Emotional Clearing


Q: How can I make the most of a huge transition time? Is this energy release a use it or lose it phenomenon?

A: You have so much magnetism in general especially when you leave a job, relationship, or anything that isn’t serving you.The only thing I’d suggest doing during this time is expanding the daily reprogramming and expanding! You're going to be so supported at this time because you're jumping through so many fears and cliffs and places where you are settling; therefore, you are going to be incurring a lot of magnetism. The more you can keep expanding through expanders right now, may it be The Motivation, TV, friends, friends of friends, stories, keep doing that as much as you can right now. The more you can be expanding right now and doing the daily reprogramming exercise around any fear that's coming up, the better

Q: How do you suggest reprogramming when anger is overwhelming due to a memory?

A: I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins. You need to fully feel your feelings to let them go and reprogram. When you're down there in the daily reprogramming exercise and all of these emotions come out, and the anger is prevalent so you're not able to do things clearly, simply stop. Let the the audio keep talking or the music playing and just take your thoughts out of your mind, open up your heart, and let all of the energy come through your heart to feel your anger fully. You can put a beautiful bubble around them, so they're protected and let them sit there and feel all of their anger for the entire time until it fully releases. A wonderful DI for this is “Emotional Clearing” within the Deep Imaginings™. It may come again the next time there's anger. It just means you need to release all of this anger. And it will be so powerful for unblocking you. After the anger is released maybe that's when you need to go back into the daily reprogramming to do the reprogramming bit after you've felt all your feelings fully. The thing with emotional work is once you’ve felt the anger fully, it turns into grief and the grief turns into understanding.




Subconscious Belief