Energetic Space

Q: How do I bridge the gap between trusting the universe, having fear, and being financially responsible?

A: What’s beautiful about this energetically is that everybody goes through it in different variations of their manifestation practice, between expansion and contraction. It happens when it comes to relationships. It happens when it comes to friendships, calling in homes or apartments. Money represents our security and in our society, we give it more weight, but it's the exact same energetic as everything else. If you’ve grown through the expansion and contraction of those you'll be able to apply that to this even though money feels scarier. It’s normal to feel that you trust the universe today then all of a sudden something comes up in the real world that triggers you and you get scared and think, "I should be financially responsible. I could be reckless stretching a little bit out of my means." It’s normal to be oscillating between all of that when you're growing into this new uplevel process. I'm sure you've done Opulence. I'm sure you've done Uplevel and Next Level. Now you're in this in-between spot without a shell and it feels really scary. I highly recommend meditation every day. You need to be grounded every single day while you're doing this process of passing tests and potentially coming into the magic dark. You need to be meditating so that you're grounded, you're connecting back with yourself, you're getting back to that superconscious space that allows you to access your subconscious and to have groundedness in that. When you’re in the conscious state we constantly see things in society that are reflecting back to us that we should not trust the universe and that we have to be safer by being responsible. Additionally, I would only be surrounded by expanders during this time or be around things that are expansive to you. That could be the five people you spend most of your time with or three people who are already more financially abundant than you and are successful in whatever they've up-leveled. What your mirror neurons are witnessing all day long should be reflecting this higher up-leveled space. You just have to keep seeing to believe what's possible and know that it's perfectly okay that you're going to oscillate between all of these feelings of fear, responsibility, security, and trust.



