Record Breaking Months After Setting Hard Boundaries

Name: Emmalee Erickson

Where do you reside?: Aspen, CO

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Grew up in a white, upper-middle-class family. My dad owned his own business and made great money. My mom didn't really work. Our family lost almost everything in 2008, and it made the house very tense, but my parents have since come back financially.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Paying off my $14K worth of debt.

This was my list:

-Pay it off in big chunks ($3k or more at a time)

-Pay it off in a short amount of time (1 summer season or less)

-On my own terms, not grinding, hustling, settling for draining jobs.

-Feels easy and exciting

-Still have enough money to live, put some in savings and to IRA

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I fully dove into Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child, and how to manifest. I was microdosing on a schedule with a third wave and did a DI 1-2 a day for an entire month.

Biggest block that came up: I am a loser

Debt had strong roots in this. I was so ashamed of my debt that I kept it a secret from everyone. It made me feel separate from others and further behind in life, playing into my belief that I'm just a loser.

Other Blocks:

• My needs aren't worth money

• Irresponsible/ Lazy

• Poor (I've always wanted to be seen as wealthy because when our family lost everything in 2008, my parents covered it up and hid it from us, kids/ other people).

What expanders did you find?: Ramit Sethi was huge for me during this time because he's the only financial leader I found that said you still get to live your life while you're in debt.

My best friend who was consistently making over $10K a month, living her magnetic life without overworking, and was also in debt.

Myself, I was so sure something was going to come through that I refused to settle for shit jobs and the belief you have to grind until you're out. I intentionally went traveling for three months (without going further into debt) because I wanted my life to still be mine and not have debt controlling it. After I came back from traveling, I made my first $16K month.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Biggest two tests:

1. Outing myself to more people. I talked about my debt online a little and started to open up to others (but never told them how much or lied about it cause I was still so ashamed).

2. Leaving my partner of 5 years. This was huge. I felt so blocked off by the end of this relationship. No libido, no desire to be social, no opportunities coming through. I knew it was time to leave by year two honestly but stayed because it was comfortable. We both live in the same small town and do a lot of the same activities, so I still see him all the time and have fallen on the on again off again wagon, but I set some very hard boundaries (terrifying to me) right as these huge money opportunities came through.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: From 2020-March 2022, when I was at my peak of debt, $15K on my CC, and owed my parents $4K, I had no opportunities that would actually be financially deep enough to get anything paid off or start thinking about it. I don't think it was a magic dark. However, I think it was the Universe pushing on my biggest pain point to get me out the door of my relationship.

How did your manifestation come through?: I officially left my partner of 5 years in November of 2021.

I intentionally saved up enough money to go traveling in December-February. I knew I needed to go. I had such a ping to leave the country and clear my energy. This choice proved to me that I was worth more than my debt. I came back home at the beginning of March, and opportunities flowed in like a river. I made $16K that month, working 2-3hrs a day, maybe 4 days a week - on my own schedule. That momentum had me on the moon with excitement, so I dove into TBM work, self-care as well as working through my "I'm a loser shadow" actively. I outed myself on social media. I reached out to people I thought were "cooler" than me. I got in with the volleyball crew in town that I felt not good enough to be a part of.

My ex had also been traveling and had come back at the end of this self-care month. I set a hard boundary on day one. He was back. Then two other very financially abundant gigs came through, taking me through July, where I was able to pay off my parents and ALL of my CC debt on July 27th, 2022!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: Honestly, I hesitated to make a list until I got back home from traveling because it just felt so far away. "Paying off debt" has been on my list since 2020, but when I made a clear list (as seen above) it took less than a month.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: For the second two gigs, it was every day for a month and 2-3 times a week.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: For me, I think finding a DI first thing when you wake up or right before you go to sleep has been super helpful as my mind is still in a dreamy state. The biggest thing for me in this work is the action I take. It is always where I see manifestation come through.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @emmaleeherickson


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