
Q: Is it too late to manifest later in life?

A: It’s never too late. You can start all of this today at any age. The energetics of manifestation are ageless, sexless, identity-less. When you're feeling that this doesn't apply to you because you’re of a certain age, that's just your shadow in the way. I want to empower you that where you are right now is where it all starts. It doesn't matter what test you didn't pass in the past. There's no such thing as space and time. Age doesn't make a difference. Don't let society tell you otherwise.

Q: Can you manifest for others? Can I manifest for my partner?

A:  No. It’s not going to work because this life is their journey of finding worth and expansion and facing their own fears. If this is the right relationship for you, you have to accept 100% to let them be on their own path. One thing I like to tell clients is to look at your programming and see if society, parental modeling or media told you that you need your partner to be x,y,or z in order for you to feel whole. Also, if you are experiencing relationship issues, the more you do your own work UNBLOCKING and expanding, the more you begin to project much more worth and confidence. Since everything is simply energy, your partner’s shadow will rear as you are energetically rising and growing and they will naturally begin to shift and either have to meet you where you’re at or fall off energetically. This goes for every relationship in your life when you begin to grow your vibration through this work.  By doing your own work and being patient with your partner, you can serve as an inspiration to your partner to help them slowly and unconsciously start to see their worth through watching you.

Q: How does manifestation of material things for myself sit with sustainability of the planet?

A: It all comes down to your value system– if you truly care about sustainability, then living your values will only enhance your authenticity and magnetism. Use the formula in How to Manifest to call in cool second-hand or vintage experiences– that’s something I love to do and it strengthens your trust muscle to see micro-manifestations come through.

Q: I'm having the most vivid and amazing images and memories come up to me when doing the DIs. When I finish them, it feels like everything goes back to normal and back to the same old story. What do I do?

A: Neuroplasticity is slow. There's different phases of fast and slow with it depending on how expanded you are. You need to be following How To Manifest, and Unblocked Boundaries - because whatever is channeling through, you’re addressing the subconscious. Therefore you’re unable to be actionable about the other steps of expanding, passing tests, and getting rid of anything that's not serving you. 

Q: How do dreams, specifically recurring dreams, make an insight to specific blocks one may be working through?

A: I believe our subconscious is imprinting the things we really need to keep for survival. Get quiet and bring the dream into your meditation. Ask it, “What do you have to tell me?” Be quiet. If nothing comes to you then, it’ll pop up later on.

Q: How do you view logic when it comes to manifestation? Is logic a limiting belief? Do you have to follow what’s logical?

A: I believe that anything we believe, we can have or achieve. You can use neuroscience to switch on and off at the genetics to send cells to do certain things in your body to start healing elements in your body. We are beyond capable of what we fathom as possible in today’s world through simple physics and science. It depends on what logic you’ve been programmed to believe because I don’t know what your basis of logic is. I would question where it comes from, who’s been telling you that this is the case. I believe through the simplicity of expanders, and raising your self-worth, and neural plasticity, you can get it. So, throw your logic out.

Q: How do I call something in? Or perhaps a better question is what does that feel like? I'm invested in this work, but I don't understand how to hold my manifestation list and the subconscious work in mind. It feels to me like I'm standing in a gap between those two branches of the process.

A: The way that you manifest is through the HOW TO MANIFEST workshop, so it's allowing each of those steps to flow. Then it all comes down to expanding, passing tests and that's basically the other step in the formula. In the meantime while all of that dance is happening with the universe, what you're using now from completing those other subconscious workshops, is use the Deep Imaginings™ or your intuition when you see a trigger come up. You'll take those triggers through the Deep Imaginings™ to peel away at anything that's potentially blocking your manifestation from coming through. There's a trifecta of how we manifest. The way that we manifest is that we unblock any limiting beliefs in ratio to what we're calling in. Then we expand enough through expanders that we see to believe, so we can actually have what we want. And next we pass tests to communicate through our actions to the universe that we will no longer settle where we settled in the past. Take it all through the Deep Imaginings™ or INNER CHILD. That’s how you find your intuition, when you go through the formula and magnetism to call in and see the steps of how to manifest. You prime your subconscious working through shadow and re-parent and then daily, focus on expanding and taking any limiting beliefs and triggers through the Deep Imaginings™ or revisiting shadow. That’s how you dance with the process.

