Subconscious Belief


Q:What do I do if I feel like I am setting boundaries that consistently get ignored?

A: When we set boundaries that are consistently ignored it means on a subconscious level we don’t believe that we deserve to have that boundary in place. UNBLOCKED No is fantastic for this because it talks about the energetics of boundaries which are much more than just words. That’s why the Daily Reprogramming Exercise is also fantastic. You would take the people who are trespassing your boundaries through the Daily Reprogramming Journal prompts to get clear on why you feel unlovable. Then you’ll take that down into the subconscious realm through one of the DIs that most resonates, and it’ll allow you to bring up the trigger of where you picked this up on a subconscious level, where you feel like you can be walked all over. Once you reprogram it and work on it enough to know on a subconscious level that nobody can cross it anymore, you may attract one or two tests, and you’ll have to pass them by reinforcing it again, or by getting rid of the people in your life. Then they’ll stop showing up for good. You’ll know that you’ve fully reprogrammed it when they stop showing up.

Q: I've had some great breakthroughs, but I have been half manifesting jobs for nearly a year now. I'm worried that these experiences are now embedding in my subconscious that I receive opportunities easily but then they never come into fruition. Any tips on navigating this further and staying in faith?

A:  There's something embedded in your subconscious already that's making this happen. You need to do DIs on where you picked this up when you were little. There's something inside of you that when it comes, you're pushing it away. You're afraid of it, that you won't be good enough. That's what needs to be unblocked, and that's all that needs to happen and then it will start to shift around.

Q:When you started doing this work and started digging beneath the surface, did you ever feel hopeless that there's so much down there that you'll never be healed and whole?

A: We are all on a spectrum of trauma, pain and change. Some of us have more tolerance for what we can deal with. Some of us are more sensitive. For every single person regardless if their trauma threshold, it’s always going to be a journey throughout life. Go at your pace. Listen to yourself. You are not alone. It's not hopeless and in fact, even doing just the smallest amount of work or the smallest action to step into your worth and power by saying no, I'm no longer settling, is already creating magnetism. Don't look at it as a macro whole and focus on one day at a time. The work will call you. Even if it's just a daily reprogramming exercise where you get to peel that onion layer a little bit more, look at yourself a little bit more. Just think of three months of doing the DI, you'll have peeled so much. You'll have unblocked so much. Rather than looking at it as a whole and that you have so much more, I'd look at it micro of what you can do today in the particular circumstance you're in or the trigger or the test you're faced with or the thing you're calling in. Stop looking at it as this massive, giant journey. It’s going to ebb and flow over time and you’ll start to master it and become magnetic and manifest quickly and easily

Q: How can I clear my subconscious of all the information provided by psychics and mediums over the years with your tools?

A: It just takes time and reinforcement. Especially if you're fearful and you really trust the information that's been given to you. You have to start to show your subconscious your own version of what's been told to you, while unblocking it and then doing some subconscious reprogramming around it. The daily reprogramming exercise is great for this, doing that long division in the questions and then going through and showing your subconscious whatever you want. Truly you can create whatever life you want. For example, I once had a vedic astrology reader tell me that I’ll always be poor in this lifetime and that has not turned out to be true!


Emotional Clearing


Shadow and Inner Child