing my disorganized attachment style

A lot of small manifestations: money towards Invisalign retainers, a free desk for WFH, a free angel reading, the list goes on!

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: 

How to Manifest

Unblocked Inner Child

Unblocked Shadow

Unblocked Money

Unblocked Love

Authentic Code

All the DIs

What expanders did you find?: Lacy Phillips

Mark Groves & Kylie McBeath

Jeannie Mai

Danae Mercer

Nicole LePara

Instagram influencers (JessGlistening, Yumika Hoskin)

A lot of friends

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: 

  • A lot of people were trying to convince me not to move to the US during a very unstable political period - I held tight to my gut feeling and passed

(I've previously been through difficult visa issues, so this was more triggering than I thought!)

  • An ongoing toxic relationship - I ran into the fire more times than I can count but finally accepted that it was time to let go. I've passed :)

  • Another on and off relationship - I ran into the fire briefly but very quickly passed.

  • A big test with my mother, after a really bad fight where she said some very abusive things - I passed by walking away and closing the door. After one year of not talking, we're in a much better place.

  • Saying no to a pay rise when I really felt I deserved and wanted more - I passed.

  • Saying goodbye to friends that were no longer serving me and not in alignment - I passed.

  • Believing that I couldn't "own" property as I had little to no savings and no prospects - I passed.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: All my manifestations are so overlapping that if I am going through a magic dark in one area, I'm usually starting to up-level or manifest in others, so I haven't noticed any long periods of this.

How did your manifestation come through?: The story of manifesting my US green card is so long and winding that it dates back about four years now. I'm from Australia but moved to London about six years ago to travel, but after a year I fell in love with the city and decided to stay. At the time, I was on a 2-year visa but was fortunate enough to land a job that would sponsor me (this is really rare, particularly in an entry-level position at a very small start-up - this is a whole other story). When it came time for sponsorship, we were having troubles as a result of Brexit and the government making it a lot harder for people to live and work here. At the time, it felt like the worst thing in the world - not being able to live somewhere where you'd built a life. Fast forward about nine months of trying and a lot of grief and pain, I was forced to leave the country. 

However, my bosses were really supportive and pretty desperate to keep me around, so they offered to continue trying whilst I lived somewhere nearby. I decided to choose Amsterdam for no other reason than it was English-speaking and fairly easy to get a visa there. I loved Amsterdam as a place to holiday but didn't feel aligned with it as a place to actually live. A few weeks into the move, I decided to go on a dating app for the first time in my life. The second date I went on was with an American guy who was just there traveling whilst on sabbatical. We "fell in love," and I decided I wanted to live in America (this had always been a life-long dream of mine, but I just didn't think it was possible). Fast forward a few years of on/off again long-distance dating and traveling to the US a few times, we'd broken up, but my pull to the US remained.

I was in NYC in 2019 and was at a Yankees game when my friend's friend mentioned she had won the green card lottery (I'd heard of this before but thought it was an urban legend and never heard it first person - huge expander). So when I got back to London, I applied (October 2019). I then heard that I had won the opportunity to apply for a visa in March 2020, so I started the process but got very quickly blocked by Covid-19, as the embassies were shut for anything apart from urgent immigration requests. During this time, the old flame returned and was adamant we belonged together, and I should move for him. In hindsight, I can see how directly the universe was protecting me from making this choice (as it was very, very, very tempting). After saying no, I met an incredible person who went on to become one of my biggest expanders and bridge partners - we ended up breaking up as he wanted to stay in London, but it was the most peaceful and respectful relationship and breakup I'd ever experienced.

Fast forward to April 2021 and the Embassy was open - I flew through my interview and medical tests and got my green card in June 2021. I flew to Austin, TC, in September and made some amazing TBM friends and am poised to move there in the coming months, with ten years free to live and work and travel in the US!!! It isn't hard to believe that everything really happens for a reason. If I hadn't been blocked by Covid-19, I could've moved way earlier than I was ready to.

After closing the door to the old toxic relationship, my current partner came in pretty quickly (within two months). I really wasn't expecting to meet someone so aligned who was living here but open to moving to Austin with me. I now understand what people mean when they say a relationship should be "easy." The best part of this is that I know that even if this relationship ends, I have so much trust that I will meet someone even more aligned (if that's possible).

After closing the door on that toxic relationship, I received a call from my sister the very next day telling me that our grandparents had bought a house under our name. I was in no way expecting this, as I have a lot of student debt, very little savings, and had no prospects or plans to buy!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: The big one (US green card) took about two years! The others came through very quickly!

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I'd actually taken a small step back from doing the workshops and DI's religiously when these things came through. I found that after doing a lot of unblocking and hypnosis, it was all there, but I think I was trying too hard. The second I let go and let all the new learnings percolate, things started coming through.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I work through triggers literally multiple times a week (sometimes day) - not necessarily by journaling or doing the DI's but with the knowledge that I've gained from TBM. I like to end my day with a short DI, and I just mix it up with whatever I feel called to listen to.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: anozzyabroad


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