Deep Imaginings™


Q: What if you have an amazing DI, with questions being answered, lights turning on, but when you breathe back into the now, you seem to forget most of it?

A: This personally happens to me all of the time and I believe something was taken care of. I don’t need to do deeper work on it. In fact, when I went to train with my Vedic meditation teacher, I kept wanting to take notes in our session and she said, “Stop. You’re not allowed. You need to be present with me.” I learned a lot from that. We want to control so much of the clarity we’re getting. There have been many times where her teachings come back to me out of nowhere when I need them.

Q: It’s hard to make decisions during DI’s. Is it important to have consistency in our magnetic world, or can we all be all over the place?

A: It is not important to have consistency in your magnetic world. The most important thing to do is to find what’s making you more relaxed on the subconscious plane and then go into it. The deeper you relax, the more your subconscious opens up. Don’t be neurotic, follow your heart in the DI’s. Go wherever your heart, soul and body want to go for deeper nourishment, and connect with what aligns to your authentic self. If nothing comes up with prompts, just breathing deeper – even if I’m still talking – and breathing deeper and wait until something does come up. It’s also okay to gently navigate until it comes up. There’s no real wrong way to do it, and the more you lean in, the more profound the experiences will be.

Q: What should the re-programming look like? How should we specifically be reprogramming as we encounter our issue during the DI?

A: The goal is to find the root cause of this emotion/trigger/feeling/block. You’re finding the first time you felt the same feeling you’re experiencing now, and you are rewriting it (through visualization). Personally, I have a lot of triggers about rejection. When journaling, I found that my lack/rejection comes from, ‘what if I won’t be loved,’ which is at the root of most of our core triggers. When doing the DI, I saw that when I was little I had to be “on” all of the time because I was passed around from house to house. Therefore, I had to be a little adult taking care of everything, I couldn’t just receive, play, relax, and be the open being that I came onto the planet as. I begin pulling up little memories where I had to be “on”, and then I reprogram it by rewriting (visualizing) that it wasn’t my responsibility and my parents should have stepped up. I visualize myself playing and relaxing and getting all of my needs met. In addition, I layer on a more magnetic experience that allows me to be in my open, loving space again and therefore, in the future I will only attract things that are loving and open.

Q: How is reprogramming during the DI different from the think positive models of spiritual bypassing? Sometimes I feel as if I’m just doing positive thinking during the DIs.

A: DIs are called Deep Imaginings. During the process of manifestation it's the hypnosis process that varies a little bit from normal hypnosis. Normal hypnosis has a lot of spiritual bypass in that it doesn't care where a block came from, it just wants you to automatically start reinforcing the positive. I started to notice that our brains are a little too smart so I knew that you had to open up the wound and do some deep healing with the root block. What’s most important to realize when you're down there is not everything looks like a fairytale afterwards. The most important objective when you're doing that reprogramming is that you take your power back in whatever the root situation was that went down. It’s important in terms of magnetism and manifestation that you feel in your power in that root situation after. Whereas a spiritual bypass wouldn’t have you look at the root nor would it ask you to do the deeper healing needed from that situation to feel in your power or worth after.

Q: Do you have suggestions for ways to significantly raise low-worth?

A: Create boundaries and use the Daily Reprogramming Exercise to work through each individual trigger as it appears. I like to get clear if I notice I’m being small in a situation because I don’t feel good enough. I then go home and do work on it. I start to look at how I can take up more space next time. I’ll look at the shadow that I rejected that makes me think I’m not allowed to take up space. I’ll start to drop those in conversations. It’s a daily practice to raise your self worth. Obviously, you can’t do it retroactively aside from reprogramming.  That’s the only practice I’ve tried that has been effective especially if it’s a process I’m doing at least three times a week and targeting what’s triggering me. Another thing is to surround yourself with people who have high self worth or loving energy to themselves. On the physical plane, one of the most helpful techniques out there for me is surrounding myself with people that already treat themselves or behave in a way that I’m wanting to treat myself. Other things I like to look at are the ways that I shrink. They’re a representation of when I’m not feeling worthy. The hypnotic reprogramming, new neural pathways, and the reinforcement of those have been incredibly helpful for me.


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