Shadow and Inner Child


Q: Is it desirable or even possible to manifest followers, popularity, fame?

A: You can certainly manifest fame if it’s coming from an authentic place inside of you and that you’re following that authentic-ness not to make up for a high school/childhood trauma in order to feel better about yourself. If you are manifesting fame to complete you from an external perspective, it’s not going to work and if it does, you’re going to be met with earthquake lessons (rock bottoms) along the way to put you back into your authentic self. Anything you want to manifest on the physical plane is okay. Take out the shame of that. It’s about checking your ego and really looking at why you need it and want it. Is it coming from this internal place? If so, rock on! When it comes to manifesting a larger social following, it all comes down to asking yourself, ‘why am I still hiding and not wanting to be seen?’ Then doing your shadow work around that. Where you are subconsciously still projecting, ‘I don’t want to be seen’ due to past shame or smallness, you are literally pushing visibility away from you. 

Q: Should I feel guilty about wanting to manifest wealth?

A:  It's perfectly acceptable to want anything you authentically desire, if you're getting down to your core wants. If you can get down to your core and see why you want it, it is okay to want anything you physically want in the material plane. When you reach a level of financial success and get the things you want without really having to think about it, guess what happens? You don't want as much anymore. You start to want to give to other people. The only way we reach a level of true freedom is when we hit the freedom in our own authentic projection and we receive it, whatever that is. Want what you want, be honest about what you want, even if it could be classified as ego. I have a great YouTube video called, Ego. I have a different perspective on ego with manifestation. It's time to get rid of the guilt around the things we want. It's time to get rid of the shame. It's time to get rid of the programming that's been programmed into us through exterior sources that do not give us the license to manifest what we want. At some point, I believe that manifesting success and money manifests freedom in your life. And trust me, once you receive it, it will become a lot less interesting to keep for yourself all the time- it gets old. 

Q: I can be generous to a fault- am I actually trying to get love and I just don’t see it?

A: There is a low self-worth aspect to it. There’s something inside of you that feels responsible for other people’s well-being or undeserving of their love. What you should be looking at and working through in the Daily Reprogramming Exercise to see where you picked it up in your life that you feel guilty when other people do something for you. That’s what you’re specifically targeting and reprogramming. Additionally, there’s one aspect to it that’s the low self worth key. This is applicable to anyone who’s too generous with their friends. There’s always an energetic root beneath of low self worth. Then in the conscious space begin practicing receiving even when it feels very uncomfortable at first to speed up the new neural pathways.

Q: Is it possible to manifest self love?

A: Getting into Unblocked Inner Child and Shadow and doing the DI often is super important for this. It sounds like you're wanting to reprogram your brain to have self worth and wholeness again. I recommend revisiting Shadow and Inner Child every two to three months since you're going to be changing very rapidly, and also doing the daily reprogramming exercise at least three to four times a week

Q: How do I know what to trust in myself and when manifesting receiving pings and tests, what I should really pursue that has longevity?

A: Follow every impulse you have, go for it and then you're probably going to burn out pretty quickly and then move onto the next. I know that can feel exhausting or like you're not getting somewhere you want to get quick enough, but it's all going to add up one day. You get to face your truth that way, rather than spending all the time just freaking out because society is telling you that time's running out so you need to focus on one thing and do that one thing well if you want to be successful. All of that's bullshit. I would do the DIs, and address whatever is coming up along the way that makes you feel like you’re a failure or a waste of time. That’s what’s really holding up the process.

Q: When I reprogram a particular incident from my childhood, am I supposed to get a positive feeling? Usually I’m very neutral about it, so not sure if I’m doing it correctly, or there are any real changes taking place

A: When we have those deep clearings and those deep healings, that’s the heavier lifting happening and it’s clearing space for stuff to come through. Especially at the end of it, if we see that it didn’t have anything to do with us, that we are good and worthy. The Daily Reprogramming Exercise is a wonderful place for taking inventory of this because it’s showing you daily what’s showing up in your life that mirrors exactly what you need to be reprogramming in order to get them to stop showing up in your life. Rather than a feeling it’s more of a deep experience that’s happening. If we see that it didn’t have anything to do with us, that we are good and worthy then we are literally reprogramming and reshifting our mindset. Those are the most magnetic key components in our subconscious that we can be projecting in ratio to everything we’re calling in- that we’re worthy and we’re lovable, but it has to be on a subconscious level. It can’t be in the conscious mind in the mirror every day. During the Daily Reprogramming Exercise, I encourage you to look at the key things you’re manifesting right now. I want you to notice any trigger that’s coming up each day. I want you to look at that experience and I want you to start to make the connection and tie it into how you might have attracted that, and how you’re not attracting what you want. Start to really bridge the gap. I know it feels like such a stretch, but everything really is connected, and you will speed up this process if you start to bridge those triggers that are happening in your life and you start to see why you’re not attracting the things that you want. They’ll help you start to find those roots a lot quicker.

Q: What if you feel passionate about a career but are feeling a block- am I not meant to do this work, or is it that I’m still so plagued in self doubt that I’m blocking myself?

A: It’s your own subconscious and shame. It might be equal parts shadow but do the Daily Reprogramming Exercise daily. The Daily Reprogramming Exercise could be helpful for allowing you to crack the code of where the real true block lives for you, as well as giving you the tool to go into your subconscious and reprogram it to unlock it. The next part for you is going to be finding an expander who went through a very similar thing, and now is free flowing. You need to start journaling and getting to the root of it and then reprogramming it and you should start to see some flow happening. Especially after you’ve found a couple of expanders. There is something you picked up when you were little. It could have been with a teacher, it could have been with your parents but it caused you to energetically shut down and that could be the one tiny thing that’s preventing it from happening. You need to find it, and reprogram it, and go find your expander.

Q: Can you touch on being afraid of your own success?

A: When you unlock this, and you start to expand to see that success brings more like-minded people into your life, you will be very successful. You have to keep doing some DIs around this until, finally, that inner child inside of you feels empowered in that situation when you were little. You need to find expanders, whether it's in the celebrity world, your world, friends of friends, parents of people, anyone when they started to become more successful doing what they love they attracted incredible like-minded groups.You just need to find other expanders who reflect that back to you, and you need to unblock it.

Q: In my mind my magnetic parents look completely different and have a much different tone of voice than my real parents. Is this okay or does this not really reprogram my experience?

A: You should have magnetic parents that are different if you need them to be. I've had many different magnetic families the many times I've worked through Inner Child. When we start to uplevel and we start to have a higher vibration our inner child needs different things for wholeness. This is why we now have the Pathway with all the workshops in them (please revisit them often because we change so much as we uplevel doing the work and that's how we can speed up this process). For example, one time when I went through Inner Child because there was no way I could imagine my parents being emotionally available enough to give my inner child what it needed, the parents were French and bohemian. They were independently wealthy and we had a lot of security, so they could be present and affectionate and loving. Then I moved on and had cowboy country parents who could teach me how to be stronger and listen to myself. I've had so many variations and now I'm at the point where my real parents do seep in. Absolutely the biggest thing I can say is use your intuition when you're doing any of this work. Let go of the perfectionism especially since you're going to revisit these workshops many times. Start to tune into what your essence needs because your soul will most likely choose those parents for a very specific reason.

Q: I have a block around doing the DI because it’s hard to pick one thing to focus on each day. I feel like I’m facing a huge mountain of triggers and blocks.

A: If everything in your life is really triggering you, it usually means that you come from a lot of negative programming, (which isn’t your fault) or you come from circumstances where you have a lot of trauma. Therefore, a lot of inner child healing and shadow need to be integrating before focussing on the DI’s solely so that you can get to a more neutral space where everything isn’t triggering you. I also suggest that if you are experiencing this in your everyday life, it’s important to be doing this work in tandem with a therapist until you’re at a point where you feel as if you only have two or three big triggers coming up a week.

Q: What are the energetics behind the fear of being beautiful? I find myself playing small and not wanting to fully embrace my femininity and beauty.

A: You need to do Shadow work around what you picked up about being beautiful - other’s jealousy or insecurity putting you down - integrate and own it. What's usually going on here is that from a young age you wanted to play small because you threatened people with your beauty. Whether it was in school, growing up, friends, you were so beautiful that they were jealous of you and you just wanted to be loved and liked so you tried to shrink and hide your beauty so it didn’t push away what all humans desire-  to be loved for exactly who they authentically are. If that's what's going on you need to do all the shadow work and inner child work around that. The second part can be that you grew up with a deeply insecure mother, deeply insecure sisters that modeled back to you to not be fully in your power. Therefore, you took on the identity of, “I have to not be seen”. Even in that case what's going to be very helpful for you will be Shadow and Inner Child. The more we can embrace what we are authentically and pump up the power around it, the better.  The more you can own it through shadow and do all the reparenting around the people who didn't accept you, then the more you can take all your power back and own it so beautifully, nobody will question it and everybody will gravitate to you. You will manifest and be so magnetic because the only thing that everybody desires and what truly creates magnetism is being totally whole authentically worthy. All beauty is subjective and unique and everyone is beautiful regardless of the shell you live in. It’s all about the subconscious projection!

Q:How do negative shadow words aid me?

A: Look to how you can integrate the root beneath causing this shadow word. How can you own more of whatever that is? For instance, mine were poor and uneducated. For me, the root thing beneath that was I despised being a hillbilly.  When I first worked on this, and was staying back in my hometown at The Forest Retreat House I had crazy shadow. I thought, “what if I gain a lot of weight because I'm eating poorly and trying to keep myself safe or what if start missing teeth”. I thought all of these ridiculous things and they all come back down to that word hillbilly. I picked up that it was shameful growing up to be identified with hillbilly.  I just started to own it. I own it when I'm talking to people whose opinion I care about. It takes all the power away. I think it's less about seeing the gift and really finding the root that you need to still own. All the power is taken out of it and that's where the magnetic magic lies.

Q: One of my core elements of my authentic code is “recognition” but I also found that I'm triggered by people who look for recognition. Why is this triggering?

A: Shadow is so simple. You just haven't seen this clarity, this thing click yet. Most likely when you were little you tried to get attention and approval and your parents behaved like they were annoyed with you. Even if it was subtle and energetic you picked up on it. Therefore, you do the same thing because that created shame and pain inside of you. It's subconscious. Now if anyone seeks out any type of recognition, you're annoyed. It's just the behavior you received when you were young. What I would be doing with that is in the Deep Imaginings™, the new Shadow and Inner Child DI that we have, in addition to journaling. It's getting to a very specific core memory you have. I would find that and I would take that a few times through that DI or through Reparent. I would deal with that little version of you who still needs that and let her or him know that it's okay, and that people who seek recognition are just a form of seeking love. Right now your subconscious is still projecting through a Shadow.

Q: Sometimes I hesitate to put something on my list because I have the underlying superstition that if I add it, I will be tested on it. But if I don't, it may just work out perfectly without any tests or magic dark in the first place. How do I deal with this?

A:The best way to approach this is through the work. It's the fear of having to feel pain or rejection and what that means to you. Take that trigger through the daily reprogramming exercise “subconscious reintegration” several times, any time it comes up. Anytime you're about to make a list or write something on your list and you have a hesitation because of these exact fears, head straight to the daily reprogramming exercise. Get to the bottom of it, reprogram it, and force yourself to put it on your list. In order to manifest the greatest things that you want in life, you want to unblock all those anyway. It's expanding to create the space, unblocking anything that's in your way, and passing the test so you can align with what you want if you're going to be tested. That's a good indicator that there's something there that needs to be unblocked.

Q: I have a block around doing the Deep Imaginings™ because it’s hard to pick one thing to focus on each day. I feel like I’m facing a huge mountain of triggers and blocks.

A: If everything in your life is really triggering you, it usually means that you come from a lot of negative programming, (which isn’t your fault) or you come from circumstances where you have a lot of trauma. Therefore, a lot of inner child healing and shadow need to be integrating before focusing on the DI’s solely so that you can get to a more neutral space where everything isn’t triggering you. I also suggest that if you are experiencing this in your everyday life, it’s important to be doing this work in tandem with a therapist until you’re at a point where you feel as if you only have two or three big triggers coming up a week.


Subconscious Belief


Deep Imaginings™