

Q: Why can’t I retain things I’m manifesting?

A: What's going on is that you're creating a lot of magnetism, but what you are receiving is massive expanders to show you that what you want is possible. It's just not aligning with you right now because it's not ready for you. I want you to know that this is actually a good thing. You're doing things correctly. Right now is the time to double down on your magnetism, making sure that you're expanding as much as possible and those things that you want should have been enough to show you that you're pretty expanded. Next, unblock any doubt in you right now that's keeping you out of your worth. Something like this can come around and when you can't read manifestation energetics, it's deflating your self esteem around it. What you're being tested on now, magic dark, is to see if you can stay in your worth. If those can come through, something better is on its way, is essentially the attitude you should adopt. This is not something to spiritually bypass and fake because you can't fake that. You have to do any daily reprogramming to keep you in that space and when you have fear pop up or insecurity pop up, you need to take those through daily reprogramming to stay within your worth right now. If there's any other little things in your life you need to let go of that are blocking your space, it's a really good time to be doing that. Most importantly right now is the time to be in your worth.

Q: I've experienced hours and days where I can feel high self-worth energy surrounding me, but there are also hours and days where I'm in a slump. I found myself fearing reverting back to non-magnetic states and would love to hear more about your experience with these natural cycles and how to address the natural slumps that come up in daily life.

A: It's so natural to have this happen, but the more we do this work, we naturally have a higher energetic vibration. Even if we have down days, it doesn't mean that we're going to be less magnetic forever. You already raised your consciousness, you're just having daily triggers come up that are beating you down. Why are they coming up? They're coming up because the universe wants to put more mirrors around you where you can chip away in order to continue elevating. What I would do is I would take a deep breath when I'm having a shitty day. I will feel all of my feelings. I'll do all of the things that make me feel good. Even if it's in bed with no stimulation around, just feeling all of my feelings and emptying my thoughts. Then I do the daily reprogramming exercise. I look at what's coming up that's making me feel like less magnetic, but I don't call it that because I'm still so magnetic. I am having a trigger that's bringing my vibration down a little bit. I'll do my Deep Imagining™ that looks at the triggers of what are coming up and it heals my aura again. The easiest way to get back into feeling that state of subconscious worth and power that you're talking about, which is magnetism, is to do the daily reprogramming exercise.

Q: How do I call something in? Or perhaps a better question is what does that feel like? I'm invested in this work, but I don't understand how to hold my manifestation list and the subconscious work in mind. It feels to me like I'm standing in a gap between those two branches of the process.

A: The way that you manifest is through the HOW TO MANIFEST workshop, so it's allowing each of those steps to flow. Then it all comes down to expanding, passing tests and that's basically the other step in the formula. In the meantime while all of that dance is happening with the universe, what you're using now from completing those other subconscious workshops, is use the daily reprogramming exercise or your intuition when you see a trigger come up. You'll take those triggers through the daily reprogramming exercise to peel away at anything that's potentially blocking your manifestation from coming through. There's a trifecta of how we manifest. The way that we manifest is that we unblock any limiting beliefs in ratio to what we're calling in. Then we expand enough through expanders that we see to believe, so we can actually have what we want. And next we pass tests to communicate through our actions to the universe that we will no longer settle where we settled in the past. Take it all through the Deep Imaginings™ or INNER CHILD. That’s how you find your intuition, when you go through the formula and magnetism to call in and see the steps of how to manifest. You prime your subconscious working through shadow and re-parent and then daily, focus on expanding and taking any limiting beliefs and triggers through the daily reprogramming exercise or revisiting shadow. That’s how you dance with the process.


Magnetic Self


Emotional Clearing