
Q: What if I find Expanders but then pick them apart until I feel as if they are better than me?

A: I encourage you to do shadow work around all of these Expanders. When you come up against this block with your Expanders and think that they are better, start to boil it down as to why, and then start to look at why you don’t think you’re worthy of that. I encourage you to do that one by one, trigger word by trigger word and work each through shadow to build your subconscious self-worth. Each time you do this, you strengthen your expander trust muscle and you have to do a lot less work to “convince” your subconscious that you can do, be or have your version of it too.

Q: Social media seems like a distraction or self-comparison issue for me, but will I miss out on expanders?

A: Start to create a practice, maybe once a week, where you pop on social media and only go on until you’re activated by something. Activation means triggered by something making you feel bad, sad, not good enough. You then sign off and you take that one thing through shadow and you start to work through it to see what it’s representing in yourself that doesn’t feel good. Little by little things will not trigger you as much. You’re going to become a far more magnetic person, integrating all of those aspects of yourself. When it comes to expanders, they can come from all walks of life and social media is one small, limited version. If you’re still following toxic accounts then I suggest muting those or unfollowing to curate your social media to be all expanders and loved ones!

Q: How do I approach expanders energetically so that I don’t come off needy?

A: Whatever is triggering you that’s making you feel needy, is shadow. It’s important to work through that. When you’re magnetic, you’re not needing approval or needing to be loved. You will be able to simply ask since you’re free of whatever the answer is because your worth isn’t wrapped up in it.

Q: Is it possible to over-identify with an expander?

A: We all do this. This is how we become innovative in society. It’s human nature. Someone invents a wheel then we look at it and see how we can improve the riding experience. However, it becomes toxic when we simply replicate it. A more healthy way to approach this feeling is to take inventory of how you are expanded by this person or thing. Boil it down to an essence and begin to bring more of that essence into your life!

Q: If I am annoyed by a person does it cancel out the expanding?

A:You’ve attracted this person, an expander, into your life and this dynamic is for a mirror to do shadow work so that you can reintegrate that aspect and become a bit more whole. Once you do the shadow work they won’t be able to activate you anymore and you’ll see how incredibly expansive they are.

Q: Why do I feel jealous with expanders?

A: Anytime you are triggered by another person because they have something it is an Expander. Envy is the biggest clue. Let's breakdown the difference between jealousy and envy. Jealousy is when you’re afraid of losing something that you have. Envy is when you’re triggered because someone has something that you want, which makes envy one of the best indicators of an Expander. A great blog post to look up is called Envy. That post gives you the tools to be proactive about this activated feeling of envy by giving you steps on how to integrate this expansion even more.

Q: What's going on when I see Expanders and stories of manifestation and feel contracted instead of expanded?

A: You need to DRE this until you find the root. Do the Daily Reprogramming Exercise around it every single time it comes up. There are probably layers of where it exists in your brain and you need to work through all of those and reinforce the opposite which is magnetism and worth. The only reason why these great stories keep popping up all around you is that the universe is a mirror telling you that you can have it too.

Q: How should I navigate relating to my Expander without losing clarity of who I am (if I’m feeling too immersed)?

A: Take space. Stop looking into the Expander. Then what you need to do is sit down and journal out and extract what it is about the Expander that you find to be so magnetic. Rather than thinking about and idolizing your expander, start to look at how you can have more of the essence that you find so expansive and what you can embody.


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