Standing In My Worth While Building My Business

Name: Theresa Morphy

Where do you reside?: Canada

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: French Canadian

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Travel for work

My own space/property

To be one of the tops in my industry

To be making 4 figures by the end of the year

Private school for my children

Travel with my children

Travel in general

Work with a celebrity

Larger social media platform

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Inner Child

Unblocked Shadow

I listen to the podcast every week and supported classes as well as go into DIs 4 times roughly a week.

Low self-worth kept coming up, needing validation and acceptance in my industry, and major inner child wounds from childhood abuse and neglect. I also sadly discovered some sexual abuse in mediation from when I was three years old. Which I discovered happened by confirming with my family…. Ugh, major healing has taken place since this discovery, and I've only become more magnetic since working through these traumas. Inner child was heavy but incredibly important and healing.

What expanders did you find?: Many photographers expanders.

Lacy is a huge expander for me, specifically around being seen and public speaking with confidence as I'm expanding into educating and speaking workshops.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I just recently had a test come up with a friendship dynamic. This friend was actually one of my very first expanders. She is an absolute giant in my industry and someone who's work I have always connected to and admired. I brought her into mediation a lot and actually manifested a shoot with her. I had a clear vision of the shoot I wanted in order to celebrate the season of life I am in, and the ping just kept getting stronger, specifically when I was walking in nature. I even envisioned the studio space right down to the old wooden floors and textured walls. 

When she announced she was hosting sessions at her new studio space, I jumped on booking, and when I showed up, the studio was my exact vision right down to the floors. We co-created in the most beautiful way, and working with her and watching her process massively expanded me. We formed a bond mostly on IG, and this winter she messaged me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to join her on a business trip to Mexico with a few other incredible photographers. I went and connected with her on a deep soul level. During the trip, I had some relationship issues come up with my husband and was emotional and working through that and it kind of bonded her and I because she has recently divorced her husband, who did a lot of the same things my husband does. 

I think it was a trigger for her because she wanted to see me flourish without my husband as she has…. And when I got back home and worked things out with my husband, she kind of turned her back on me. And ghosted me. The issues that came up for me and my husband during this trip actually pushed us closer together as we started counseling and really connected in ways we never had previously. We were also making a giant move to Costa Rica this fall (another manifestation) and decided it would be best for our family, and when I shared this with her, she had nothing to say, as if she couldn't be happy for me.

When I thought we were not speaking anymore as she had continued to pull away suddenly this week her partner reached out to invite me to her surprise birthday party and normally I would have jumped to be by her side as she is such a massive expander and someone I put on a pedestal. I just didn't feel good about playing small and running to her when she hasn't been able to celebrate with me this giant life move. So I declined and decided I would put myself first and not play the sidekick and continue to play small in this dynamic.

I feel it was a test because normally, I would run to support a friend even if I'm not always treated fairly, and that was my dynamic with my abusive stepmother, who only loved me when I followed her conditions. And withdrew when I went my own way as if to punish me. I feel this same dynamic playing out with my friend (expander), and normally I would feel the need to make her love me again, but I stepped back and created space, and I think that feels good.

Long story haha.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, just recently, I felt like the universe knocked me on my but and humbled me. I was on top of the world within my work life and industry after coming back from that expansive trip, and having to navigate these friendship dynamics that I thought were safe and supportive really threw me. I started to feel really small again in my work, and it just felt hard for a couple of weeks to show up. But I feel like I've come out of that and really stepped back into my worth

How did your manifestation come through?: I've had numerous manifestations come through one after the other. I will be traveling to California this month to speak at my first photography conference (travel for work). My business has exploded to the point of being booked out for months. Then I manifested a shoot with someone semi-famous.

Here's the backstory on this. I actually reached out to Lacy about capturing her and her baby in her Topanga home. I had a ping come through and felt that I should reach out without any expectations or perceived outcome and was actually turned down so kindly by Lacy, which actually expanded me further to feel comfortable asking someone else who I thought would be perfect for the vision I had and it ended up being the most incredible shoot. This person has 2 million followers and blew my business up in a beautiful way. 

I'm now shooting mostly mothers and babies (my dream) and doing creative, meaningful shoots that feel so connected to my souls' purpose. I truly think that reaching out to Lacy was a power move and showed the universe that I am worthy of shooting whoever I want and that I believe in my abilities (for a long time, I struggled identifying as an artist, this has been a long process of healing blocks) and then through all of that connected me with the right person for the shoot and in turn transformed my business in the perfect way.. it all worked out how it was supposed to. And I'm thankful for Lacy, who gave me a no but also pushed me to keep my vision alive and find the right person for the shoot. I'm just grateful.

We have manifested our home/property as we just bought a small 9 room hotel in Costa Rica and will be relocating in the fall with our children. (Travel with children) (property/space) The perfect private school has come up in Costa Rica for the children. And so many mini manifestations to count. My human design is Manifestor so….. lol

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: A year

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 4 times a week to everyday, especially when feeling triggered

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I do my meditation in the bath most nights. It's my favorite spot in our house. I listen to the podcast weekly, and supported is incredible. I like to listen while I edit. I find being in nature walking my dog is where most of my pings come through. I am extremely visual and really prioritize that time in nature to sink into my thoughts.
If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @Theresamorphyphotography


Shadow / Inner Child


Leaving A Toxic Job & Making An Extra $5k/Yr


Releasing Limiting Beliefs & A Move To The U.S.