Our Core Beliefs

Q: How do I realign myself at a stage in my life where I don’t believe that anything is possible any more?

A: Our brain is like plastic. It continues to have reinforcements and therefore it’s continuing to imprint. If you’ve been through a rock bottom where you did lose a loved one or you had something else happen to you, maybe your whole financial stability was pulled out from under you and you’re having to reinvent yourself. It is imperative that you go and surround yourself with expanders who are so badass at your age and have it all going on still and did not buy into societal programming and continue to attract and do the things they want. I don’t buy into any of society’s feelings about age. That’s how we create neuroplasticity. Most of our true blocks come from childhood. But if you’ve had something happen to you later in life that’s felt like a rock bottom and it’s taken away your faith, or it’s taken away the belief system of possibility, that’s something you’re going to have to work on. Again, our reality is what we buy into. I would encourage everybody to choose faith because you can have anything you want. There is no expiration date on it.




Authentic Self