Leaving A Toxic Job & Making An Extra $5k/Yr

Name: Jackie Ospina

Where do you reside?: Atlanta

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Hispanic (Colombian and Panamanian), homeschooled, sister with special needs

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I have been calling in a higher-paying job for about two years now and wanted to make sure it was the right fit for me (not just about the money), so I was faced with lots of tests in the process of calling it in (toxic boss, juggling too many jobs, rejection after getting to the end of the interview process.) I have also been manifesting a dream home in Atlanta with my partner and a reiki healing side hustle business and working on all the unblocking for these things to come through.

I got a job offer yesterday for $5,000/year more than I was expecting, and definitely feel like this is aligned with all of the work I have done on myself over the past two years. It feels so surreal that this came through.

Don't give up! If you do the work, what you deserve will come to you! If you haven't written down a list yet because you need more clarity, get that clarity, then WRITE THAT LIST! I feel like this was a message to the universe that I was ready and certain about what I wanted.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: In these past two years, I have worked through Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, and uplevel on repeat, doing DIs at least 3x a week and using the journal. I feel like the financial freedom/job is the main manifestation I had in mind while going through all this work and finally wrote down exactly what I wanted: A job where I felt respected making more than $70,000/year, working from home so I can fit in yoga and side-hustles, working in a growing industry and company and working with kind people. The shadow word I discovered that was really holding me back in my career was "limited."

What expanders did you find?: My boyfriend's sister, a former boss who has always been confident in asking for the salary she deserves, my aunt

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Right before I got my offer, I was faced with a bunch of small tests that would have tripped me up a couple of years ago (car battery died and needed to replace it, left my phone in Nashville and had to get it shipped overnight, sister with BPD tried getting in a huge fight with me) which were all my biggest triggers from childhood. I did shadow DI one week before focussing on the word "limited," which I feel had been holding me back from a lot of opportunities because I didn't think I could handle the responsibility, and then all these tests hit me on the new moon in Gemini during mercury retrograde, so I knew this was something karmic and related to my manifestation.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I hadn't actually made a list for the manifestation until a couple of weeks ago because I was unblocking and expanding to see what job I was actually looking for. I feel like the last two months were a magic dark of waiting because I felt something circling close by.

How did your manifestation come through?: When I finally wrote down all the details, I hopped on Linkedin and saw a bunch of recruiters reaching out to me, but one stood out specifically. All along the interview process, I felt so at peace and was excited to see what the company was going to offer me.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 1 year from the unspecific unaligned list, two weeks after I made my new specific list with expansion

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: 3x a week

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I tried to do this every day during my mid-day slump as a way to re-center and re-motivate. I also love doing these while taking baths.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: Jacquelineospina and esmeralda.botanicals


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