
Q: I'm curious about the energetics surrounding debt and monthly payments, specifically student loans, car loans, and mortgages. I view each monthly payment as a chance for me to remember and show gratitude for the things I have. Could this debt be preventing abundance elsewhere or is it all about how you're viewing it?

A:  It all comes down to the subconscious. I recommend doing Unblocked Opulence so that you can be looking at that. If paying those bills feels like a huge burden and block for you, it's going to block other things. If they don't and you're doing Unblocked Opulence and you're following your authentic code from up level, next level, and you're opening those portals and expanding where you need to then you're going to start to manifest more money. It all relates back to the subconscious programming you have around debt. Debt never has to be a block for manifesting money. I've known many people who go bankrupt. They manifest tons of money after that. It's all your subconscious and plantation and beliefs around what debt means to you.



