
Q: If I have more clarity does that mean I manifest things quicker?

A: When we start to realize what our soul is pulling us to want and we manifest from that space, and start to call it in and work through How to Manifest we begin to receive it. We connect with it a lot quicker if we’re doing a couple of things like unblocking and expanding. Our soul is always communicating with us. That’s why we receive pings. It’s always communicating with us what we need, what we want next, what we’re craving in order to be whole.

Q: Can you manifest clarity or pings which would allow you to write specific wants for manifestations after getting the clarity?

A: Follow all of the little things that are interesting to you. If you haven’t done the How To Manifest workshop, or you haven’t done unblocked opulence, you need to do them both because it’s going to give you so much direction. If you are someone who’s not supposed to have that clarity right now it’s because you’re supposed to be going through lessons and life experiences and picking up tools. I encourage you to follow all of the little things that are interesting to you. In terms of expanders, when it comes to this clarity you should be expanding from anybody that models the type of career and lifestyle that you would like, even if it’s not exactly what you think you want. There are elements about those people that are expanding you to show you that’s possible. Another thing I like to tell people who haven’t received the clarity is maybe what you’re going to be doing hasn’t been done before.

Q: I'm able to manifest quickly, but I feel conflicted when it comes to manifesting money. It isn't because of feeling lack or undeserving but more from a perspective of what do I do with it? Any suggestions or actions that have shown the loving handling of money?

A:  If you're really in a flow and you're getting the things you want, NEXT LEVEL is fantastic because you're going to learn the four authentic elements that drive you and are your main focus in life. From there you're able to completely delegate and detox anything else so that more of those things can come to you. You will get clear on what your Authentic code is and you'll know where to funnel and channel the money. If you can get clear on your authentic code and what you would be using the money towards based on one of those four elements or all four of them, then you'll actually have some opening for the money to come through, and you'll have a lot more clarity of where to channel it.




Energetic Space