
Q: What do you do when you can’t get specific about what you want to manifest?

A: Do the How to Manifest workshop and focus on the smaller stepping stones with a 6-9 month time frame. If you can’t get specific, that’s fine. Let your long term plan go and do the work right now and let things start showing up, which might be little clues of what you should start asking for and work on unblocking. You should be finding expanders even if you don’t know exactly what you want to manifest. Expanders are great at showing us more clarity along the way through their lifestyle, choices, and accomplishments.  Find lifestyle expanders- people who have the life and love that feels good to you. Start to surround yourself with people and things that light you up. You’re naturally going to find more clarity while things start simultaneously materializing in your life. Also focus on anything on the physical plane that you need to do to remove and create space anywhere that you’re small or anywhere that you’re afraid. That’s what I would be focusing on right now to be your most magnetic version of self.

Q: How do I manifest my dream job/discover my dharma when I’m not clear on what I want?

A: Follow what is lighting you up. You are where you are to learn tools. When I started my brand, I had no idea how to monetize it or live off of it. I just followed my pings. I suggest doing the clarity exercise we have on the “Start Here” page. I would also suggest doing UNBLOCKED MONEY if you haven’t already.  Wherever you’re at, know you’re there for a reason. That’s a big part of it. The other things I encourage you to do in UNBLOCKED MONEY are learning where your blocks are right now, what needs to be moved around, how you need to be saying “No” and stepping into your worth on the physical as well as the subconscious and reprogramming. All of that is going to contribute to you starting to gain space for clarity. Everything has to come together at the right point for you to receive that download. When you’ve picked up all the tools you need to be prepared foundationally for what you’re supposed to be doing, as well as removing the stuff that’s clouding you from being open enough and worthy enough to feel like you deserve receiving what your thing is, start to go down every rabbit hole that interests you right now. Everything you have, every ping you’re getting and inspiration, it’s a clue, one step closer to where you’re supposed to be going

Q: I started manifesting one thing, but my focus has shifted and I want to manifest something else. Is that wrong?

A: It’s actually very common when doing this work. Often we begin calling in things to externally validate ourselves. However, the more we do the work and begin chiseling away at our true authentic selves, we notice that what we want to call in can change quite a bit as we discover what our true core wants and needs. Don’t worry, The Universe is far more intelligent than we are and it’s been trying to connect you with these true core needs your entire life. It’s just been waiting for you to dust them off and align with them (grow your worth) yourself.



